Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Hacking home routers in a good cause? – Onet.pl

Putting botnets, or networks of infected machines, which can be our computers, routers, but also virtually all devices connected to the cutting is one of the most popular activities online criminals in cyberspace. Tens of thousands of devices in the hands of a hacker can, for example. Quickly spread malware or to carry out a DDoS attack to cripple the network of a particular company, and allow burglary.

Meanwhile Wifatch in which previously came across several researchers, after careful analysis by Symantec, does not show any “hostile tendencies”. In addition to the burglary makes it impossible for other malicious software enters the device the same way, and this puts a message on the need to change passwords and update software.

As noted zaufanatrzeciastrona.pl service, including modules bot Wifatch are those that remove other instances of malware and eg. for monitoring system changes the setting to the device restartowało every week, clearing the same memory from possible intruders.

Bot Wifatch is currently infected tens of thousands of devices, among which the most popular is Private routers and cameras – 3% of the infected located on Polish territory. Despite the apparently good intentions author of the software, continues to make it the intrusion, which is against the law. On the other hand, to information about forcing leaving “backdoors” in the software with a view to the administrative departments of different countries can justify possible motives hacker-idealist. At the same unfortunately it can not be ruled out that someone else will take control of the finished botnet, using it for criminal activities.


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