Sunday, November 15, 2015

Alternative software for devices, “smart” –

Hello Icon: :)
I wonder and I want to ask what software do you use for all sorts of smartwatchy, smartbandów etc. etc. Recently the suggestions phrasing brothers started using the Xiaomi my band a different program than the one that offered the producer well and I must say that it is much better when it comes to the possibility of the band.

I also use eco GOCLEVER chronos and as far as the same smart watch is very ok for the price it soft support from the same manufacturer sucks balls: / I’m surprised their policies, because with a good sofcie the SmartWatch might well confuse the market. Some of you have also the Goclever? Maybe you have a different factory soft?

The third issue is the key Xiaomi me. I have this contraption, but hell my oneplus they do not want to install the original program to use the “guziczka”. Anyone of you has any alternative?

Regards Icon: :)


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