Saturday, April 23, 2016

Seven years in prison for the author of malware –

Computer-related offenses may apparently seem very profitable, but only until it will not be captured that, because the next few years will be irrevocably removed from the curriculum vitae.

It is waiting for 29-year-old Russian, Dmitry Fedotova, who was captured in October 2013 with twelve other suspects. The man was a member of the criminal group and its main encoder responsible for the creation of an exploit called Blackhole. Such a tool was used to attack the Russian banks, which brought out more than 70 million rubles (about 4 million).

After a two-year process Fedotov, along with six other members of the criminal group was found guilty of the charges against him. Criminals sentenced to from 5.5 to 8 years in a Russian penal colony, where Fedotov spends her seven years.

man his criminal career began in 2010, when it created a set of exploits and selling it then more than a thousand customers, which brought him an income of $ 50,000 a month. Blackhole was available for the price of $ 500 or $ 700 monthly subscription, depending on the options offered.

Arrest Fedotova put an end to the another project oN tHE exploit Cool, he had worked together with another hacker. This tool was exploiting vulnerabilities in the web browser and allow carrying out attacks on computer systems.


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