Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Fatal educational software – KopalniaWiedzy

| Technology

Most of the tools for the digital teaching gives unsatisfactory results and verifies only the knowledge that students already have – says Björn Sjoden, the author of the doctoral thesis under the title “What makes a good educational software?”.

As part of their research Sjoden examined the 100 most popular apps to learn mathematics and the language. He found that only slightly more than half of them meet the criteria which in his opinion should meet the learning software, and of that half, only 17% supplied some kind of feedback. Some of these programs were so weak that you should never use them at school – says Sjoden. probably 90% available on the network programs to teach this simple test software. It provides no commentary on the good response. The pupils as soon as possible to respond, not best understanding of the material – says scientist.

Sjoden has experience in the games industry and work in interdisciplinary research group, which at the universities of Lund and Linköping is engaged in educational technology.

Sweden for 15 years investing in tablets and laptops to students. Schools in this country are much more saturated with technology than in other European countries. However, recent tests PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) have shown that the intensive Pupils use the Internet – both in school and outside – the worse results are achieved.

Teaching digital can bring tremendous benefits . Provided that the use of its possibilities, and not just display books on your computer screen. This means that we must provide day feedback that the same problem can be solved in many different ways and show things that can not be shown in the book – says Sjoden. For example, the teaching of chemistry we can show on your computer screen that mixing the bad substances will lead to kipienia or explosion. Teaching mathematics – that miscalculation time of arrival of a train causes that to him late, or we will have to wait long.

Sjoden also conducted its own experiment. Participated in it, two groups of students, who for eight weeks playing the same mathematical game, helping the virtual colleague in solving tasks. After eight weeks, the two groups solved test. One of them received a test in which also participated virtual friend, the friend test, the second group was not. Students who helped the virtual friend were more involved. They wanted to solve more tasks and measured up with more difficult problems. Particularly motivated students were weak. This knowledge should be used when designing educational software – says Sjoden.

educational software school science


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Fatal educational software – KopalniaWiedzy

| Technology

Most of the tools for the digital teaching gives unsatisfactory results and verifies only the knowledge that students already have – says Björn Sjoden, the author of the doctoral thesis under the title “What makes a good educational software?”.

As part of their research Sjoden examined the 100 most popular apps to learn mathematics and the language. He found that only slightly more than half of them meet the criteria which in his opinion should meet the learning software, and of that half, only 17% supplied some kind of feedback. Some of these programs were so weak that you should never use them at school – says Sjoden. probably 90% available on the network programs to teach this simple test software. It provides no commentary on the good response. The pupils as soon as possible to respond, not best understanding of the material – says scientist.

Sjoden has experience in the games industry and work in interdisciplinary research group, which at the universities of Lund and Linköping is engaged in educational technology.

Sweden for 15 years investing in tablets and laptops to students. Schools in this country are much more saturated with technology than in other European countries. However, recent tests PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) have shown that the intensive Pupils use the Internet – both in school and outside – the worse results are achieved.

Teaching digital can bring tremendous benefits . Provided that the use of its possibilities, and not just display books on your computer screen. This means that we must provide day feedback that the same problem can be solved in many different ways and show things that can not be shown in the book – says Sjoden. For example, the teaching of chemistry we can show on your computer screen that mixing the bad substances will lead to kipienia or explosion. Teaching mathematics – that miscalculation time of arrival of a train causes that to him late, or we will have to wait long.

Sjoden also conducted its own experiment. Participated in it, two groups of students, who for eight weeks playing the same mathematical game, helping the virtual colleague in solving tasks. After eight weeks, the two groups solved test. One of them received a test in which also participated virtual friend, the friend test, the second group was not. Students who helped the virtual friend were more involved. They wanted to solve more tasks and measured up with more difficult problems. Particularly motivated students were weak. This knowledge should be used when designing educational software – says Sjoden.

educational software school science


Monday, October 26, 2015

Leaky software allows you to attack the car – KopalniaWiedzy

| IT Security

Three experts. IT security made use hole zero-day and excluded airbags in the Audi TT. Error found in third-party software, which is widely used in diagnostic computers used in garages. Andras Szijj, Levente Buttyan from the company CrySyS Lab and Zsolt Szalay from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics indicate that to carry out a successful attack on a car, it is necessary or prior manipulation of diagnostic computer in a garage or connect to the car the clip stick.

An attacker can take control of the vehicle’s diagnostic system and enable or disable individual items without the owner’s knowledge. Buttyan emphasizes that the error does not lie in the software Audi, but the program compatible with vehicles. Similar problems have already been found in other programs used eg. By car dealers.

Software hole attack car


Saturday, October 24, 2015

Kaspersky Lab: 4 TO 5 WITH MALICIOUS ATTACK … – (Blog)

A study conducted by Kaspersky Lab and B2B International has revealed that almost half of Internet users (45% ) hit a malware last year and in most cases (81%) had a negative effect on the device and user data.


