Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Clickjacking attacks applications in the Google Play Store –

Experts from ESET recently studied the content available on Google Play Store and found that as many as 343 applications offered there, is infected with a Trojan called Porn Clicker Trojan. These software opens invisible to the user’s browser window, making unconsciously several undesirable content.

Although software does not steal data and does not send any information, but only focuses on generating profits from advertising displayed involuntarily. Of course, it is not completely harmless, as in the case of people with limited data packets, can significantly increase the phone bill, and additionally has an impact on battery life.

Porn Clicker Trojan is usually distributed with the help of clones of popular applications, or free versions of commercial games, which most often are available in external app stores, but you can also find them on Google Play Store.

A new version of the virus has been slightly modified and the beginning of device scans, searching for security systems and antivirus software. If it finds any, it does not turn. This feature explains the fact why the approval process content for Google Play Store over so many infected application.

for a complete list of applications infected described the Trojan found on ESET website.


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