Friday, January 29, 2016

[OT] software to run the company –


It is done. I need to buy something for bookkeeping.

– sales invoices (UK + EU)

– purchase invoices (UK + EU)

– accounting for VAT-7,

– accounting for ZUS

– accounting for income taxes.

Does anyone have any sensible suggestions?

Solutions line of type I do not, because I prefer to have physical access to the database. I have contact mainly with products Comarch, but it is a little heavy cows. There is something on the market that would make sense?


Note software by replacing account numbers – Polish Radio

                             Began joint action information and education of the Police and the Credit Information Bureau, under the slogan “Safe identity. Nieskradzione life “. A study conducted on behalf of the BIK show that every fifth Pole was at least once in a situation where the breach of the protection of personal data.

We have to pay off the loan – which we did not take, we have to pay a large bill for the phone, which we do not have, do and still call for payment from the company of which we’ve never heard. .. Such may be the result of the theft of our personal data.

A moment of inattention, and we’re in trouble

Maybe let’s start with the question, when you talk about identity theft which data make up our identity, what data must be delinquent to be able to say that he stole us our identity.

– The easiest way to provide identity card. A really little need to have someone stole us our data. Just lose it for a while out of sight. And what data is sufficient for criminals? First name, last name, identity number, date of birth, less important is the address. And the information is sufficient to have someone who specializes in the use of stolen documents could be just exploit – explains guest radio Ones, Alina Stahl, the Credit Information Bureau.

And he added aspirant a staff of Robert Koniuszy, a specialist from the Department of Prevention Office of Prevention and Traffic Police Headquarters every fifth Pole has experienced a negative situation in terms of security of your personal information.

– As many as 11 per cent. Poles lost their identity card, 5 percent. He fell victim to the theft, and 3 per cent. We experienced a stolen password to your account or mailbox. Stolen identities are increasingly using criminal gangs to extort loan. This is the moment for so easy that most of concluding contracts moved to the digital world. You can include, eg. Credit agreements, whether on a phone subscription through means of communication, via e-mail, by telephone, which gives it the possibility that enough to give your Social Security number, identity card and is already an important step to the loan agreement – notes guest of the Polish Radio 24.

So those are our personal data, personal, are a very important part and they require extraordinary protection. And every day this simply forget.

– Many information campaigns, or create a portal Poles are aware of how important it is to protect personal data, in order to not turned out that someone behind our backs, using our data, will conclude a contract even tens of thousand – adds the expert from the Police.

It is worth doing, because only last year attempted to extort loans worth 400 million dollars.

Reluctant to secure our documents

According to the survey the Credit Information Bureau, 14 percent. Poles declare that they do not use any solutions that would reduce the negative effects of identity theft.

– Before our common shares from the Police we did together with MiIlward Brown study and asked Poles about what are their concerns loss of identity, they use methods to prevent this, and that’s when it turned out that 14 percent. do not use any. No preventive measures – says Alina Stahl.

And the result of such foolish actions may be in big trouble, because then the process of cleansing the victims of these scams are very long.

– Because the contract was concluded. And even though such. Lost evidence, but have not registered it, then we assert their rights is very long. And that is why the police and BIK took action to educate the public in this area – says a guest of the Polish Radio 24.

Often, even they expose themselves and select dangerous forms of behavior, this concerns mainly our presence on the Internet.

– This is exactly what often happens is that click on attachments, click on any strange websites, we do not look at the news and at this point installs malicious code that often can not even be detected by antivirus software. The reason is habit and lack of knowledge and education. And here we should be just more wonder to think – notes Alexander Jagosz, chief engineer for Integrated Solutions.

A lot of people also, for example. Transmit their data electronically, or taking pictures of identity cards, cards or driving licenses. I publish it in social media. And criminals have ready data to conclude a credit agreement. And hence the need for such an information campaign –

Hacker in our computer

Especially with more and more computer and network log to the bank, make eg. transfers or regulate various kinds of charges.

– Always then it is worth noting that a party is called. padlock, ie it is encrypted page to which access is controlled. Of course we must verify that all use the good, the right page. Banks in particular have warned that e-banking check whether the page on which a log, this is the correct side of the bank. Because the methods to be chosen according to this identity is really very much – draws attention to radio guest Ones.