Malware was most frequently detected on computers running Windows – 83% of users of the system admitted that the problem affected them in the past 12 months. However, users of Android and Mac OS X also were not immune to this threat – an infection of your machine indicated 13% and 6% of users.


12% of users believe that their machine has been infected after visiting a suspicious website. On the other hand, 8% of respondents indicated as the source of infection of your USB storage device to another person, other infected device and install the malicious application pretending to be a legitimate program. While a further 7% of respondents admitted that their machine has been infected when you open the attachment to e-mail. The greater part of the respondents, 13%, was unable to explain how the malware found on their device.


It is noteworthy that four out of five infections caused problems owners infected devices. The most common (35% of cases) users recorded slowing computer performance, 30% of respondents became the target of brazen advertising (eg. Browser redirect them to unwanted side), while 20% of respondents were on their devices unwanted programs. For the most serious effects of infection were to change in your browser settings or operating system without the user’s knowledge (17%), loss (10%) or theft (8%) of personal data, unauthorized publications or “liking of” on social networking sites (9%) and burglary of webcams (6%).


In addition, respondents mentioned the need to pay for cybercriminals to unlock the device (11% of cases) or decrypt your private files (6%) as a result of software ransomware infections. In general, every third user (33%) had suffered financial loss as a result of malware infection. In addition to the payment of ransom to criminals victims have to spend money to restore data or equipment to work on software that allows the elimination of any infection, and some were even forced to buy a new computer. Where are incurred financial losses, the average cost of attacks was $ 160.


Cost and unpleasant effects of malware infections can be avoided if you just show a little consideration. It should, for example, avoid connecting USB media to unverified computer, use only the official app stores, to ensure that the operating system and applications have been updated, and scan files before opening them using security solutions. The ability to predict potential problems and take appropriate corrective action is the key to this, to stay safe “- says Elena Karczenko, head of the department responsible for managing consumer products, Kaspersky Lab.


An example of a solution that can assist users in the fight against modern cyber threats is Kaspersky Internet Security – a multi-device – a product safety devices based on Windows, OS X and Android. The solution has been designed to provide users protection against a wide range of threats, including malware that intercepts passwords, unauthorized attempts to gain access to webcams, as well as vulnerabilities in popular applications. Kaspersky Lab also offers a range of free applications for different platforms and systems.


The full results of the survey used in this information are available on the website


This information may be used freely subject to the application Kaspersky Lab as a source.


All Press Releases Kaspersky Lab Poland are available on the


For further information


Piotr Kupczyk
office director of communication with the media, Kaspersky Lab Poland
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. To view it, you must enable JavaScript in your browser.
Tel. Direct 22 206 59 61
Tel. mob .: 518 935 846


About Kaspersky Lab


Kaspersky Lab is one of the fastest growing and largest private company in the industry cybersecurity in the world. The company found itself in the top four vendors of security classification of endpoints worldwide (IDC, 2014). Since 1997. Kaspersky Lab is an innovator in IT security and provides effective digital security solutions for corporations, small and medium-sized businesses and individual clients. Kaspersky Lab is an international company operating in nearly 200 countries, providing protection for over 400 million users worldwide. Polish representative office there since 2000. Safety Information prepared by experts of the company are available on the site and the official blog of Kaspersky Lab – Kaspersky Daily. For more information, please visit


Friday, October 23, 2015

Malicious software = + loss of money problems – eGospodarka

The cyber criminals are not idle, and eloquent proof of the truth of this statement can be even if the results of the last survey conducted by Kaspersky Lab and B2B International, which show that over the last year malware encountered almost half (45%) of Internet users. 8 out of 10 attacks had a negative impact on the device and data users, and 1/3 of them meant for victims of financial loss.

Malware is a problem that most often encountered Windows users – 83% its users admitted that in the past 12 months had to do with an attempt to cyber attack. This does not mean, however, that the aim of cybercriminals are users of Android and Mac OS X – infection of their devices indicated respectively 13% and 6% users of these systems.

12% users claim that the infection was a consequence visit a suspicious website, and 8% believes that the source of the threat has become a USB device and another person, other infected device and installing a malicious application that impersonate legitimate program. 7% of respondents admitted that infection occurred when opening an attachment to e-mail. The greater part of the respondents, 13% , was unable to explain how the malware found on their device.

It is noteworthy that four out of five infections caused problems owners infected devices. The most common ( 35% cases) users recorded slowdown in computer performance, 30% respondents became the target of brazen advertising (eg. Browser redirect them to unwanted side), while 20% were surveyed on their devices unwanted programs. For the most serious effects of infection were to change in your browser settings or operating system without the user’s knowledge ( 17% ), loss ( 10% ) or theft ( 8% ) personal data, unauthorized publications or “liking of” social networks ( 9% ) and break into webcams ( 6% ).

