Tuesday, March 15, 2016

IT.integro extends offer for Microsoft Dynamics CRM – decyzje-IT.pl

IT.integro extends the offer with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016-03-15

In March of this year. IT.integro extended its offer for another business solution – Microsoft Dynamics CRM. the decision to launch of the CRM is associated with the growing market demand for software for customer relationship management. In addition, associated with the strategy promoted by Microsoft called One Microsoft.

“Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a solution that perfectly fits the needs of our customers. Integration with Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Office 365, or Microsoft One policy allows our customers to achieve the highest competitiveness. These systems are communicated with each other intuitively. This allows the end user naturally increases your productivity moving business processes complementary systems. From reading the mail, by creating opportunity, order placement to production and invoicing services. “ – says Tomasz Michalski, Specialist. Sales IT.integro.

 Trends in the market today


Businesses are well aware how important it is to keep up with the trends and needs of demanding customers. Today’s consumers are more aware. They expect more. Regardless of whether you are buying groceries, clothing, furniture, or use the services of logistics. They require the highest quality service and good information about the product or service.

The digital revolution that is happening before our eyes, changes the nature of the relationship between the seller and the buyer. To keep pace with customer expectations, you should be aware of the role played by the Internet, social media and mobile technology. Currently, customers have the option of independent market research in the search for the best deal or provider. Of great importance in shaping the attitudes of customers fully social media, where opinions can significantly affect the image and sales of the company.

“At the moment of first contact with a potential buyer of the company is today a much later stage of the purchasing path than before. Research conducted by CEB Marketing Leadership Council showed that before contacting a potential supplier the customer has already had 57% of the purchasing process and (in some cases) even 70% of the decision-making process. “

Today’s client wants to feel special. It is expected that the product and the relationship with the dealer will experience a unique and purchasing process goes quickly and smoothly. The answer to the expectations of customers is CRM software that provides complete control over the business, from marketing through sales, to after-sales activities.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Microsoft Dynamics CRM software for customer acquisition process, allowing the creation of positive relations and sales experience. Offered by Microsoft software covers the entire business process, taking into account trends and market conditions. Now, campaign management, it is possible locally, in the cloud or in a hybrid model.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM lets

  • Personalize customer service by creating a comprehensive and result-oriented activities that attract the customer’s attention in the right place and time for using the appropriate media.

  • We actively shape the relationship by determining the best next interaction with the customer based on the context.

  • Engage the client in providing a way through the use of analysis of internal and external data to identify patterns and forecasting results.


IT.integro – a strategic partner of Microsoft Dynamics
 IT.integro is a leader in implementation of the ERP system – Microsoft Dynamics NAV. It works on the market for 25 years and successfully performed more than 250 implementations and 700 successful projects both in Poland and abroad .. Over the years of its activity, support the work of 4 000 users of Microsoft Dynamics NAV in 44 countries around the world.

Source: www.IT.integro.pl


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