It is even so. pishing, or catching our data. Eg. Hacker sends us information that we under some invented the pretext gave details about yourself, even your PIN.

– These methods are plenty and criminal groups specializing in this are known from that example. recruitments to organize a “respectable” companies rent office then where are installing the day, rarely two, formed in this way its a great image. And then they tell in connection with such recruitment to leave your personal data. And then this data can be used to defraud credit – warns expert BIK.

What is important, if we have pirated software, in case of an attack hacker Bank accepts no liability and will not pay lost as a result of the offense money.

Identity Card or of particular desire

As much as 11 percent. Poles lost their identity card, and it is this document is very attractive for criminals.

– Sometimes, when the offender has to choose a credit card or ID card, he chooses evidence. Since the card has a certain limit, is insured, it is the entire banking system preventing it. While the ID card in the hands of criminals, who knows what to do with it, it is very dangerous tool, that our identity – warned Przemyslaw Barbrich with the Polish Banks Association.

An identity card is part of our very sensitive data. We should always have it with you. And pay attention to where he sometimes “wander”.

– Because it is sufficient that someone will do a scan, image or photocopying of such proof and already have our data – notes expert from the Police.

The offender may then put on our proof of your company, take a loan, but not only.

– can also rent an apartment, can commit a crime, such as this which was recently loudly in the media. When the person who impersonated another person, employed in the company as a security guard-guard and took over huge amounts of money, on this his “different identity.” And then a blurred, all trace of it was lost – like Alina Stahl.

It may also be the case of purchase of these stolen data eg. The phone and perform a multitude of phone calls.

– Or also sell our personal data. Or take out a loan, which we learn only with the request for payment – adds expert BIK.

What to avoid in order to be safe?

but we are not completely defenseless, and exposed to the sight of criminals. There are a few rules to keep in mind that our personal data does not fall into the wrong hands.

– Do not share our identity card unauthorized people to not leave it in any hotel receptions or hire of sports equipment, not publicize our personal data on different suspects meetings, where it is often suggested – calculates guest radio Ones.

Leaving evidence in exchange for, eg. to rent equipment is absolutely illegal.

Credit Information Bureau urges also that, in order to anticipate such situations that the data control slip and such. check your credit history.

As soon as you have to report the loss of the document

And if our data leaked? Then it is important to act quickly. This is necessary in situations where we know that someone entered illegally in possession of our personal data, for example, won the information stored in our identity card.

– We need an identity card as soon as possible to reserve. Report it to the system of reserved documents, which is overseen by the Polish Bank Association. You can also do this by hand, the Credit Information Bureau, but first you must create an account there – notes Alina Stahl.

And that’s what has been created page, which allows from any point in the world, in the case when lose your ID card, log in with your mobile phone and register this document.

– Automatically these data are received and sent there after all banks. Someone who will try to take advantage of the identity card will not have such a possibility, because you get an alert that says that makes such a banking operation. And then the signing of the agreement is simply impossible – explains a staff aspirant Robert Koniuszy, a specialist from the Department of Prevention Bureau of Prevention and Traffic Police.

You can also report it in any banking establishment. Since banks are integrated, and this information will be passed to other banks. Also, you should report this fact to department records, eg. In the community.

Important and simple safety rules

Always prevention and prevention is more cost-effective than going out with unpleasant situations. This is also the protection of our personal data. And just to follow a few simple rules to avoid unpleasant consequences: Use current antivirus software, do not share identity card for inspection by unauthorized or lose proof of sight, check mark “kłódeczki” when you log in to your account online (symbol encrypted connection), stick wallet in a safe place, change passwords to accounts and profiles on the Internet, at least every 1-3 months.

Robert Lidke, Sylvia Zadrożna, Justin knuckle, Margaret Byrska


Friday, January 22, 2016

Police DG: beware of fraudulent e-mails, bring malicious … –

Police DG. For some time users receive an e-mail that allegedly contain a request for payment from the court, the bailiff or the tax office. According to the police open an attachment in pdf format infects your computer with malware.

Online fraud emerged practically since the inception of the network. Every day, criminals are creating new applications designed to trick internet users. Recently appeared information about sent to e-mail messages that allegedly constitute a warrant or court order or execution of a bailiff.

