Saturday, October 24, 2015

Kaspersky Lab: 4 TO 5 WITH MALICIOUS ATTACK … – (Blog)

A study conducted by Kaspersky Lab and B2B International has revealed that almost half of Internet users (45% ) hit a malware last year and in most cases (81%) had a negative effect on the device and user data.


Malware was most frequently detected on computers running Windows – 83% of users of the system admitted that the problem affected them in the past 12 months. However, users of Android and Mac OS X also were not immune to this threat – an infection of your machine indicated 13% and 6% of users.


12% of users believe that their machine has been infected after visiting a suspicious website. On the other hand, 8% of respondents indicated as the source of infection of your USB storage device to another person, other infected device and install the malicious application pretending to be a legitimate program. While a further 7% of respondents admitted that their machine has been infected when you open the attachment to e-mail. The greater part of the respondents, 13%, was unable to explain how the malware found on their device.


It is noteworthy that four out of five infections caused problems owners infected devices. The most common (35% of cases) users recorded slowing computer performance, 30% of respondents became the target of brazen advertising (eg. Browser redirect them to unwanted side), while 20% of respondents were on their devices unwanted programs. For the most serious effects of infection were to change in your browser settings or operating system without the user’s knowledge (17%), loss (10%) or theft (8%) of personal data, unauthorized publications or “liking of” on social networking sites (9%) and burglary of webcams (6%).


In addition, respondents mentioned the need to pay for cybercriminals to unlock the device (11% of cases) or decrypt your private files (6%) as a result of software ransomware infections. In general, every third user (33%) had suffered financial loss as a result of malware infection. In addition to the payment of ransom to criminals victims have to spend money to restore data or equipment to work on software that allows the elimination of any infection, and some were even forced to buy a new computer. Where are incurred financial losses, the average cost of attacks was $ 160.


Cost and unpleasant effects of malware infections can be avoided if you just show a little consideration. It should, for example, avoid connecting USB media to unverified computer, use only the official app stores, to ensure that the operating system and applications have been updated, and scan files before opening them using security solutions. The ability to predict potential problems and take appropriate corrective action is the key to this, to stay safe “- says Elena Karczenko, head of the department responsible for managing consumer products, Kaspersky Lab.


An example of a solution that can assist users in the fight against modern cyber threats is Kaspersky Internet Security – a multi-device – a product safety devices based on Windows, OS X and Android. The solution has been designed to provide users protection against a wide range of threats, including malware that intercepts passwords, unauthorized attempts to gain access to webcams, as well as vulnerabilities in popular applications. Kaspersky Lab also offers a range of free applications for different platforms and systems.


The full results of the survey used in this information are available on the website


This information may be used freely subject to the application Kaspersky Lab as a source.


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For further information


Piotr Kupczyk
office director of communication with the media, Kaspersky Lab Poland
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Tel. Direct 22 206 59 61
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About Kaspersky Lab


Kaspersky Lab is one of the fastest growing and largest private company in the industry cybersecurity in the world. The company found itself in the top four vendors of security classification of endpoints worldwide (IDC, 2014). Since 1997. Kaspersky Lab is an innovator in IT security and provides effective digital security solutions for corporations, small and medium-sized businesses and individual clients. Kaspersky Lab is an international company operating in nearly 200 countries, providing protection for over 400 million users worldwide. Polish representative office there since 2000. Safety Information prepared by experts of the company are available on the site and the official blog of Kaspersky Lab – Kaspersky Daily. For more information, please visit


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