Monday, March 7, 2016

Effective software to optimize processes … –

One of the EU projects combined with modern software engineering, systems and expertise with the experience of the manufacturing sector in terms of practical applications. This enabled the development of new algorithms and software platform for robust, adaptive predictive modeling, which could find application in many industries.

An EU-funded project INFER (Computational intelligence platform for evolving and robust predictive systems) was to develop a general computer platform, using modern sensors, software and the latest methods in the field of adaptation and learning. The work focused on the calculation of the intelligent, software engineering and industrial process engineering and control.

Innovation Project INFER relied primarily on creating and examining a new kind of environment in which they would create the most suitable predictive model for any application – be it autonomously or by targeted for a specific purpose the support of user feedback. Predictive system uses available feedback for performance monitoring and adaptation.

The software platform INFER, developed for evolutionary systems of predictive, supports concurrent training, validation, and execution of a number of predictive models and intelligent automation of the process of creating predictive models.

Series delegation enabled the exchange of knowledge and experience of 16 researchers working in industry and 10 academic scientists. The fruit of the work of more than 70 publications and materials presented at international conferences. One of the most tested solutions are adaptive sensors, software for process engineering. In the context of the sensors we examined a number of different fields of application.

The project partners recognized the growing importance of interdisciplinary fields of science data. At the British University of Bournemouth, the Institute of Science of Data, which is to continue to work on long-term objectives of the project InFE.

The project INFER established effective platform for systems of predictive, which can be easily used not only in process engineering, but also many other sectors. The software will help transform European industry based on the resources of the knowledge-based industry, enabling them to remain competitive in global markets.


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