Monday, August 31, 2015

The attack on Kaspersky – PC World

London, 11 June 2015 year: Eugene Kaspersky joins the
 afternoon to perhaps the most difficult task since its founding
 company. Before accumulated specialized press delivers a message
 in which it is difficult to believe: the virus infiltrated the systems’

Advanced worm

Kaspersky trying to explain what happened: allegedly carried out
 internal testing of prototype software to recognize the new
 developed very sophisticated pests. Then had come
 to detect the virus in their systems, which according
 Kaspersky could become a model for new generation
. Experts call them at a glance Apart from words Advanced
 Persistent Threats, or advanced persistent threats.

Who’s behind them? – Special services or other institutions
– corresponds to the Kaspersky virus expert. Did not want to
 more to say about this, but some information can be read
 between the lines: Kaspersky nadmieniał repeatedly that
 Duqu worm is a development
. And the Trojan won
 already notoriety in 2011, when the company’s computers infected in
 Europe and meticulously steal information from the system
 industry. Many experts assume today that the Trojan derived
 from the ranks of the Israeli special services.

According to Kaspersky his successor, Duqu 2.0 very precisely
 retrieves information: interested mainly in state
 development of the latest and future security and wants to know
 Technical experts what strategies they want to use against
 the latest ATP.

Economy and politics targeted

Further analysis showed that Kaspersky was not the only target.
 The problem also applies to companies in Russia, countries of West Asia and the
 Middle East. 2.0 Duqu was also sniffing around, even in circles
 political. According to Kaspersky Duqu 2.0 activated during
 nuclear negotiations Group 5 + 1 countries with Iran. In addition to this
 the authors of the attack were interested in the commemoration of the anniversary of the liberation
 Auschwitz Concentration Camp, and especially prominent
 participants in the festivities.

Why is this pest is another

From the point of view of researchers viruses attack in this form is
 hitherto unprecedented phenomenon. Their amazement sparked the fact that
 The worm almost does not leave traces: do not leave on your hard
 Disk files or change system settings. Embeds itself
 only in memory. – If you unplug PC and
 will cut it from its power, the Trojan disappears – says Kaspersky.

Duqu 2.0 is as Aliens, The Terminator and Predator
 put together

Eugene_Kaspersky _-_ Kaspersky_Lab.jpg Eugene Kaspersky, head of Kaspersky Labs

To enter the system, Duqu 2.0 used three vulnerabilities
 Windows security at a time that has already been cleared by
 Microsoft. For news about such rear wickets special services
 and cybercriminals are paying large sums – is another clue
 indicating that for Duqu 2.0 is a powerful

Is Kaspersky is still safe?

Regardless of who is behind the attack, users Company
 Kaspersky arises one question: how safe are the solutions
 the company’s anti-virus on your home PC? Is stolen
 information about the mechanisms of protective security packages
 guarding millions of computers around the world? Finally virus
 He prevailed in January and until recently how much he could spy
 your heart desires. Eugene Kaspersky rejects this possibility.
 He says that issue does not affect customers, and that
 the authors of the attack did not it was not
. In addition to this
 modern virus scanners already recognize Duqu 2.0.

KL_Screenshot_Duqu_2.jpg Duqu code
 2.0 exists only in memory. Currently Trojan
 already recognize modern virus scanners.

Kaspersky trying to point out the positive aspects of the event,
 arguing that as a result of the attack gained valuable knowledge in order to
 improving the efficiency of their own products. – Attacked
 us because we are the best
– says Kaspersky.

Is it reassures customers? For not fully convinced solid
 Readers Computer World from number 9/2015 is available
 G DATA antivirus package for free for one year. This German company
 He says that so far there are no clues pointing to
 2.0 Duqu infection.

The fight exacerbated

The case Kaspersky shows that viruses have become powerful
 weapon in the hands of special services and mark the beginning of a new era.
 in which a digital arms race is becoming more dangerous.
 Private users should also be afraid, because it’s just a matter of
 the time when ordinary hackers learn to use the new
 technologies for their benefits.

Being a victim, it’s easy to lose control

 Ralf_Benzm & # XFC; ller, _G_DATA.jpg Ralf
 Benzmüller, head of Security Labs at G DATA

Computer World : Do you explored your systems
 for signs of Duqu 2.0?

Ralf Benzmüller : Regularly we examine our
 systems for the presence of spy tools disclosed in the road
 Special analysis. Duqu 2.0 so far not found.

Is the Lord known another case in which the company
 IT security industry suffered an attack?