In addition, respondents mentioned the need to pay for cybercriminals to unlock the device ( 11% of cases) or decrypt your private files ( 6% ) as a result of infection software ransomware. In general, every third user ( 33% ) suffered financial losses as a result of malware infection. In addition to the payment of ransom to criminals victims have to spend money to restore data or equipment to work on software that allows the elimination of any infection, and some were even forced to buy a new computer. Where are incurred financial losses, the average cost of attacks was $ 160.

“The cost and unpleasant effects of malware infections can be avoided if you just show a little consideration. It should, for example, avoid connecting USB media to unverified computer, use only the official app stores, to ensure that the operating system and applications have been updated, and scan files before opening them using security solutions. The ability to predict potential problems and take appropriate corrective action is the key to this, to stay safe “- says Elena Karczenko, head of the department responsible for managing consumer products, Kaspersky Lab.

An example of a solution that can assist users in the fight against modern cyber threats is Kaspersky Internet Security – a multi-device – a product safety devices based on Windows, OS X and Android. The solution has been designed to provide users protection against a wide range of threats, including malware that intercepts passwords, unauthorized attempts to gain access to webcams, as well as vulnerabilities in popular applications. Kaspersky Lab also offers a range of free applications for different platforms and systems.


Thursday, October 22, 2015

4 out of 5 attacks using malware causes … –

Malware was most frequently detected on computers running Windows – 83% of users of the system admitted that the problem affected them in the past 12 months. However, users of Android and Mac OS X also were not immune to this threat – an infection of your machine indicated 13% and 6% of users.

12% of users believe that their machine has been infected after visiting a suspicious website. On the other hand, 8% of respondents indicated as the source of infection of your USB storage device to another person, other infected device and install the malicious application pretending to be a legitimate program. While a further 7% of respondents admitted that their machine has been infected when you open the attachment to e-mail. The greater part of the respondents, 13%, was unable to explain how the malware found on their device.

It is noteworthy that four out of five infections caused problems owners infected devices. The most common (35% of cases) users recorded slowing computer performance, 30% of respondents became the target of brazen advertising (eg. Browser redirect them to unwanted side), while 20% of respondents were on their devices unwanted programs. For the most serious effects of infection were to change in your browser settings or operating system without the user’s knowledge (17%), loss (10%) or theft (8%) of personal data, unauthorized publications or “liking of” on social networking sites (9%) and burglary of webcams (6%).

In addition, respondents mentioned the need to pay for cybercriminals to unlock the device (11% of cases) or decrypt your private files (6%) as a result of software ransomware infections. In general, every third user (33%) had suffered financial loss as a result of malware infection. In addition to the payment of ransom to criminals victims have to spend money to restore data or equipment to work on software that allows the elimination of any infection, and some were even forced to buy a new computer. Where are incurred financial losses, the average cost of attacks was $ 160.

“The cost and the unpleasant consequences of infection malware can be avoided if you just show a little consideration. It is, for example, avoid connecting untrusted USB devices to your computer, use only the official apps stores , ensure that the operating system and applications have been updated, and before the opening of files to scan them using a security solution. The ability to predict potential problems and take appropriate corrective action is the key to this, to stay safe “- explains Elena Karczenko head of the department responsible for managing consumer products, Kaspersky Lab.

An example of a solution that can assist users in the fight against modern cyber threats is Kaspersky Internet Security – a multi-device – a product safety devices based on Windows, OS X and Android. The solution has been designed to provide users protection against a wide range of threats, including malware that intercepts passwords, unauthorized attempts to gain access to webcams, as well as vulnerabilities in popular applications. Kaspersky Lab also offers a range of free applications for different platforms and systems.


Source: Kaspersky Lab


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

4 out of 5 attacks using malware causes … – CHIP

Malware was most frequently detected on computers running Windows – 83% of users of the system admitted that the problem affected them in the past 12 months. However, users of Android and Mac OS X also were not immune to this threat – an infection of your machine indicated 13% and 6% of users.

12% of users believe that their machine has been infected after visiting suspicious of the page website. On the other hand, 8% of respondents indicated as the source of infection of your USB storage device to another person, other infected device and install the malicious application pretending to be a legitimate program. While a further 7% of respondents admitted that their machine has been infected when you open the attachment to e-mail. Most of the respondents, 13% could not explain how malware found on the device.

It is noteworthy that four out of five infections caused problems owners infected devices. The most common (35% of cases) users recorded slowing computer performance, 30% of respondents became the target of brazen advertising (eg. Browser redirect them to unwanted side), while 20% of respondents were on their devices unwanted programs. For the most serious effects of infection were to change in your browser settings or operating system without the user’s knowledge (17%), loss (10%) or theft (8%) of personal data, unauthorized publications or “liking of” on social networking sites (9%) and burglary of webcams (6%).

