Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Fatal educational software – KopalniaWiedzy

| Technology

Most of the tools for the digital teaching gives unsatisfactory results and verifies only the knowledge that students already have – says Björn Sjoden, the author of the doctoral thesis under the title “What makes a good educational software?”.

As part of their research Sjoden examined the 100 most popular apps to learn mathematics and the language. He found that only slightly more than half of them meet the criteria which in his opinion should meet the learning software, and of that half, only 17% supplied some kind of feedback. Some of these programs were so weak that you should never use them at school – says Sjoden. probably 90% available on the network programs to teach this simple test software. It provides no commentary on the good response. The pupils as soon as possible to respond, not best understanding of the material – says scientist.

Sjoden has experience in the games industry and work in interdisciplinary research group, which at the universities of Lund and Linköping is engaged in educational technology.

Sweden for 15 years investing in tablets and laptops to students. Schools in this country are much more saturated with technology than in other European countries. However, recent tests PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) have shown that the intensive Pupils use the Internet – both in school and outside – the worse results are achieved.

Teaching digital can bring tremendous benefits . Provided that the use of its possibilities, and not just display books on your computer screen. This means that we must provide day feedback that the same problem can be solved in many different ways and show things that can not be shown in the book – says Sjoden. For example, the teaching of chemistry we can show on your computer screen that mixing the bad substances will lead to kipienia or explosion. Teaching mathematics – that miscalculation time of arrival of a train causes that to him late, or we will have to wait long.

Sjoden also conducted its own experiment. Participated in it, two groups of students, who for eight weeks playing the same mathematical game, helping the virtual colleague in solving tasks. After eight weeks, the two groups solved test. One of them received a test in which also participated virtual friend, the friend test, the second group was not. Students who helped the virtual friend were more involved. They wanted to solve more tasks and measured up with more difficult problems. Particularly motivated students were weak. This knowledge should be used when designing educational software – says Sjoden.

educational software school science


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