Saturday, April 2, 2016

NSA could learn from TNS Poland, as legally install … –

I’ve never been overly dark supporter of the theory that certain cells government (or governmental) invigilates us against our will, and the data collected about us will be used sooner or later, to our disadvantage. Ba! I will say more – I was able to give up part of their online privacy, because nothing terrible in the network do not do, and in exchange for it to be safe – assuming, of course, that the purpose of the surveillance would be to combat crime, in particular terrorism. You know what? Surveillance in the service of the security of a pipe dream, everything still revolves around money and our privacy most lurking private sector companies that need this type of data only as a form of optimization of their earnings, read effectively removing it from our money, especially for products, which in fact we do not need, but they are such. trends.

Everyone is well aware of what I mean with the entire optimization of earnings. For example, take such Google, which on the basis of data collected about an individual (not a group, which is here about any of anonymity can be no question!) Filters and selects ads to fit our profile as a consumer. In this way several times increases the chance that you press on a link advertising, Google will get their money from the store, which has benefited from their service, and we will make the purchase in that store, because they offer us what we need, what just googlowaliśmy or passed by the search for pages about specific topics.

You say now, “OK, it’s good that I receive personalized advertising on what really interests me.” The fact that, despite what I wrote above, that is pushing unnecessary things, it is not that the end of silly, but is it the only way to use this information? Because Google knowing what interests us is no other information about us, which gather simultaneously. Writing this reminded me of the story of the book you recently read – Zero by Marc Ellsberg (yes, from the best-selling Blackout ). Marc Ellsberg as no one else is able to present a viable vision of a world where something went wrong. In his first book humanity struggling with a gigantic failure of a network of European power, and the second author he went more the theme of psycho-social networking, describing how large corporations and social networks collect data about us can affect our decisions. From such mundane things as “what to eat for breakfast,” the “who and who does not like” the “who to kill and who does not.” Of course, what I wrote is quite radical vision that I used only to stimulate the reader’s imagination. However, who knows what you can use this data?

Recently, it was very loud with Apple pushing and shoving and the FBI on unlocking the iPhone one of the bombers. Formed two camps, one of which said that Apple should do it, because it can help to capture those involved in the attack and prevent another such shares, on the other hand, the opposition pointed out that one such unblocking open the way for the next, which can be use in not so right cases. I personally doubt and in total further doubt that the NSA did not take himself too absolutely every electronic device and did not break his security. All this action FBI vs Apple it was for me to just drink water, especially that recently found out that they still someone out there unlocked the iPhone 5C. Something like “unlocked it long ago, but in principle it would be foolish to admit the public, so you try to screw in to Apple, and as it fails to come up with a firm bush, which magically unlocks us officially this phone.” Do not judge me, I’m just theorizing! I understand that everyone can have an opinion about this, and I finish this, I wanted to write about something else.

Let us finally to the point. The cause of all this argument was encountering by me on some job advertisement published by TNS Poland – research agency for the study of public opinion. Let us examine this announcement:


As you can see we are dealing with work perfect for everyone, but little by mobile-oriented man! Objective? Beautifully called “create a dynamic image of the modern Internet user.” You just need to be a “smartphone user”! This requirement meets the vast majority of our society. Requirements – just any application and fill out one (of course, emphasized that not too long!) Survey month! Well just chapeau bas for PR people TNS Poland, he presented it in such a form that normally a little more and I’d sipped it like a small pelican. But then you look at the terms and conditions can be read, it is necessary to install the application mobiSTAT and proxy setting for GSM and WiFi so that all traffic from our device passed through the localhost: 8080. From this point the fun begins, because TNS Poland monitoring this particular port has access to absolutely all the received and sent by our phone (although omitting passwords and other confidential data, which are protected by the relevant certificates). You will say that I am a hypocrite, because I wrote that after doing nothing of the sort in the network, so it should not bother me such observation, and for that I’ll be flying through a thick hajs account. Well, I have no information that the amounts involved are, as such “bargains” miss a wide berth. I assume that the salary is not spectacular, because it would be too simple form of income. As it says, the oldest capitalist adage – “nothing is free” and if someone does not believe, that is, from life got even enough times kick in 4 letters.

In summary, the use of such an offer would call selling for półdarmo. What I am most amused is that the NSA try to be an extortion installing backdoors (backdoors blocked for a normal user, but giving authorities access without security in “extreme cases”) by electronics manufacturers, and here honest TNS Poland teaches some there groszowy capital (in the scale of company assets) and has legal access to the device quite a large group of users. At the end comically rozwińmy shortcut TNSP . T ing (because the rates offered have nothing to do with the intangible asset collected data) N aciąganie (as beautiful on paper, but I like to think …), but S kuteczne (as usual announcement, and the effect of huge) and P Roste (because people are doing for them all). An article in the form of weekend distraction from other more technological news:)

Link to the announcement: here.


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