Monday, October 19, 2015

Everything about XMBC / Kodi – PC World

XBMC / Kodi - a versatile media

We already have media player
, and to a network drive with a collection
 multimedia and can even output
. But how to manage all this? How
 navigate among hundreds
if not thousands of files?
 The easiest way is to install Kodi, formerly known
 as XMBC. Moreover, most we tested our equipment is
 This software preinstalled by default. But what really
 is Koki?


What is XMBC / Kodi?


Kodi (formerly known as XMBC) is software
 multimedia playback and management
 library – movies, photos, music and even games. The program is in
 fully free and open source (GPL). It works on many
 operating systems – Linux, Windows, OS X, Android and Apple
 iOS and – very importantly – at all might look exactly like
 the same.


The software allows you to play content stored in
 memory of the device, and stream directly from
 Internet. The great advantage of Kodi interface
 designed both to support keyboard and mouse, indeed
 trackpad, touch, and even a wireless remote control, or
 smartphone (appropriate plug), so I checked on various stripes


XMBC-Kodi (1) .jpg Kodi this
 and for good measure the best free software to play and
 cataloging multimedia


Open source software


Kodi can be extended by thousands
 various add-ons and plug-ins


But the biggest advantage is the openness Kodi.
 The software has built around himself a huge community of
 which it is a lot of capable programmers and gurus
. Therefore, the program can be expanded
 with thousands of different additives, which are able to substantially
 expand the capabilities of the system. What’s also very important – all
 Accessories are completely free. Just spend a little time
 configuration and can combine to create a multimedia tasks
 special. Of course, the extension can be installed on any
 operating systems, including Android, so on any device
 Kodi can work exactly the same.


XMBC-Kodi (2) .jpg Kodi useful
 Also during boring friends show pictures from the last
 holiday trip


A bit of history


xbmc_main_screen .png First Xbox
 with XBMC was a solid set-top box incorporating pre-HD


Software career began in 2003 under the name XMBC.
 It was a stands for the Xbox Media Center . How Xbox
 Name? Since it was initially XMBC alternative software
 for the first generation of Microsoft’s console, which transformed
 console set-top-box. Since the commencement of the history of the system and the
 so that was a great popularity.


With time XMBC started to walk away with his pedigree.
 The software began to appear on other platforms today
 is available versions for many systems
(Linux, Windows, OS X, Android, Apple iOS).
 At the same time XMBC is no longer an alternative dashboard for
 Xbox. It has become something much bigger and better.


Why Kodi?


The departure from the original application made in time
 developers began to think of change the name of the program .
 Xbox title can be misleading, especially for new
 users. Therefore, the release of 14.2 “Helix” program is called
 already Kodi. To rename occurred in August 2014 year,
 It is valid to this day.


But where did the general idea for the name? According to rumors
  similarities to the symbols on the buttons of the remote . K
 supposed to look like the power button of the previous track, about how
 Stop and D as the beach. Experimented with this idea and with time the idea
 the similarity was to be abandoned, but the name remained. Thus
 XMBC turned to Kodi.


XMBC-Kodi (3) .jpg Channel selection
 Video available on Kodi satisfy unless each


Useful shortcuts


When creating software developers had one.
 the main goal – to XMBC / Kodi was easy to navigate
 and the interface has been adapted to a variety of devices. One must
 I admit that largely failed to do so. The program is called.
 10-step interface (as they called him by their creators) and conveniently possible
 It is operated both on the keyboard, the wireless controller
 (like the TV), and even smartphone (after installation and
 configuring plug-in). Moreover, using
 keyboard we have to choose from a whole range of keyboard shortcuts.
 Just learn a few popular to instantly
 navigate the software. Here are some of them:


XMBC-Kodi (4) .jpg You will find here
 Also applications such as that allow you to record
 chosen by our programs on your computer or network drive


  • P – play, or play

  • X – stop

  • F – fast

  • R – scroll

  • space – play and pause

  • left arrow – withdrawal (1x 10 seconds and 30 seconds 2x, 3x 1
     minute, 4x three minutes and so on.)

