Sunday, April 24, 2016

Beware of malware infecting phones – Biał

The Electronic Banking Polish Bank Association warns mobile phone users against malicious software that infects your Android device.

 Beware of malware infecting phones


If you receive a text message (identical or similar): “Ladies and Gentlemen, to install updates on your smartphone system Andorid. Without the update, some functions may be limited,” – do not click on the included at the end of the link. If we do that, then we will open a page with instructions for installing counterfeit software.

Users who believe in such SMS install Android Trojan. The virus is activated when using the mobile banking application.

“The task of the Trojan installed on Android is its activation when using the telephone user of the application of mobile banking and generate a special window asking for your username and password. The list of applications, which responds to the Trojan has been included in the configuration file and currently applies to 68 applications of various financial institutions, including Polish banks. ” – We read on the mBank.

If you then we’ll give your data – they are placed in the wrong hands. Additionally installed virus also has the option to read and send text messages (even bank codes). Extorts also credit card numbers – in a timely manner generates messages that ask you for information.

If you have installed the virus can also be expected to steal personal information and photos. It is suspected that they can use when opening various types of accesses to services.

The Electronic Banking Polish Bank Association calls not to click on unknown links, and do not download any applications that come from an untrusted source:

“it should be noted that the content of text messages from unknown senders can persuade to take specific actions, such as clicking on links contained in them, and the opening of the link leading to dangerous content may result in infection smartphone and consequent loss of control over it “- informs.

Banks also sensitize all the strange and unusual messages. They recommend that in case of any suspicion or doubt customers contacted the hotline of the facility to ensure that there were victims of fraud.


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