Saturday, October 17, 2015

CONTRACT NOTICE – Services – Puls Biznesu

placing an advertisement: required.

The notice involves:

V public contracts
a framework agreement
a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)


I. 1) NAME AND ADDRESS: The General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways, Katowice Branch, ul. Fighter 5, 40-017 Katowice province. Silesian region, tel. 032 2586281, fax 032 2598710.

  • The website address of the contracting authority:

I. 2) ordering the Kind: The central government administration.



II.1.1) Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Delivery of software licenses to perform horizontal and vertical markings on the needs of GDDKiA Branch in Katowice, together with relevant technical and manual software .

II.1.2) Type of contract: delivery.

II.1.4) determining the object and the size or scope of the order: procurement contract is the delivery of software licenses to perform horizontal and vertical markings on the needs of GDDKiA Branch in Katowice, together with relevant technical and operating instructions of the software. The contract scope includes the purchase and delivery to the Employer premises licenses for AutoCAD 2016 EN or equivalent network version 3, together with a simultaneous bonus software GA Characters – 12 pcs. Single-user license or equivalent.
 The details of the present contract specified in volumes II-III of this Terms of Reference. The Contracting Authority requires that the offer included the whole object of the contract. Implementation of the contract is subject to Polish law, in particular the Act of 23 April 1964. Civil Code (Dz. U. of 2014. Pos. 121 as amended.) And the Act of 29 January 2004. Public Procurement Law (Dz. Laws of 2013, item. 907, as amended.). Employer does not provide supplementary contracts referred to in Art. 67 paragraph. 1, item 6 of the PPA. Purchaser does not make reservations indicating the obligation of personal performance by the Contractor key part of the contract. The contractor may entrust the execution of the contract subcontracted.


is expected to provide supplementary contracts
  • Identification of the subject and the size or scope of supplementary contracts

II.1.6) Common procurement vocabulary (CPV): 1.

II.1.7) whether submitting a partial offer: .

II.1.8) whether submitting a variant offer: .



III.1) bid bond

Information on security: ordering does not require contributing the bid bond

III.2) down payments


  • III. 3.1) Entitlements to perform specific activities or actions, if the law imposes an obligation to have

    Description of how to assess compliance with this condition

    • The Purchaser withdraws from the description of how to assess compliance with the conditions in this regard. The Contracting Authority will evaluate eligibility for participation in the proceedings in this regard on the basis of submitted by the Contractor together with the tender statement on fulfilling conditions for participation in the proceedings referred to in Section III.4.1) Offers.

  • III.3.2) Knowledge and experience

    Description of how to assess compliance with this condition

    • The Purchaser withdraws from the description of how to assess compliance with the conditions in this regard. The Contracting Authority will evaluate eligibility for participation in the proceedings in this regard on the basis of submitted by the Contractor together with the tender statement on fulfilling conditions for participation in the proceedings referred to in Section III.4.1) Offers.

  • III.3.3) technical Potential

    Description of how to assess compliance with this condition

    • The Purchaser withdraws from the description of how to assess compliance with the conditions in this regard. The Contracting Authority will evaluate eligibility for participation in the proceedings in this regard on the basis of submitted by the Contractor together with the tender statement on fulfilling conditions for participation in the proceedings referred to in Section III.4.1) Offers.

  • III.3.4) persons capable of performing the contract

    Description of how to assess compliance with this condition

    • The Purchaser withdraws from the description of how to assess compliance with the conditions in this regard. The Contracting Authority will evaluate eligibility for participation in the proceedings in this regard on the basis of submitted by the Contractor together with the tender statement on fulfilling conditions for participation in the proceedings referred to in Section III.4.1) Offers.

  • III.3.5) Economic and financial

    Description of how to assess compliance with this condition

    • The Purchaser withdraws from the description of how to assess compliance with the conditions in this regard. The Contracting Authority will evaluate eligibility for participation in the proceedings in this regard on the basis of submitted by the Contractor together with the tender statement on fulfilling conditions for participation in the proceedings referred to in Section III.4.1) Offers.


III.4.1) in demonstrating compliance with the conditions referred to in Art. 22 paragraph. 1, apart from declaring about fulfilling conditions for participation must be submitted:

III.4.2) in confirming the non-liability pursuant to Art. 24 paragraph. 1 act, one should submit:

  • a statement that no grounds for exclusion;
  • contractor quoting at showing fulfilling conditions for participation in the proceedings on the resources of other entities that will participate in the implementation of the contract, it shall also documents concerning this subject in the scope required for the contractor referred to in Section III.4.2.

III.4.4) Documents relating to the nationality to the same group

  • list of entities belonging to the same group within the meaning of the Act of 16 February 2007. on competition and consumer protection or information that does not belong to the group;

 III.5) Information about Documents confirming that offered supplies, services or construction works meet determined Requirements

In confirming that offered works, supplies or services meet specific requirements one should submit:

  • other documents

    List (description) of the product proposed by the Contractor (name with the account information and features to enable verification requirements set by the Purchaser in the tender documents in the order specification). The contractor, which refers to equivalent solutions described by the Employer is obliged to demonstrate that offered by its supply meets the requirements set by the Employer in the Terms of Reference in the order specification.


