Monday, April 4, 2016

Small and medium-sized companies are increasingly willing to invest in software –

Ma & # x142; ei & # x15B; Medium Business and ch & # x119; tniej invest & # x105; software twenty-first century is a time when computers seem to be ubiquitous. All indications are that the world is heading for full computerization, it is no wonder that small and medium-sized companies, following the example of these great, also increasingly turning to solutions. It is quite natural that companies want to improve their work, so go back to the software, which greatly saves their valuable time and allows you to better understand how our business. Alone software market seems to grow every day. In that case, the question remains – what are guided by the entrepreneur, the desire to purchase a system for your business?

It is not just the price …

Even ten years ago lay producers in the belief that cheap product will tempt more customers. Now this trend is rapidly changing. People no longer want to invest money in small products of low quality. They want better products that get better on their expectations and satisfy more needs. Entrepreneurs seeking software also follow this trend. Price criterion seems to be becoming less and less important. It is not surprising in an era when most growing feature of the product is individualization. Expected something created especially for us, or having the character of a more personal, than the typical serial product with a mass production line. Businesses are inclined more often to programs that have been adapted to their specific needs, than to cheaper, more generic options.

Why even software?

It turns out that the software reaches a growing percentage of companies, even smaller ones. Programs no longer directed solely to the accounting department, comes to the fore so. Business Intelligence, which in turn are analytical systems forming reports on the state of the market and sales of our product. This program allows you to look at the company from a completely different perspective, to analyze the processes that were previously hidden and save hours and hours of work, which in turn directly affect the dynamics of the development of the company. These systems greatly facilitate the process of taking difficult decisions, because they are backed by hard numbers and data, not just intuition and quick, taken overall calculations. That these specific aspects manages the largest number of entrepreneurs. It turns out that the investment in the software contributes to the development of the company, which after all is the main goal owners. Business software is helpful in the fight against companies for their place in the market, because they save the most value – the time and support the company’s competitiveness and be able to make better decisions. – It is worth investing in the software, because as all studies show, companies that have invested in software over a longer period of time gained a competitive advantage and fared better in the market. The software dedicated to specific solutions streamline processes, eliminate errors, improve control, you can optimize (inventories and receivables) and improve the flow of information – comments Yaroslav Kluszczyński of Posbox SA, a company that sells and implements specialized software.

Price – not so important, but still better to know it

Although the price does not seem to be top of the list of priorities when it comes to software features, however, for small businesses It may be important. It may seem that in the era of expensive software licenses corporate, the price may be the cause of inhibitions on the part of smaller businesses. It turns out that the price of the software is not prohibitive for smaller companies, as software for smaller companies is the price and the nature adapted to their needs, and so can not afford as a small company, and even ensures that the vast majority of companies are able to cover spending on software without any major problems.

A few frequently asked questions

It seems that the individualization of products has already reached a level where even the simplest aspects of life we want to be treated as a specific, unique individual. Treating customers as a whole is no longer at all acceptable. People usually ask for very specific functionality tailored entirely to their own needs, hence the wide range of software and its functions, eg. Are often questions about the control of the working time of employees. Businesses want eg. To know whether employees in remote retail locations properly come to work, and if it ends at the specified time. On the one hand, it is in the interests of the employer, the other allows workers to document their work hours. Both sides gain confidence and mutual trust that the findings are implemented.

 More and more often to the fore in the market there is so-called. Remote work. Nothing unusual.

Most of the activities we perform already home, using computer and office atmosphere often has a positive effect on employees. A large number of people appreciate the opportunity to work from home, so probably the next most frequently asked question, says the expert, if there is the possibility of remote control software. Customers will ask about it also, so that the owners and managers of very often can not always stay in the office, and such access through a network of guarantees Hour control over all current affairs.

When an entrepreneur decides to software your company is interested, whether staff, as well as himself, learn to quickly support new improvements. Hence, as argued by the expert’s Posbox, questions about the ease of use are extremely frequent. Intuitive interface and the ability to fit the specific individual are probably the most appreciated feature of the software business.

Software for the business market also affects smaller companies with the power of ocean waves. A multitude of advantages such solutions seems to be an argument not to break and, increasingly, the entrepreneur does not reach. The costs are more than offset the benefits from the implementation of systems, hence the great interest and the number of queries. Sometimes it happens that the benefits of implementing undergo expectations and appear effects added, which were not previously taken into account, and appeared as a result of changes in processes, thinking and learning organization.



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