In addition, respondents mentioned the need to pay for cybercriminals to unlock the device (11% of cases) or decrypt your private files (6%) as a result of software ransomware infections. In general, every third user (33%) had suffered financial loss as a result of malware infection. In addition to the payment of ransom to criminals victims have to spend money to restore data or equipment to work on software that allows the elimination of any infection, and some were even forced to buy a new computer. Where are incurred financial losses, the average cost of attacks was $ 160.

Cost and unpleasant effects of malware infections can be avoided if you just show a little consideration. It should, for example, avoid connecting USB media to unverified computer, use only the official app stores, to ensure that the operating system and applications have been updated, and scan files before opening them using security solutions. The ability to predict potential problems and take appropriate corrective action is the key to this, to stay safe “- explains Elena Karczenko, head of the department responsible for managing consumer products, Kaspersky Lab.


Volkswagen will replace software in 8.5 million European … – News 24

8.5 million Volkswagen cars in the European Union will be subject to exchange software fałszującego results of emissions.

 / Fig. Aivaras / CC BY SA 2.0 Volkswagen reported that about 8.5 million cars in the European Union will be summoned to the site. The revised software will be distorting the results of emissions, but in some cases you will need to modify technically the same engines.

Among the summoned 8.5 million units, up 2.4 million rides on German roads. The campaign, which will begin in early 2016 that will oversee the Federal Road Transport Authority (KBA). Importantly, the site visit will be mandatory.

The new head of Volkswagen, Matthias Mueller said that in his opinion “scooped” the concern of the scandal will take 2-3 years. Later this year, we will be prepared software solution for diesel units with a capacity of 2 liters. As for engines 1.6-liter, in their case will be also necessary technical modifications.

Alexander Dobrindt, German transport minister said on Thursday that it has not been established who made the decision to install in cars VW fałszującego software. It is also unclear when such a decision.



Monday, October 19, 2015

The Russians are testing the software battle droids [+ VIDEO] –

Posted by Zyga
Published: Monday, October 19, 2015 at. 8:08:30 p.m.


Branch of the Russian company defense company Rostec tested just the software that allows independent operation of unmanned cameras to combat.

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tax the Now!

September received from you 4 044,00 zł . Thank you very much for your support!.

The Russian TV Russia Today wrote about the case makes a comparison to a system of artificial intelligence SkyNet appearing in a series of feature films The Terminator. Software developed by the Russians called Unicum and is able to operate 10 combat robots. Not only as separate entities, but also a team activity in which the individual works were divided by roles in battle. The machines have independently track down targets and search “dominant position” on the battlefield. Deputy Director of the Department Rostec Skokov Sergei says that the software has passed simulations and will be installed on the prototype robots.

The Russians already developed a number of prototype unmanned combat cameras.

Przecztytaj also recently added articles in this section:


Everything about XMBC / Kodi – PC World

XBMC / Kodi - a versatile media

We already have media player
, and to a network drive with a collection
 multimedia and can even output
. But how to manage all this? How
 navigate among hundreds
if not thousands of files?
 The easiest way is to install Kodi, formerly known
 as XMBC. Moreover, most we tested our equipment is
 This software preinstalled by default. But what really
 is Koki?


What is XMBC / Kodi?


Kodi (formerly known as XMBC) is software
 multimedia playback and management
 library – movies, photos, music and even games. The program is in
 fully free and open source (GPL). It works on many
 operating systems – Linux, Windows, OS X, Android and Apple
 iOS and – very importantly – at all might look exactly like
 the same.


The software allows you to play content stored in
 memory of the device, and stream directly from
 Internet. The great advantage of Kodi interface
 designed both to support keyboard and mouse, indeed
 trackpad, touch, and even a wireless remote control, or
 smartphone (appropriate plug), so I checked on various stripes


XMBC-Kodi (1) .jpg Kodi this
 and for good measure the best free software to play and
 cataloging multimedia


Open source software


Kodi can be extended by thousands
 various add-ons and plug-ins


But the biggest advantage is the openness Kodi.
 The software has built around himself a huge community of
 which it is a lot of capable programmers and gurus
. Therefore, the program can be expanded
 with thousands of different additives, which are able to substantially
 expand the capabilities of the system. What’s also very important – all
 Accessories are completely free. Just spend a little time
 configuration and can combine to create a multimedia tasks
 special. Of course, the extension can be installed on any
 operating systems, including Android, so on any device
 Kodi can work exactly the same.


XMBC-Kodi (2) .jpg Kodi useful
 Also during boring friends show pictures from the last
 holiday trip


A bit of history


xbmc_main_screen .png First Xbox
 with XBMC was a solid set-top box incorporating pre-HD


Software career began in 2003 under the name XMBC.
 It was a stands for the Xbox Media Center . How Xbox
 Name? Since it was initially XMBC alternative software
 for the first generation of Microsoft’s console, which transformed
 console set-top-box. Since the commencement of the history of the system and the
 so that was a great popularity.