These messages contain in their annexes pdf file extension, which opens when you start a document calling for payment or informing about the financial arrears. The opening of this annex most often infects your computer with malware, whose task is to take the data of the bank account, personal information, passwords for various accounts or social networking sites.

The threat is much more serious, if using a computer doing transfers. The virus can in fact lead eg. To redirect transfer to another, unknown sender’s bank account. Such situations can happen even when the transfers we make to defined audiences. If you quickly become aware and We will appropriate instruction to your bank to transfer may be canceled. Otherwise, the recovery of our money can be very difficult or even impossible.

Such messages are sent, among others, of registered mailboxes, for example., but they may also contain addresses similar institutions, which allegedly come from.

If you are not participants in judicial proceedings or other, and I look forward to this correspondence, do not open suspicious mail, and in particular its Annexes.

To effectively protect against virus attack, be aware of the legal, fully functional and updated antivirus software, and ongoing operating system updates and other used programs.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Asacub is another Trojan malware, which … – The Republic (press releases) (Register)

     Asacub is another Trojan malware, which criminals want to gain power over our portfolio

publication: 01/20/2016

Update: 01.20.2016, 14:52

Asacub is malware that targets users of Android. The objective of its creators is simple, is it our wallets.

Year by year the number of people using their smartforny to pay for goods and services. This fact has not escaped the attention of criminals, who have recently intensified their efforts on the development of financial resources for malicious programs for mobile devices. At this time, for the first time in the history of mobile banking Trojan came to the statement of the ten most common malicious programs that target finances.

One of them is Asacub. Discovered in June 2015. Malware capable of stealing a list of contacts, browser history and information about installed applications, as well as send SMS messages to certain numbers and block infected device screen which, as experts note, is the standard set of functions Trojan stealing information. Since that time, the software had time to evolve and now, as indicated by the Kaspersky Lab experts, the Trojan has gained new features allowing it to steal your money. The new version is equipped with a hand phishing site impersonating log on to banking applications.

– observing contemporary trends, we can assume that in 2016. malware mobile banking will continue to be increasingly developed and disseminated, acting even greater part in attacks using malware. Users must be particularly vigilant to avoid becoming the next victim – warns Roman Unuchek, a senior malware analyst at Kaspersky Lab.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

USA: Lucky Brand implement NetSuite software –

 Lucky Brand

Brand clothing Lucky Brand known for its jeans implements a platform omnichannelową NetSuite OneWorld.

As part of the implemented solution is asset management and fixed assets and support billing in various currencies and tax systems.

Brand has also implemented marketing platform Bronto produced by Bronto Software, which is owned by NetSuite, allowing Lucky Brand base their marketing on the data and prepared for the real-time reports.

Get rid of your old ERP

brand products Lucky Brand are available online as well as 259 stores stationary. They are also available in partner networks, such as Macy’s, Dillard’s and Nordstrom. After the acquisition of the brand by private equity funds first decision of the new owners was to get rid of your old ERP system.

The production system NetSuite was selected due to deliver a single solution and architecture with a view to resolving various problems. All data is stored in a single repository and accessible through solutions cloud computingowym from anywhere and any platform.

Scalable System

– NetSuite is a modern platform that let us really change – indicates Jason Richard, CIO at Lucky Brand. – We now have a scalable, flexible system to manage the company. For the first time we will have a preview of the financial data and information about resources in real time.


Monday, January 18, 2016

Ukraine aim of cyber attacks. Malware detected in … –

Black Energy – is a virus that last weekend was found in the computer system of the capital Boryspil Airport. How informed the president’s spokesman for the anti-terrorist operation Andriy Lysenko – malware is a result of a hacker attack from Russia. He noted that the virus was introduced to the Russian servers. The Ukrainian team to respond to threats on the Internet warns that attacks may involve a greater number of Ukrainian facilities.

At the end of December last year a virus called Black Energy invaded the computer system of the Ukrainian energy company “Prykarpattiaobłenerho”. As a result, the entire population of almost a half million inhabitants of the circumference of Ivano-Frankivsk there are problems with the delivery of electricity.

