Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Terrible cyber attack. Customers more than 200 banks were attacked … – wPolityce.pl

Customers over 200 banks in Poland were attacked by malware GozNym, said Monday afternoon IBM X -force, that is the team’s most respected analysts in the world of IT security. It is the most comprehensive of this type of attack in Poland, the goal was 17 commercial banks and 200 cooperative banks

– informs portal TVN24bis.pl.

The Association of Polish Banks do not give the names of banks, affected by this event.

the attack, which is currently observed in Poland with the use of malware called GozNym, is in some respects a special and means that Poland joined not really elite club countries that are most often attacked by cybercriminals

– said in an interview with the portal Marcin Spychała of IBM X-force.

a malicious program (malware) has diagrams attack on the 17 commercial banks and 200 cooperative banks.

As explained portal first step is to get an email with an attachment. Just open the file and thus we let the program to your computer. Malware recognizes from which bank you use and suggests instead of the original fake stronę.Najczęściej the customer realizes that it has to do with a false website and enter your data there, and thus betrays them criminals.

Expert warns against further such attacks in the future.

expect your successive waves of attack, because the group can rent existing infrastructures to other cybercriminals. Every teenager will be able with the help of the currency bitcoin rent infrastructure to attack the Polish banks

– warns Spychała.

ansa / TVN24bis

Photo & # x119; a TEAM XF3 & #; & # x142; wPolityce.pl

by Team wPolityce.pl

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Monday, April 25, 2016

IBM: over 200 Polish banks attacked by malicious … – Banker

              IBM X-Force reported that Polish banks have been attacked by malicious software – GozNym. It is the most comprehensive of this type of attack in Poland – was attacked 17 commercial banks and – 230 cooperative banks.


“The attack, which is currently observed in Poland with the use of malware called GozNym, is in some respects a special and means that Poland joined not really elite club of countries that are most frequently attacked by cyber criminals,” – he said in an interview with PAP Marcin Spychała IBM X-force.


The expert explains that GozNym has diagrams attack on the 17 commercial banks and 200 cooperative banks.


Malware is installed on the victim’s computer is not permitted in any client to connect to the page of electronic banking. In return, he redirects the victim to a fake, but it looks exactly like the real bank’s website, where the victim enters their login information and betray them the same criminals.


“In this case, the client does not protect even verify the correctness of safety certificate SSL. GozNym redirect for connection to a fake site only after verification of the certificate by the official website of the bank, and communication konytunowana is only on the line, the customer – substituted site – explains PAP technologies Spychała.


The expert explains that the theft of money can save users aware of the use of methods of dual authorization of transactions – SMS messages sent by the bank, tokens, one-time codes.


Spychała warns against further such attacks in the future. “Expect some successive waves of attack, because the group can rent existing infrastructures to other cybercriminals. Every teenager will be able with the help of the currency bitcoin rent infrastructure to attack the Polish banks” – warns expert IBM. (PAP)


Lum / D units /


Illegal software in one of Krakow companies … – Gazeta Krakowska

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