With time XMBC started to walk away with his pedigree.
 The software began to appear on other platforms today
 is available versions for many systems
(Linux, Windows, OS X, Android, Apple iOS).
 At the same time XMBC is no longer an alternative dashboard for
 Xbox. It has become something much bigger and better.


Why Kodi?


The departure from the original application made in time
 developers began to think of change the name of the program .
 Xbox title can be misleading, especially for new
 users. Therefore, the release of 14.2 “Helix” program is called
 already Kodi. To rename occurred in August 2014 year,
 It is valid to this day.


But where did the general idea for the name? According to rumors
  similarities to the symbols on the buttons of the remote . K
 supposed to look like the power button of the previous track, about how
 Stop and D as the beach. Experimented with this idea and with time the idea
 the similarity was to be abandoned, but the name remained. Thus
 XMBC turned to Kodi.


XMBC-Kodi (3) .jpg Channel selection
 Video available on Kodi satisfy unless each


Useful shortcuts


When creating software developers had one.
 the main goal – to XMBC / Kodi was easy to navigate
 and the interface has been adapted to a variety of devices. One must
 I admit that largely failed to do so. The program is called.
 10-step interface (as they called him by their creators) and conveniently possible
 It is operated both on the keyboard, the wireless controller
 (like the TV), and even smartphone (after installation and
 configuring plug-in). Moreover, using
 keyboard we have to choose from a whole range of keyboard shortcuts.
 Just learn a few popular to instantly
 navigate the software. Here are some of them:


XMBC-Kodi (4) .jpg You will find here
 Also applications such as that allow you to record
 chosen by our programs on your computer or network drive


  • P – play, or play

  • X – stop

  • F – fast

  • R – scroll

  • space – play and pause

  • left arrow – withdrawal (1x 10 seconds and 30 seconds 2x, 3x 1
     minute, 4x three minutes and so on.)

  • the number and an arrow to the left – the withdrawal of a certain time (eg.
     10 + left arrow the withdrawal of 10 seconds)

  • the number and arrow to the right – scroll a specified period of time (eg.
     10 + right arrow is to scroll for 10 seconds)

  • right arrow – jump forward (10 seconds 1x, 2x 30
     seconds, 1 minute 3x, 4x three minutes and so on.)

  • Up arrow – jump forward 10 minutes or
     the inclusion of another section

  • arrow down – the withdrawal of 10 minutes or inclusion
     the previous section

  • Tab – Enables full screen mode

  • Escape – off full screen mode

  • “+” sign – to increase the volume

  • sign “-” – Mute

  • Backspace – withdrawal

  • I – information about film, music, etc.

  • Ctrl + S – screenshot

  • – means the material as viewed / heard

  • T – on and off the subtitle

For a complete list of abbreviations can be found at


The best plugins and add-ons


The biggest advantage XMBC / Kodi is huge database of plugins that
 can significantly expand the possibilities of the program . In
 the official supermarket can find plenty of extras for movies,
 live TV, music, photos, games, and even browser
 Internet. In this way, a simple media player with
 installed software can be turned into powerful Smart TV
 or even a computer. But which extensions are popular among
 hundreds, even thousands available?




This extension is useful for all seekers of additives
 to XMBC / Kodi. the official supermarket you will not see all
 available extensions, but only a list of recommended, indeed
 official. After installing Fusion can be accessed
 Strongly greater repository plugins .
 A must for anyone who wants to do this
 multimedia software combine.




With this plug-in lies pretty interesting concept that only
 It is gaining in popularity, but has a chance to become a real hit.
 With Veetle, we have ability to watch TV on
, but created by ordinary users. Application
 is a television program, in which you can check emissions favorites
 programs. And just like in a real TV if you will miss
 some material, we must wait for the next episode. Although
 vlogów a lot there, but there are also a lot of valuable materials.
 Unfortunately, most are in English.




This extension that allows you to watch videos
. Just find us interesting materials,
 select the source and you can take out for viewing. Remember
 however, that morally it is at least debatable, although
 legally (at least in Poland) perfectly legal (in the end
 We do not share anything.)


XMBC-Kodi (6) .jpg Kodi has also
 the ability to fairly freely change the appearance of the program




This works on the same principle as 1Channel at
 the media can draw from the cloud, virtual disks, and
 BitTorrent network. The program is very easy
and it is fair to say that video sites on the
 Service should learn from applications such as create
 user-friendly service.




It’s not so much an extension to Kodi (though any, also need
 install), as a mobile application for Android devices.
 Thanks to the phone or tablet can become very
  advanced wireless remote to use
 software. This is a very convenient solution. Just plug
 Android media player to your TV, install
 Yats on the phone, configure, and already we have remote control to operate
 software. We do not need mice, keyboards, or
 dedicated pilots that are quite expensive.


SHOUTcast 2


This extension to listen to Internet radio. There are
  thousands of stations, including the Polish . Stations can be
 search among other puszczanej kind of music, so everyone
 certainly something for everyone.