& gt; & gt; & gt; Read also: Greek media: Polish belongs to the “big six” of the EU. EC decision shows the toxic climate in Europe


Sunday, January 17, 2016

Marquez: The software can complicate Nam back to … – (press release)

Marc Marquez

By Marc Marquez year’s electronics of Magneti Marelli can prevent them from returning to the peak of the season in 2016. Recall that last year the Spaniard and his team utterly lost titles for Yamaha. The main problem was the engine.

Less than 23-year-old Repsol Honda rider hit, burst into the royal class MotoGP and won titles in the first two seasons starts. Season 2015 was in the “bucket of cold water” for the player with the number 93, which in eighteen races until six landed on the stage. And all the trouble with the drive unit, which has not resonated with the frame RC2013V and drove to the big problems with the control of the rear of the bike. The situation is worsened by the fact provide a lot harder Bridgestone tires, which intensified the problem. Marquez lost its main asset, namely braking and to compensate for the loss, too much to risk, which ended in falls.

After returning to the machine from season 2014 the situation has improved, but the chances of comeback was gone. Finally, in the general classification he took third place with the acquis five victories. In conjunction with the problems of Dani Pedrosa, who lost the first half of the season by the syndrome “arm pump”, Honda has also Yamaha in the constructors’ championship.

In an interview, Marquez said: – ,, in 2013 and 2014 he had a great motorcycle and everything went in the right direction. During winter testing in 2015 but we made a mistake and went in the wrong direction in terms of development. Not only I had problems, but also Dani [Pedrosa], which is, after 10 years of experience in MotoGP. The point here is that no single errors appeared. Because they occurred en masse at one time. “

All the teams and the players agree – this year’s electronics a step backwards. Marquez also believes that it will be a major factor in the context of solving the problems of Honda with 2,015 the year: – ,, The difficulty will manage everything properly. It is very easy to make a mistake in such cases. The tires are the same for everyone, but the software is a step backwards compared to what we had last year. “

The need to develop electronics and find the right engine settings may prove to be the toughest nut to crack – ,, We have to find a performance as close as possible to what it was before, but it complicates our efforts related to the development of the whole motorcycle and selecting the appropriate engine configuration. This is what we had a big problem in 2015. But before making this choice, we must achieve a high level of electronics. Only then will we be able to make good decisions on the settings of the drive unit. I do not give a good engine, if it does not interact with electronics. Let’s see how it will. “

Is Marquez comes back with Honda on top? Is solve their problems? The new season starts on 20 March in Qatar, while in February will begin the first pre-season tests.


Thursday, January 14, 2016

The new version of the EVER PowerSoft [2.4.0] –

 The new version of the EVER PowerSoft [2.4.0]

photo. EVER

Polish manufacturer of UPS, EVER has released the latest version of the software copyright PowerSoft [2.4.0]. The program package – constantly developed and updated – is designed to monitor and manage uninterruptible power supply systems. The aim of the new version is to ensure the security of servers, both physical and virtualization platforms that enjoy recently very popular. Software developed by EVER is now fully compatible with the most popular wirtualizatorami: VMware ESXi, Citrix XenServer, and Windows Hyper-V.

The expansion EVER for a new series of UPS EVER SINLINE and RT UPS EVER SINLINE RT XL, designed to protect servers and IT infrastructure, contributed to intensive work on a new version of PowerSoft. For some time Managers and network administrators prefer to use install multiple operating systems on a single physical computer (server) that enables the virtualization process. Observing these trends, EVER she decided to start design work on the PowerSoft software in order to achieve its full compatibility with today’s most popular virtualization platforms: VMware ESXi, Citrix XenServer, and Windows Hyper-V. UPS brand EVER with a new version of the software has the ability to safely turn off the server during a power outage and running on the virtual systems (the previous configuration by the administrator).

For less advanced users prepared a list of predefined events of energy (such as eg. power failure, power surge). For each such event it is possible to assign several actions, such as sending an e-mail or disable the operating system. Until now, energy event definitions were based on operating modes, alarms and messages reported by the UPS. Version 2.4.0 PowerSoft software also enables the creation of energy events based on changes in the value of the UPS numerical parameters (eg related. Load power supply, or sometimes autonomy). More advanced administrators can themselves create new event definitions of energy based on the change any parameter UPS depending on the level of technological advancement of the power supply.

