Sunday, March 6, 2016

Cullet Google car without a driver. The first case, if … – Virtual Poland

• The car company Google collided with a bus

 • It is possible that this is the first bumps moving without the driver of the vehicle in which afew software

 • The company explains that the car “is expected”, the leading city bus slow down or stops

The incident took place in Mountain View, USA February 14, but a report on the matter appeared only now. No one fortunately nothing happened.

Google car tried to bypass the sandbags piled in the right lane, and hit the side of a city bus. A representative of the technological giant explained that the software experimental car “expected” that because of the low speed, the bus slow down or stop. A version from the beginning confirmed the employee of the company, which at the time was the car bumps watching the situation in the side mirror.

The report did not decide yet whose fault event occurred. Google stresses that such “misunderstandings” happen daily between drivers, but ensures that the software of the car has been changed. From now has to assume that the larger vehicles less permeable smaller.

If you will finally be recognized wine software, it will be the first such case in the ongoing trials for several years. Until now, there has been several collisions involving experimental vehicles, but mostly they were hit in the back, which occurred due to carelessness of drivers moving up the Google car.

See also video:


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