Monday, October 19, 2015

The Russians are testing the software battle droids [+ VIDEO] –

Posted by Zyga
Published: Monday, October 19, 2015 at. 8:08:30 p.m.


Branch of the Russian company defense company Rostec tested just the software that allows independent operation of unmanned cameras to combat.

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The Russian TV Russia Today wrote about the case makes a comparison to a system of artificial intelligence SkyNet appearing in a series of feature films The Terminator. Software developed by the Russians called Unicum and is able to operate 10 combat robots. Not only as separate entities, but also a team activity in which the individual works were divided by roles in battle. The machines have independently track down targets and search “dominant position” on the battlefield. Deputy Director of the Department Rostec Skokov Sergei says that the software has passed simulations and will be installed on the prototype robots.

The Russians already developed a number of prototype unmanned combat cameras.

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