PowerSoft 2.4.0 provides support for innovative power supply system EVER & amp; Fogo. It allows you to monitor and configure the parameters tandem UPS unit, remote turn on / off the unit or open / close circuits.

As a result, software updates have been worked out changes in a graphical user interface (GUI), which affects the intuitiveness Operating EVER UPS brand and other solutions.

Source: EVER

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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The new version of the EVER PowerSoft [2.4.0] –

 The new version of the EVER PowerSoft [2.4.0]

photo. EVER

Polish manufacturer of UPS, EVER has released the latest version of the software copyright PowerSoft [2.4.0]. The program package – constantly developed and updated – is designed to monitor and manage uninterruptible power supply systems. The aim of the new version is to ensure the security of servers, both physical and virtualization platforms that enjoy recently very popular. Software developed by EVER is now fully compatible with the most popular wirtualizatorami: VMware ESXi, Citrix XenServer, and Windows Hyper-V.

The expansion EVER for a new series of UPS EVER SINLINE and RT UPS EVER SINLINE RT XL, designed to protect servers and IT infrastructure, contributed to intensive work on a new version of PowerSoft. For some time Managers and network administrators prefer to use install multiple operating systems on a single physical computer (server) that enables the virtualization process. Observing these trends, EVER she decided to start design work on the PowerSoft software in order to achieve its full compatibility with today’s most popular virtualization platforms: VMware ESXi, Citrix XenServer, and Windows Hyper-V. UPS brand EVER with a new version of the software has the ability to safely turn off the server during a power outage and running on the virtual systems (the previous configuration by the administrator).

For less advanced users prepared a list of predefined events of energy (such as eg. power failure, power surge). For each such event it is possible to assign several actions, such as sending an e-mail or disable the operating system. Until now, energy event definitions were based on operating modes, alarms and messages reported by the UPS. Version 2.4.0 PowerSoft software also enables the creation of energy events based on changes in the value of the UPS numerical parameters (eg related. Load power supply, or sometimes autonomy). More advanced administrators can themselves create new event definitions of energy based on the change any parameter UPS depending on the level of technological advancement of the power supply.

PowerSoft 2.4.0 provides support for innovative power supply system EVER & amp; Fogo. It allows you to monitor and configure the parameters tandem UPS unit, remote turn on / off the unit or open / close circuits.

As a result, software updates have been worked out changes in a graphical user interface (GUI), which affects the intuitiveness Operating EVER UPS brand and other solutions.

Source: EVER

Comments ()


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Hazardous Software – CHIP

For twelve years, regularly, every second Tuesday of each month, users get Windows updates. Of course, the operating system is not the only regularly updated code. Flash Player or Java library are other frequently updated from the programs. The aim of the upgrade is to remove the detected errors in the code. Such errors are not only the possibility of malfunction of the solution, but also a serious threat to data security. The program contains bugs can become a tool to facilitate distribution of malware infecting additional computers, users infiltration etc. Regular attention to code the solution is so important that many programs – in particular, operating systems – are products with long life in the market. Windows is the foundation for the hundreds of thousands of applications, and after all the code is still today the most popular Windows 7 was developed a long time ago. A separate issue is a design fault. An example would be a platform for managing licensed and digitally protected electronic publications – Adobe Digital Editions. In earlier versions of this tool exchanging of servers, Adobe does not just license data (verification of the license), but also data on databases of e-books specific individuals. The problem was that the data were transmitted in clear text. Only the update to improve security.

Security is not a priority

The more popular and widespread software, the more intense is looking for loopholes in it. From 2012 on top of the list is Oracle, editor of Java - code sprawiającego a lot of trouble

The more popular and distributed software, this intensely looking at the gaps. From 2012 on top of the list is Oracle, editor of Java – code sprawiającego a lot of trouble

When we listen to the assurances of the representatives of the departments of marketing software vendors, it may seem that security is important, perhaps the most important issue promoted included in the solution. Unfortunately, it is not. A particularly glaring example of too trivial approach or even disregard of safety issues is Apple and its mobile system – iOS. The adoption of the wrong priorities meant that the first versions of the latest generation of iOS 8 were full of glaring errors, sometimes even preventing users with normal use of devices with this system. Introduction 8.0.1 update turned out to be even worse move, because the update, instead of improving the situation only worsened it. It is evident conflict of interest between application developers and publishers, managers responsible for the implementation of new solutions. The former want to have more time for further checking of the code, the latter depends on how soon the product is on the market. The problem is so serious that code defects become traded. Launched in 2010, Google Vulnerability Reward Program rewards those who find Google’s software vulnerabilities posing a potential threat to the safety of users. Paid rates are dependent on many factors: the type of affected product, the impact range gaps, etc.