XMBC-Kodi (7) .jpg Simplicity and
 Kodi interface readability may envy players
 multimedia and Smart TV




The extension for sports fans and that each type. Plug
 It allows you to search and watch a lot of events
 live sports
. The choice is huge.




This is nothing but an extension giving access to YouTube.




Yes, as above, but this time it comes to the most popular website
 with streaming music, or Spotify!


Rom Collection Browser


Plugin gives us access to the huge database of old
. It might not be perfect for younger
 users, but already people born in the 80s will surely find
 something for everyone.


XMBC-Kodi (8) .jpg XMBC / Kodi this
 powerful software that makes for a simple player
 the media can combine to create a multimedia


Saturday, October 17, 2015

CONTRACT NOTICE – Services – Puls Biznesu

placing an advertisement: required.

The notice involves:

V public contracts
a framework agreement
a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)


I. 1) NAME AND ADDRESS: The General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways, Katowice Branch, ul. Fighter 5, 40-017 Katowice province. Silesian region, tel. 032 2586281, fax 032 2598710.

  • The website address of the contracting authority:

I. 2) ordering the Kind: The central government administration.



II.1.1) Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Delivery of software licenses to perform horizontal and vertical markings on the needs of GDDKiA Branch in Katowice, together with relevant technical and manual software .

II.1.2) Type of contract: delivery.

II.1.4) determining the object and the size or scope of the order: procurement contract is the delivery of software licenses to perform horizontal and vertical markings on the needs of GDDKiA Branch in Katowice, together with relevant technical and operating instructions of the software. The contract scope includes the purchase and delivery to the Employer premises licenses for AutoCAD 2016 EN or equivalent network version 3, together with a simultaneous bonus software GA Characters – 12 pcs. Single-user license or equivalent.
 The details of the present contract specified in volumes II-III of this Terms of Reference. The Contracting Authority requires that the offer included the whole object of the contract. Implementation of the contract is subject to Polish law, in particular the Act of 23 April 1964. Civil Code (Dz. U. of 2014. Pos. 121 as amended.) And the Act of 29 January 2004. Public Procurement Law (Dz. Laws of 2013, item. 907, as amended.). Employer does not provide supplementary contracts referred to in Art. 67 paragraph. 1, item 6 of the PPA. Purchaser does not make reservations indicating the obligation of personal performance by the Contractor key part of the contract. The contractor may entrust the execution of the contract subcontracted.


is expected to provide supplementary contracts
  • Identification of the subject and the size or scope of supplementary contracts

II.1.6) Common procurement vocabulary (CPV): 1.

II.1.7) whether submitting a partial offer: .

II.1.8) whether submitting a variant offer: .



III.1) bid bond

Information on security: ordering does not require contributing the bid bond

III.2) down payments


  • III. 3.1) Entitlements to perform specific activities or actions, if the law imposes an obligation to have

    Description of how to assess compliance with this condition

    • The Purchaser withdraws from the description of how to assess compliance with the conditions in this regard. The Contracting Authority will evaluate eligibility for participation in the proceedings in this regard on the basis of submitted by the Contractor together with the tender statement on fulfilling conditions for participation in the proceedings referred to in Section III.4.1) Offers.

  • III.3.2) Knowledge and experience

    Description of how to assess compliance with this condition

    • The Purchaser withdraws from the description of how to assess compliance with the conditions in this regard. The Contracting Authority will evaluate eligibility for participation in the proceedings in this regard on the basis of submitted by the Contractor together with the tender statement on fulfilling conditions for participation in the proceedings referred to in Section III.4.1) Offers.

  • III.3.3) technical Potential

    Description of how to assess compliance with this condition

    • The Purchaser withdraws from the description of how to assess compliance with the conditions in this regard. The Contracting Authority will evaluate eligibility for participation in the proceedings in this regard on the basis of submitted by the Contractor together with the tender statement on fulfilling conditions for participation in the proceedings referred to in Section III.4.1) Offers.

  • III.3.4) persons capable of performing the contract

    Description of how to assess compliance with this condition

    • The Purchaser withdraws from the description of how to assess compliance with the conditions in this regard. The Contracting Authority will evaluate eligibility for participation in the proceedings in this regard on the basis of submitted by the Contractor together with the tender statement on fulfilling conditions for participation in the proceedings referred to in Section III.4.1) Offers.

  • III.3.5) Economic and financial

    Description of how to assess compliance with this condition

    • The Purchaser withdraws from the description of how to assess compliance with the conditions in this regard. The Contracting Authority will evaluate eligibility for participation in the proceedings in this regard on the basis of submitted by the Contractor together with the tender statement on fulfilling conditions for participation in the proceedings referred to in Section III.4.1) Offers.