  • the number and an arrow to the left – the withdrawal of a certain time (eg.
     10 + left arrow the withdrawal of 10 seconds)

  • the number and arrow to the right – scroll a specified period of time (eg.
     10 + right arrow is to scroll for 10 seconds)

  • right arrow – jump forward (10 seconds 1x, 2x 30
     seconds, 1 minute 3x, 4x three minutes and so on.)

  • Up arrow – jump forward 10 minutes or
     the inclusion of another section

  • arrow down – the withdrawal of 10 minutes or inclusion
     the previous section

  • Tab – Enables full screen mode

  • Escape – off full screen mode

  • “+” sign – to increase the volume

  • sign “-” – Mute

  • Backspace – withdrawal

  • I – information about film, music, etc.

  • Ctrl + S – screenshot

  • – means the material as viewed / heard

  • T – on and off the subtitle

For a complete list of abbreviations can be found at


The best plugins and add-ons


The biggest advantage XMBC / Kodi is huge database of plugins that
 can significantly expand the possibilities of the program . In
 the official supermarket can find plenty of extras for movies,
 live TV, music, photos, games, and even browser
 Internet. In this way, a simple media player with
 installed software can be turned into powerful Smart TV
 or even a computer. But which extensions are popular among
 hundreds, even thousands available?




This extension is useful for all seekers of additives
 to XMBC / Kodi. the official supermarket you will not see all
 available extensions, but only a list of recommended, indeed
 official. After installing Fusion can be accessed
 Strongly greater repository plugins .
 A must for anyone who wants to do this
 multimedia software combine.




With this plug-in lies pretty interesting concept that only
 It is gaining in popularity, but has a chance to become a real hit.
 With Veetle, we have ability to watch TV on
, but created by ordinary users. Application
 is a television program, in which you can check emissions favorites
 programs. And just like in a real TV if you will miss
 some material, we must wait for the next episode. Although
 vlogów a lot there, but there are also a lot of valuable materials.
 Unfortunately, most are in English.




This extension that allows you to watch videos
. Just find us interesting materials,
 select the source and you can take out for viewing. Remember
 however, that morally it is at least debatable, although
 legally (at least in Poland) perfectly legal (in the end
 We do not share anything.)


XMBC-Kodi (6) .jpg Kodi has also
 the ability to fairly freely change the appearance of the program




This works on the same principle as 1Channel at
 the media can draw from the cloud, virtual disks, and
 BitTorrent network. The program is very easy
and it is fair to say that video sites on the
 Service should learn from applications such as create
 user-friendly service.




It’s not so much an extension to Kodi (though any, also need
 install), as a mobile application for Android devices.
 Thanks to the phone or tablet can become very
  advanced wireless remote to use
 software. This is a very convenient solution. Just plug
 Android media player to your TV, install
 Yats on the phone, configure, and already we have remote control to operate
 software. We do not need mice, keyboards, or
 dedicated pilots that are quite expensive.


SHOUTcast 2


This extension to listen to Internet radio. There are
  thousands of stations, including the Polish . Stations can be
 search among other puszczanej kind of music, so everyone
 certainly something for everyone.


XMBC-Kodi (7) .jpg Simplicity and
 Kodi interface readability may envy players
 multimedia and Smart TV




The extension for sports fans and that each type. Plug
 It allows you to search and watch a lot of events
 live sports
. The choice is huge.




This is nothing but an extension giving access to YouTube.




Yes, as above, but this time it comes to the most popular website
 with streaming music, or Spotify!


Rom Collection Browser


Plugin gives us access to the huge database of old
. It might not be perfect for younger
 users, but already people born in the 80s will surely find
 something for everyone.


XMBC-Kodi (8) .jpg XMBC / Kodi this
 powerful software that makes for a simple player
 the media can combine to create a multimedia


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