Anyone who first raises a newly discovered vulnerability in the software or services Google can count on lavish pay. Regardless of the Internet vulnerabilities are traded.

Anyone who first raises a newly discovered vulnerability in the software or services Google can count on a generous salary. Regardless of the Internet vulnerabilities are traded.

exemplification of the highest-paid event is the discovery of Vulnerability Remote Code Execution – find this type of error is for the discoverer of gratification in the amount of $ 20,000. In turn, Kevin Mitnick has opened an online store, which are traded software vulnerabilities, and that’s the most dangerous. Price? $ 100,000 apiece. A separate issue is the gap “designed”. Their existence was suspected for a long time, and this fact confirmed by revelations of Edward Snowden. FBI Director James Comey is a supporter of monitoring – realizes that privacy of the individual and public safety often find themselves on a collision course.

Feler system

None of the vulnerabilities in the program does not mean that we dealing with a safe product. It can only mean that the code is not very popular and simply did not raise interest aggressors. The focus of cybercriminals is a popular code, because only such guarantee rapid propagation of threats “injected” through an open gap. Therefore, both the persons responsible for safety and cybercriminals looking for vulnerabilities in commonly used applications and operating systems.

Solution published on the site Docker (www gives you the ability to run software along with the required libraries and additives in a safe virtual

The solution published on the site Docker ( gives you the ability to run software along with the required libraries and additives in a safe virtual “containers”. Solution “dokowanymi” applications comes from the world of Linux and has been used only in the server software.

An attempt to assess how safe the program, a difficult task. The number of known bugs is only one of the indicators, but it is also important how serious implications entails the use of a given fault. Replies provide assessments in accordance with the system CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System, a standard assessment of the security issues). Each identified hazard (eg published. NVD database – the National Vulnerability Database –; information on CVSS assessments are also published newsletters accompanying the update packages – so does eg. Microsoft) is rated as a 10-point scale. The value of 10 is the most serious problem, with the gap having the assessment of 7 to 10 are considered to be extremely serious threat to safety. Windows has long been considered to be very secure, while both Apple’s operating systems – OS X desktop and mobile iOS – are regarded by consumers as safe solutions. However, the statistics NVD and evaluating CVSS say something else.

Windows more secure than it seems

The most vulnerable operating systems ( data from 2014).

The most vulnerable operating systems (data from 2014.)

The number of errors found in the code Microsoft in the last few years steadily declining. The same holds true for the popular office suite of the company. On the other hand, Adobe, although regularly patch your reader Adobe Reader or Flash Player, no longer achieves similar results. The idea to reduce the risk of potential use vulnerabilities in popular software is to replace commonly used applications much less popular counterparts, eg. In the case of Microsoft Office can be LibreOffice package, and instead reader, Adobe Reader program Sumatra PDF. However, it is difficult not to notice that this idea also implies consent to the resignation of certain functions and often need to change their habits, and this is the price that not everyone will decide to pay.

A better solution is to implement by software producers mechanisms for opening documents in a secure, isolated environment. An example would be Adobe Reader. Since version 10 reader is equipped with a so-called. sandbox, in which the PDF document is opened. The essence of sandbox is that the processed data are separated from the rest of the system and the applications running on it, which effectively reduces the possibility of infiltration and infection of the host system. Unfortunately, in 2014 we discovered three vulnerabilities that have hampered efforts related to the use of the sandbox, which would increase the level of protection. Yet another embodiment defense system Ayers. Is a platform for running applications, including those required by the program libraries in a virtual container. Microsoft plans to implement a solution type Docker in the next edition of its server system.