III.4.1) in demonstrating compliance with the conditions referred to in Art. 22 paragraph. 1, apart from declaring about fulfilling conditions for participation must be submitted:

III.4.2) in confirming the non-liability pursuant to Art. 24 paragraph. 1 act, one should submit:

  • a statement that no grounds for exclusion;
  • contractor quoting at showing fulfilling conditions for participation in the proceedings on the resources of other entities that will participate in the implementation of the contract, it shall also documents concerning this subject in the scope required for the contractor referred to in Section III.4.2.

III.4.4) Documents relating to the nationality to the same group

  • list of entities belonging to the same group within the meaning of the Act of 16 February 2007. on competition and consumer protection or information that does not belong to the group;

 III.5) Information about Documents confirming that offered supplies, services or construction works meet determined Requirements

In confirming that offered works, supplies or services meet specific requirements one should submit:

  • other documents

    List (description) of the product proposed by the Contractor (name with the account information and features to enable verification requirements set by the Purchaser in the tender documents in the order specification). The contractor, which refers to equivalent solutions described by the Employer is obliged to demonstrate that offered by its supply meets the requirements set by the Employer in the Terms of Reference in the order specification.


Other documents specified in point III.4) or in point III.5)

1. Offer form. 2. Statements and documents required by the provisions Section 8 IDW, 3. attorney to represent all Contractors jointly applying for the contract, or agreement on cooperation, which will result concerned the power of attorney. A proxy may be appointed to represent Contractors in the proceedings or to represent in proceedings and the conclusion of the contract. The power of attorney must be enclosed in original or notarized copies. 4. Power of attorney to sign the offer (the original or a copy certified as a true copy by a notary public) or to sign other documents submitted with the offer, if the right to sign them is not apparent from other documents submitted with the offer. 5. Current extract from the register or the central records and information about the business, if separate provisions require registration or records in order to document the adequate representation of the Contractor 6. In a situation where the Contractor relies on the knowledge and experience, technical potential of other entities, persons capable of performing the contract, financial or economic abilities of other entities, under the terms of Art. 26 paragraph. 2b of the PPA is obliged to prove ordering will have those resources during the contract, in particular by presenting to this end a written commitment of those entities to make available to the Contractor the necessary resources to perform the contract. An entity that is committed to provide resources in accordance with Art. 26 ust.2b jointly and severally liable for the damage arising as a result of withholding the resources, unless there is withholding of resources is not at fault. If the Contractor demonstrating compliance with the conditions referred to in Art. 22 paragraph. 1 of the Act, relies on the resources of other entities under the terms of Art. 26 paragraph. 2b of the Act, the Purchaser in order to assess whether the contractor will have the resources of other entities to the extent necessary for the proper performance of the contract and to evaluate whether the relationship between the contractor and those entities guarantee real access to their resources Purchaser requests a document / s relating, in particular a) Scope available contractor resources of another entity. b) How to use the resources of another entity, the contractor, in carrying out the order. c) The nature of the relationship which will combine a contractor with another entity. d) the scope and duration of such participation of another person in the performance of the contract. A proposal for the content of the document (liabilities) represents Form 3.2. Fri. The obligation to make available to the Contractor necessary resources for their use in the performance of the contract



IV.1.1) Award Mode: Open.


IV.2.1) Award criteria: price and other criteria linked to the subject:

  • 1 – Price – 90
  • 2 – Time of delivery – 10


auction will be conducted electronic page address, which will be conducted:

IV.3) amendment to the agreement

provides substantial changes of provisions of the agreement in relation to the content of the offer, based on which the selection of the contractor:

Acceptable changes of clauses of a contract and determining conditions for changes

The permissible amendment to the Agreement and the conditions for change are set out in the Terms Orders


IV.4.1) Address of a website, on which accessible terms of reference:
terms of reference can be obtained at: GDDKiA Branch in Katowice ul. Fighter 5, 40-017 Katowice, def. 303 in paper form upon request or on the website of the Employer ..

IV.4.4) Time-limit for receipt of requests to participate or tenders: 26.10.2015 time 08: 45, place: in the GDDKiA Branch Office in Katowice at ul. Hunting No. 5, room 303.

IV.4.5) Date of offer: period on days: 30 (the deadline for submission of tenders).

