Thursday, April 7, 2016

FBSerwis implemented Microsoft Dynamics NAV in the cloud Azure –

FBSerwis implemented Microsoft Dynamics NAV in the cloud Azure 2016-04-07

FBSerwis SA in December 2015. completed the implementation of Microsoft Dynamics NAV. As one of the first companies in Poland, we have implemented an ERP system in a scalable cloud Microsoft Azure. Implementation of the system took a gold partner of Microsoft Dynamics – the company IT.integro.

A pioneer in the market for comprehensive services

FBSerwis SA, founded in 2012 by Budimex SA and Ferrovial Services International Ltd., provides services in the comprehensive real estate services (Facility Management), industrial maintenance, comprehensive infrastructure maintenance, environmental services and energy efficiency. The company is a pioneer in the field of services in line with the idea of ​​Smart City.

Choosing Microsoft Dynamics NAV and infrastructure Azure
 The development and the associated increase in the needs of the organization, led the authorities to implement the company’s ERP system. Among the reasons that were crucial replace several issues.

 Development of the company

The choice of the ERP system was dictated by the future of the company’s planned growth. Company for 2014 achieved a turnover of 40 million zł, which in 2015 rose to more than 100 million zł. From year to year shows the increase in sales and the scale of operations. Deciding on the ERP system, we thought about the ongoing development activities for at least several years.
 Selecting ERP software considered SAP system that works in the whole group. However, according to the board of the Polish company, this system would not be suited to the requirements of FBSerwis.

“The installation of SAP would be a copy of the installation of our Spanish shareholder. These solutions would be inadequate to the needs of Polish companies and we would have to make some modifications. An important aspect was the cost of implementing the system. Microsoft Dynamics NAV is simply cheaper and dedicated to companies in the SMB “ – says Michal Parafiniuk.

 Easy migration of data

FBSerwis SA It has a complex structure. Currently it consists of five companies. Previously, each of them made use of different accounting systems.

“An important aspect when choosing an ERP system was the question of ease of data migration. Our growth will be implemented through acquisitions. We wanted to make the process of adding new companies was simple and unlimited. In 2015 we bought the company with which we move to Microsoft Dynamics NAV with the archaic accounting system. this year, we acquired another company, and in April will begin the migration of data to the ERP system “ – says Michael Parafiniuk, CFO, FBSerwis SA

Personal accounts

 The company was founded in 2012, but to implement its ERP and accounting decided only in 2015. This was related to the volume of business, which at the beginning was small. In the years 2013-2014 the company’s turnover was low, so having your own accounting department was unjustified. With the development, the use of outsourcing accounting ceased to be profitable. It became a necessity to take full control over accounting and transfer it to their own structures.

Streamlining of the organization

 An important aspect, which led the company during the selection of an ERP system and implementation partner, was the availability of solutions to streamline the process of document management and paper products for the creation of detailed, consistent analysis and reporting.

Implemented solutions

 “One of the main requirements of the company FBSerwis for the ERP system was a matter of performance. The planned investment was to ensure that the system will grow with the organization and allow for stable operation at both 15 and 200 and more users. In response to these requirements was MS Dynamics NAV, which thanks to the three-tier architecture to successfully support the installation of even up to 500 simultaneous accesses “
– says Przemysław Kniat, manager for. sales IT.integro.

Document Management

Among the solutions that have been implemented, important for a company’s authorities had Document Capture software used for the management of paper documentation, based on OCR technology. The solution is integrated with Microsoft Dynamics NAV and allows the transfer to the ERP system scanned invoices and documents at the time of receipt. Document Capture streamlines workflow by automating approval processes. IT.integro, on request, conducted customization of solutions, creating hundreds of alternative, automatically determined paths acceptance.

Sophisticated business intelligence (BI)

Another area to which the company FBSerwis attached particular note was the ability to create consistent and current analyzes, which are based on a single database. Jet Enterprise is based on a single data warehouse, integrated with the ERP system, which allows you to create complex analyzes in a very short time.

“Analytical tools are very important for us. We have created a list of reports that we would like to be using the software. Jet Reports gives you many opportunities. It has a large set of dice standard that address most of our needs,” – adds Michael Parafiniuk.

data Management central

 The company focuses FBSerwis several entities using a common platform for Microsoft Dynamics NAV. To maintain the consistency of shared data (in particular, general ledger accounts, dimensions, customers, suppliers, inventory) between individual companies in the group, it was decided to use proprietary solutions in the form of a module MDMS (Master Data Management System).

“Shared data files are placed by the eligible employees to the central database system, Microsoft Dynamics NAV, then the module MDMS automatically synchronizes records to slave owners. The use MDMS brought benefits in terms of saving time (data entered are only once) and eliminated the errors that may occur during multiple manual rewriting the same information. the module MDMS improved indirectly the process of analyzing and reporting through the module BI. the module MDMS automatically prevents loss of data integrity, edit synchronized fields is possible only on the central database “ – comments Paul Bartos, consultant, IT.integro.

Microsoft Azure

FBSerwis is one of the first Polish companies that decided to implement Microsoft Dynamics NAV on Azure infrastructure. The solution ideally suited to the characteristics and the business model of the organization.

“The Microsoft Azure perfectly fit the needs of FBSerwis infrastructure necessary to run the system MS Dynamics NAV. On the one hand helped to reduce the costs associated with purchasing and maintaining their own servers, on the other hand assured virtually unlimited scalability, allowing you to change the parameters of performance in almost any time “ – says Premysl Kniat.

Summary of the implementation of the ERP system

implementation in FBSerwis incomplete it took 8 months. Ended in December 2015. The realization took the company IT.integro – leading implementations of Microsoft Dynamics NAV in Poland.

“The implementation of Microsoft Dynamics NAV FBSerwis SA coincided with the acquisition by the customer of several new companies, which will eventually separate legal entities within the group FBSerwis. Despite natural in such cases, the major challenges one of the objectives of the project, ie. the maximum unification of data serving, among others, efficient and effective reporting section of the whole group was fully implemented “ – notes Andrzej Krawiec, project manager for the implementation, IT.integro.

Among the key benefits that the company has achieved, among others, should be replaced access to a consistent database in real-time, full control over accounting, flexibility and scalability of Microsoft Azure platform, an efficient management process documentation and the ability to create advanced reports.

About IT.integro
 IT.integro is a strategic partner of Microsoft Dynamics in Poland, working in the field of effective education market on integrated information systems, and implementing the most popular ERP family of products Microsoft – Dynamics NAV.
 For nearly 20 years, the company has conducted more than 250 implementations and 700 projects and has supported the work of 4,000 users of the ERP system. Successfully implementing a global, multilingual and multi-currency project.
 IT.integro has won many awards, including Microsoft Dynamics NAV Partner of the Year 2015 and Microsoft Partner Gold Enterprise Resource Planning. He is also a member of an elite group of Microsoft Dynamics President’s Club, which brings together companies distinguish the highest competence in implementation of Microsoft Dynamics.
 Among the company’s clients are enterprises from various industries, including Pentel Poland Sp. o.o., Marketing Investment Group Sp. o.o., Dax Cosmetics Sp. o.o., Farutex Sp. o.o., VBH Poland Sp. o.o., AVK Armadan Sp. o.o., Markslöjd Sp. with o.o..

Source: It Integro


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