Other documents specified in point III.4) or in point III.5)

1. Offer form. 2. Statements and documents required by the provisions Section 8 IDW, 3. attorney to represent all Contractors jointly applying for the contract, or agreement on cooperation, which will result concerned the power of attorney. A proxy may be appointed to represent Contractors in the proceedings or to represent in proceedings and the conclusion of the contract. The power of attorney must be enclosed in original or notarized copies. 4. Power of attorney to sign the offer (the original or a copy certified as a true copy by a notary public) or to sign other documents submitted with the offer, if the right to sign them is not apparent from other documents submitted with the offer. 5. Current extract from the register or the central records and information about the business, if separate provisions require registration or records in order to document the adequate representation of the Contractor 6. In a situation where the Contractor relies on the knowledge and experience, technical potential of other entities, persons capable of performing the contract, financial or economic abilities of other entities, under the terms of Art. 26 paragraph. 2b of the PPA is obliged to prove ordering will have those resources during the contract, in particular by presenting to this end a written commitment of those entities to make available to the Contractor the necessary resources to perform the contract. An entity that is committed to provide resources in accordance with Art. 26 ust.2b jointly and severally liable for the damage arising as a result of withholding the resources, unless there is withholding of resources is not at fault. If the Contractor demonstrating compliance with the conditions referred to in Art. 22 paragraph. 1 of the Act, relies on the resources of other entities under the terms of Art. 26 paragraph. 2b of the Act, the Purchaser in order to assess whether the contractor will have the resources of other entities to the extent necessary for the proper performance of the contract and to evaluate whether the relationship between the contractor and those entities guarantee real access to their resources Purchaser requests a document / s relating, in particular a) Scope available contractor resources of another entity. b) How to use the resources of another entity, the contractor, in carrying out the order. c) The nature of the relationship which will combine a contractor with another entity. d) the scope and duration of such participation of another person in the performance of the contract. A proposal for the content of the document (liabilities) represents Form 3.2. Fri. The obligation to make available to the Contractor necessary resources for their use in the performance of the contract



IV.1.1) Award Mode: Open.


IV.2.1) Award criteria: price and other criteria linked to the subject:

  • 1 – Price – 90
  • 2 – Time of delivery – 10


auction will be conducted electronic page address, which will be conducted:

IV.3) amendment to the agreement

provides substantial changes of provisions of the agreement in relation to the content of the offer, based on which the selection of the contractor:

Acceptable changes of clauses of a contract and determining conditions for changes

The permissible amendment to the Agreement and the conditions for change are set out in the Terms Orders


IV.4.1) Address of a website, on which accessible terms of reference:
terms of reference can be obtained at: GDDKiA Branch in Katowice ul. Fighter 5, 40-017 Katowice, def. 303 in paper form upon request or on the website of the Employer ..

IV.4.4) Time-limit for receipt of requests to participate or tenders: 26.10.2015 time 08: 45, place: in the GDDKiA Branch Office in Katowice at ul. Hunting No. 5, room 303.

IV.4.5) Date of offer: period on days: 30 (the deadline for submission of tenders).

IV.4.16) Additional information, including the financing of the project / program from European Union funds: 1. Do not apply to the financing of the project / program from European Union funds. 2. The Purchaser shall evaluate compliance with the conditions for participation in the proceedings on the basis of submitted by the Contractor statements and documents submitted in support of the fulfillment of conditions for participation in proceedings on the principle fulfill – not complied with; 3. In the case of Contractors jointly applying for the contract, none of them can be excluded, while fulfilling the conditions set out in Art. 22 section 1 of the Public Procurement Law and whose description of how to assess compliance is set out in Section III.3 ads, Artists exhibit together. 4. The award of the contract may apply to contractors who meet the conditions referred to in Art. 22 paragraph. 1 of the PPA and who have demonstrated their performance at the level required by the Employer, as described in the above paragraph. 7.2 IDW and not subject to exclusion due to non-compliance with the conditions referred to in Art. 24 paragraph. 1, par. 2 and 2a of the PPA. In accordance with Art. 24 paragraph. 2a of the Public Procurement Law, the Purchaser shall exclude from the award of the contract the contractor that within 3 years prior to the initiation of proceedings, culpably seriously violated professional duties, in particular if the contractor as a result of deliberate action or gross negligence failed to perform or improperly executed orders, which Purchaser is able to prove by any evidence. Employer does not exclude from the procedure for awarding the contract, which proves that he has taken concrete technical, organizational and human resources, which are intended to prevent wrongful and serious violations of professional obligations in the future and to repair damages resulting from breach of duties or pledged to rectify them. 5. The order will be executed within the period specified by the Contractor in the Offering. The shortest possible delivery time required by the Employer is 10 days (counting from the date of signing the Agreement). The longest possible delivery date required by the Employer is 30 days (counting from the date of signing the Agreement). Time of delivery is the criterion for evaluating an offer and is described in the Terms of Reference point. 14. IDW ..

IV.4.17) Will there be any cancellation of the contract award procedure, in case no funds from the budget of the European Union and non-returnable centers from the aid provided through Member States of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) which were supposed to be intended to financing all or part of the order:


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