IV.4.16) Additional information, including the financing of the project / program from European Union funds: 1. Do not apply to the financing of the project / program from European Union funds. 2. The Purchaser shall evaluate compliance with the conditions for participation in the proceedings on the basis of submitted by the Contractor statements and documents submitted in support of the fulfillment of conditions for participation in proceedings on the principle fulfill – not complied with; 3. In the case of Contractors jointly applying for the contract, none of them can be excluded, while fulfilling the conditions set out in Art. 22 section 1 of the Public Procurement Law and whose description of how to assess compliance is set out in Section III.3 ads, Artists exhibit together. 4. The award of the contract may apply to contractors who meet the conditions referred to in Art. 22 paragraph. 1 of the PPA and who have demonstrated their performance at the level required by the Employer, as described in the above paragraph. 7.2 IDW and not subject to exclusion due to non-compliance with the conditions referred to in Art. 24 paragraph. 1, par. 2 and 2a of the PPA. In accordance with Art. 24 paragraph. 2a of the Public Procurement Law, the Purchaser shall exclude from the award of the contract the contractor that within 3 years prior to the initiation of proceedings, culpably seriously violated professional duties, in particular if the contractor as a result of deliberate action or gross negligence failed to perform or improperly executed orders, which Purchaser is able to prove by any evidence. Employer does not exclude from the procedure for awarding the contract, which proves that he has taken concrete technical, organizational and human resources, which are intended to prevent wrongful and serious violations of professional obligations in the future and to repair damages resulting from breach of duties or pledged to rectify them. 5. The order will be executed within the period specified by the Contractor in the Offering. The shortest possible delivery time required by the Employer is 10 days (counting from the date of signing the Agreement). The longest possible delivery date required by the Employer is 30 days (counting from the date of signing the Agreement). Time of delivery is the criterion for evaluating an offer and is described in the Terms of Reference point. 14. IDW ..

IV.4.17) Will there be any cancellation of the contract award procedure, in case no funds from the budget of the European Union and non-returnable centers from the aid provided through Member States of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) which were supposed to be intended to financing all or part of the order:


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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Another scam Volkswagen comes out. Software … –

The scandal petrol spread through the automotive world with the force of a tsunami, and its main character is a Volkswagen. Unfortunately this is not the end of the scandal, because the German company has just informed the US authorities of another manipulative use of the software. This time it’s about a car with vintages 2016 equipped with diesel engines.

Read also: OCCP took aim at the Volkswagen

Volkswagen announced that “additional device emission control “works differently than the software used in models from the years 2009-2015. Software for 2016 increases the operating temperature of the catalyst, which effectively eliminates the harmful substances contained in exhaust gases. US authorities have initiated a procedure for deliberate cheating Volkswagen during testing emissions.

On the same day, in which VW has reported new software, Skoda has released a message saying that the former president (Winfried Vahland) will not include the position of head of department Volkswagen North America. Vahland has become a direct superior of the former head of the department of VW in the US – Michael Horn. In a statement, the former chairman of Skoda explained a “difference of opinion on the organization of the new group in the region”, and also decided to part ways with the company after 25 years of service.

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At Volkswagen faulty software as a vintage 2016 –

The German carmaker has confirmed the AP that “additional emission control” works on a different basis than previously discovered protect against excessive emissions of nitrogen oxides during the tests; They were installed in models from the years 2009 to 2015.

Case models rocznikowych 2016 was notified last week US Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and offices in California. New software increases the operating temperature of the catalyst so that the device efficiently eliminates harmful substances in exhaust gases – particularly for nitrogen oxide.

” It (the unit) has the ability to warm up (catalyst), and the entire solution is waiting for approval of the agency. The US authorities are now investigating this issue, and Volkswagen gives them additional explanations “- told the AP spokeswoman for the company in the US Jeannine Ginivan.

AP points out that the US authorities are investigating whether the new software was another and deliberate attempt to deceive the testing emissions.

“We have a long list of questions for VW in this case. So far we have received answers to some, but not all “- said the representative of the administration of EPA Committee. Janet McCabe air quality. She could not answer, or placing this device models rocznikowych 2016 was a violation of US law.

AP adds that, pending clarification of the case the use of “additional emission control device” thousands of cars Beetle, Golf, Jetta and Passat will have to remain in US ports, where they will be quarantined. After an investigation, the US authorities would have to agree to introduce them to sell. AP recalls that these cars were waiting seller group, who had to withdraw from the local market for cars with diesel engines from earlier vintages, which software detected falsifying test measuring emissions.

The same day, Skoda, owned by Volkswagen, announced that its former chairman Winfried Vahland will not cover as head of the department of Volkswagen North America, as it has been communicated on 24 September. The company reported then that will be the direct supervisor Vahland former head of the branch company in the US – Michael Horn.

In statement stressed that the decision Vahland was due to “a difference of opinion on the organization of a new group in the region.” In addition to the resignation from the post Vahland also decided to leave the company.

Last month, the EPA announced that in its cars with diesel engines, Volkswagen install safeguards against excessive emissions of nitrogen oxides during the tests. The disclosure of this fact caused the most serious in recent years scandal in the global automotive industry, and Volkswagen in the US now threaten multibillion-dollar penalties.

Software turn off the system to neutralize nitrogen oxides during normal operation of the car and włączało him if he recognized that the engine is tested. Volkswagen admitted to have used such a solution including about 11 million cars in the world, of which about 8 million sold in European Union countries, including 2.8 million in Germany.

rocznikowego model concept does not always refer to the date of manufacture of the car. Often the car, which in the last months of the year leave the factory are referred to as model rocznikowy of the following year.
