Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Malicious software in the second half. 2015. – EGospodarka

G DATA has already PC Malware Report for the second half of 2015. It shows that in the analyzed period, among the most active banker Trojans were Dridex – cybercriminals tried to pull users into a trap by sending them false invoices or information about tax refunds.

At the beginning of the second half of 2015, the number of attacks carried out by means of banker Trojans decreased significantly. Swatbanker, belonging to the group of Trojans Cridex previously showed exceptional activity, while in the period completely disappeared from the horizon. The wave of massive attacks came in December, and the greatest activity showed a Trojan Dridex, distributed by e-mail with information about the alleged invoices.

In the second half of 2015 years, experts from the G DATA SecurityLabs registered in total 2,098,062 new variants of signatures.

The total number of new malicious files in 2015 amounted to 5 143 784. This is slightly less than in 2014. After a very rapid increase in attacks in 2014 and the first half of 2015 was extinguishing outbreaks of viruses.

The full report risks for the second half of 2015 years available on the www.gdata.pl.


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