Saturday, March 26, 2016

They are selling software illegally. Losses were estimated at 3 … –

Police officers from Olsztyn and Dziatdowo hit the distributors of illegal software. Police experts liquidated the family business, whose members on the popular auction site selling illegal Microsoft software. The value of illegal software is estimated at nearly 3 million, and defrauded may be a few thousand people.

It all started a few months ago, when the police department d. cybercrime reviewing auctions on a popular Internet portals observed that under one of the logins have been exhibited for the sale of computer software, namely Windows operating systems and office suites Office at prices lower than the market, but not very high suspicion as to their authenticity and legality. Additionally descriptions in auctions testified that the seller is the official partner of Microsoft, and the product is new.

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The police specialists decided to look more closely at suspicious activity. In this regard they have established very close cooperation with the Department of Trust and Security in Allegro. They found that login was linked to several other well outside the Warmia – Mazury. It turned out that the main login and those remaining were administered and managed by the owner’s husband – S. Carolina, to which they were registered. Matthew S., because of the question, he was well known to officers. In the past, he was convicted for the similar actions, but then his illegal activities are conducted on a smaller scale than today.

Very tedious and analytical work of experts from the department d. cybercrime allowed for working out the mechanism of action groups, to determine its members and the roles they acted and tasks they had to accomplish. It turned out to be a family business. From the findings of the police that Matthew S. initially offered for sale products – DVD media, stickers legalization, packed in a box, which he received from intermediaries. However, after some time, he has expanded its illegal activity and intermediaries supplied only in stickers. A few months ago, 26-year-old has invested several thousand dollars and bought a duplicator plates, with which “burned” computer programs and NANOSIL pads on the top layer discs. The device nadrukowywało Microsoft logo and other features that could mislead the purchaser as to the authenticity of the media.

The collected data show that only one auction offered to sell up to 1,000 CDs, and a single account from January to mid-March. proceeds from the sale of counterfeit goods exceeded 400,000 dollars.

Police officers during a large-scale operational activities found that similar dealings is the brother of Carolina S. On as sister had a legally registered company, but in the Mazowieckie voivodship. The man exhibited at auctions illegal computer programs.

With the information gathered showed that members of the group live in Olsztyn, although the headquarters of S. Carolina was in Dzialdowo. In the vicinity of the residence imparted shipment to buyers and the apartment they take back up to 15 courier day. Suspects enough to feel confident that they did not see the need to do their business engage substituted people. As the police themselves admit, the case was so difficult to detect, because at Allegro there were no negative comments. Buyers were pleased that bought the goods at a lower price, which worked well, and also have a belief that the item purchased has all the attributes of legality – DVD media, certificate of authenticity and proof of purchase.

The evidence collected was forwarded to the District Prosecutor’s Office in Olsztyn, which in mid-December bison. He opened an investigation and entrusted them to the department d. Economic Crime Police Headquarters in Olsztyn.

21 March. police departments d. cyber-crime and economic crime Police Headquarters in Olsztyn together with officers from Działdowo also entered into 6 apartments in the country. As a result of searches of three addresses in the Warmia and Mazury police seized worth several thousand duplicator plates, hundreds of stickers verification, a few hundred DVDs, thousands of envelopes and packaging, company accounting records, documents relating to broadcast items, cell phones, laptops, pendriv’y and also close to PLN 300,000 in cash from illegal activities, which will allow in the future to enforce judgments of a fine or obligation to repair the damage. Money secured protocol on a provisional seizure of movable property. Elsewhere in the country the preservation of evidence was a similar pattern.

Meticulous analysis of the collected material in this case suggests that the family business operated for several years. At the time, it may have been defrauded several thousand people, and the value of illegal software may reach nearly 3 million.

With the Law on Copyright and Related Rights marriage – Karolina and Matthew S. heard allegations of copying and distributing unauthorized computer programs and make the illegal activities of a permanent source of income. Additionally, 26-year-old, from the Law on Industrial Property, charged with sign without permission from the carriers registered trademarks of Microsoft. Both threaten punishment to five years imprisonment.

Soon more people can hear the allegations.

The police have established that money from illegal activities were spent on foreign travel, shopping in expensive branded stores, or purchase for cash apartment worth $ 500,000. The group was convinced of his impunity, to the extent that Matthew S. ran with his wife criminal dealings despite the duration of the suspension of the sentence.

“We are impressed by the quality and effectiveness of departments to combat cyber crime and economic crime Police Headquarters in Olsztyn. Police protects not only entitled, but also consumers and businesses, who are often unwitting victims of various abuses related to the distribution of counterfeit software “- Marja Laitinen, lawyer with the Department for Microsoft. Digital Crime for Central and Eastern Europe.

How admit representatives of Microsoft – “This is by far the largest such case in Poland, taking into account the estimated value of counterfeit Microsoft products, which rotated.”

“As part of our understanding of corporate social responsibility is a long-term cooperation with brand owners, educate buyers and sellers and to support law enforcement agencies in order to eliminate the offers to sell items and services unlawful. Stop suspected of trafficking illegal software by the Police Headquarters in Olsztyn is one of many examples of effective cooperation in this field. Although the problem is less than the per mille of all transactions on our site, you are glad that thanks to cooperation with the Police, Prosecutor’s Office and the owner of intellectual property rights, our service becomes even safer. ” – Bogna Niklasiewicz from the Department of Trust and Security in the Allegro, corresponding among others program for the Rights Protection Cooperation, under which hundreds of businesses jointly combating counterfeit goods turnover.



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