Sunday, March 13, 2016

Nemucod: the most malicious virus in Poland – Articles – – CHIP

The threat spreads via e-mail messages that contain malicious file. Cybercriminals wysłają messages through social engineering tricks that persuade customers to open an infected attachment – zip archive. In fact, it is a JavaScript file. After you open the attachment, the threat is installed on the victim machine and then downloads from the Internet more viruses.

Nemucod downloads from the Web threat of “ransomware” such as TeslaCrypt or Locky, which encrypts files on the victim’s computer and demands ransom for unlocking access to them. TeslaCrypt and Locky use encryption standards similar to those used by financial institutions when securing an online payment, which means that decryption of such data may not be able – says Kamil Sadkowski analyst threats ESET .

The experts from ESET prepared a few tips to help avoid infecting your computer with malware:

  • Do not open attachments sent in the mail messages from unknown senders.

  • Tell about the threat of his colleagues – might accidentally click on an infected attachment.

  • Back up your data and store them on external storage media (eg. USB drives), or in the cloud.

  • Regularly install updates of the operating system and other programs on your computer.

  • Equip your computer anti-virus program and make sure to regularly update the virus signature database.


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