Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Planet CV7L-LP – software for the cameras – Telix.pl

Planet Cam Viever 7-Lite is the product of a new generation, designed to support IP cameras from the E series of automatic license plate recognition.

It allows the easy creation of surveillance systems consisting of multiple cameras for medium and large objects, as well as control and operation via a single PC.

 Cam Viewer 7-Lite helps users to view and save images and recordings from multiple IP cameras simultaneously using a single PC, and additionally provides full support for 16 cameras are connected, in terms of event management, video recording, motion detection and advanced PTZ control.

 Intelligent motion detection through adaptive technology to detect differences in the image ensures accuracy at the level of individual pixels. In addition, the software includes mechanisms responsible for noise filtering and zooming motion detection area. The monitoring systems, each camera has its own recording mode, the event handler, codec, resolution and image quality. Thanks to software Cam Viewer 7 Lite you have full control of flexibility to adapt their IP cameras to individual needs.

 Recordings from the cameras can be saved on the PC hard disk. All video files on the system are sorted by recording date. The software offers a mode to automatically overwrite the oldest recordings in the absence of disk space. There is also a function to export the selected entire recording without having to use additional software for video editing.

Source: Planet Technology



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