Friday, April 1, 2016

Apple fixes software. IOS 9.3.1 update removes … – Spider’s Web

Apple just released a new version of the operating system for iPhones and iPads. Holders of these devices can already download iOS 9.3.1. The new version solves the problem of opening web links in applications such as Safari, Mail, and Messages.

After the March conference, Apple, which presents the iPhone and iPad Pro SE 9.7 , the Cupertino company released a long-awaited iOS version 9.3. Upgrading introduced primarily a function Night Shift, but after the installation of users began to report a new problem.

the problem was present before, but only now be intensified. Many devices with iOS 9.3 no longer properly open a web link. It was connected with the function of redirection links directly to the corresponding panel in mobile applications. The problem was mainly related to

Mobile reported in the iOS too large number of web addresses, which would support the application. The intention when you click the link to any of the hotel offer application services should be open to the dedicated card. In practice, however, the software iPhones and iPads through this zgłupiało.

iOS 9.3.1 solution & # x105; chews problem opening the link & # XF3; above Safari

fault lay with the Apple, but the company repaired it in iOS 9.3.1.

it seems that the myth about the reliability iOS- and he has already collapsed. Despite the public beta test users interested in a stable software should not throw the updates iPhones and iPads right away, just wait for the first edition of the amendments.

Users have tried in recent days to solve the problem of the links on your own reinstalling removing felerną application in many different ways – by using, among others, iTunes and airplane mode. If it did not help użytkowniom remained just use a different browser.

Apple finally took up solution to the problem. Appeared iOS 9.3.1, the installation of which is to remove the fault. In the description of the update does not see any other change, and the package upgrade weighs tens of megabytes – the size varies depending on the specific device model.

Aktualizacja iOS 9.3.1 is now available in the form of OTA, but you can install it, of course, iTunes.


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