Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Business software in the cloud – benefits and safety – INFOR.pl

The adoption rate of cloud services for the small and medium-sized companies is not as fast as some analysts forecast assumed. Contributing to this concern about security and privacy – they make that many companies approached from a distance to the idea of ​​installing their ERP systems in the external environment. However, according to experts of the company Exact right now is the right time to the company made changes and began to reap the benefits of flexible features cloud services.

It is clear that the SaaS model It requires far greater financial outlay in the initial phase of implementation, mainly by outsourcing the entire infrastructure. However, taking into account the long-term perspective, the matter is not so obvious. The key here is to take into account the full range of costs associated with maintaining the system ERP – from power by the space for servers and internal staff on external consultancy. Although some models it is recognized that SaaS in the next five years there are viable, the vast majority of analysts recommends SaaS for most long-distance business scenarios.

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It’s not just about TCO. A model based on subscription offer additional financial benefits compared to traditional license mode “pay and pray” (“pay and pray”). First of all, predictable schedule of charges simplifies the process of planning and budgeting. Next in line are the costs of implementation. Unpleasantness associated with the crossing of the budget are a common problem associated traditional implementations in the local environment.

“Removal expenses associated with their hardware and software model greatly simplifies IT deployment. In the SaaS model, the target environment is fully functional and there is no need to install or configure solutions. This means that the implementation of the ERP system faster than traditional local environment. The whole process is faster, simpler and cheaper, “- says Isabella Górecka-Olejniczak, Senior Business Consultant at Exact Software Poland.

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Another element is financially advantageous scalability. Generally speaking, SaaS, it is possible to increase or decrease the number of users and thus dependence on IT costs to actual business requirements. Typically, it is also relatively easy to add new functionality, and thus optimize the IT systems / business in accordance with the requirements of the moment. There is therefore no need to invest in software or operating systems users, “just in case”.


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