No, we do not know of another case.

Is the same company G Data has already been used

Our servers – as well as third-party servers – still stand in
 focus of hackers. So far, always effective
 we managed to repel the attacks. Our employees are properly
 vigilant and immediately report suspicious messages.

How do you assess the openness with which Kaspersky announced
 about the case?

Who would have thought that this openness will be so well received
 by public opinion? Evil tongues say, however, that infection
 was a figment of the marketing department of Kaspersky.

Is the Lord’s point of view, Kaspersky can
 completely ruled out theft of proprietary systems

Being the victim of an attack charged therein precisely, it is easy to lose
 control over what actually happened. It is very difficult then
 formulate clear judgments.

“You can also read:
 Cyberdżihad. Islamic terror on the Internet


Saturday, August 29, 2015

He created spyware on Android. He faces 10 years … –

Friday, 28 August 2015 8:55 Written by Wojtek Onyśków



Today, data security – especially in large corporations, is a priority. Precisely for this reason, companies are increasingly turning to advanced anti-virus solutions, with the help of specialists. But do you always have good intentions? Example Morgan Culbertson shows that not necessarily.



20-year-old Morgan Culbertson until recently worked as an intern at FireEye, which is a company dealing with cybersecurity. As it turned out, the intentions of the young specialists were completely different. He decided to create dendroid, or virus on Android, which allowed spying on others using the built-in webcams, eavesdropping with built-in microphones, and even capturing shots.

This application is sold for $ 300 on an underground forum Darkode. In March 2014 years dendroid source code was found in one of the applications available directly from Google Play. It is not known whether any other software also uses this solution.

Culbertson Morgan confessed to create an application before the court. He faces up to 10 years in prison and 250 thousand. dollar fine. The final judgment will be announced on 2 December.

Source: Neowin


Friday, August 28, 2015

A company with Polish deliver software for the OSCE – Gazeta Wyborcza

  ,validPeriod=,recurring=false,paymentUnfinished=false,unfinishedOrderId=,offerId=,lastPayment=,inProgressOrderId=,consentOrderId=,capVisible=false,email=,emailHash=,marketingMessage=,loginChannel=,loginMode=] ->


Polish firm IC Solutions has signed a contract with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to provide software to 300 electronic pens. The facilities will be used by OSCE observers during the elections.



Article opened within the limits of free digital subscriptions

1 ->

Developed by Pen IC technology allows for the automatic digitization of documents created on paper. The solution will be used for the first time in the OSCE in October during elections in Kyrgyzstan, Belarus and Ukraine.

The Polish company won the written out in April this year a tender for IT system supporting the missions of the OSCE. Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights reported demand for IT system which would support the collection of data by observers of the OSCE and transmit them in real time to the headquarters in Vienna.

As told PAP on Thursday the president of the company’s IC Solutions Rafał Witkowski, “primarily developed innovative software to use digital pens.”

“Our technology not only automatically create digital versions of documents, but also registers the way their formation – we eg., as the form was printed. If the observer something puzzled or skipped a question and answered it late, it Our system will record this fact. Later, you can find out for example. Why answer the question for him was not obvious or pose any difficulty, “- explained Witkowski.

President of IC Solutions added that the company does not manufacture digital pens, but created its own innovative algorithm. Pen used in IC devices come from the Swedish supplier.

Thanks to the technology any observers from the OSCE will be able during his mission to automatically save and transmit observations in digital form to the headquarters in Vienna. According to IC Solutions “will significantly reduce development time reports and conclusions of the OSCE mission.” “Without this facility would not be able to create reports from the mission before the publication of the election results,” – he added Witkowski.

The company founded by lecturers of the University. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. IC Solutions is one of the technology companies that operates in Poznan Science and Technology Park. The contract with the OSCE is the first major success of the company.

Poznanians are already working on further applications of the software. IC Pen can be used to perform psychological portraits of the people who write them or detect diseases such as Parkinson’s.

The company emphasizes that the use of IC Pena is no different from an ordinary pen. However benefit from specially prepared sheets with marked miniature dots – they can be prepared for any home printer.

Solution IC Solutions is used in two Warsaw hospitals in completing the medical records, the District Court in Poznań and at the University. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.

The Digital Pen is a miniature computer that using the built-in pen camera, analyzes everything it writes and writes data to the flash memory card. After writing or filling any document we have ready its two versions – paper and electronic, which can be in any way manipulate and process.

IC Solutions specializes in so-called. invisible computing, which nieodczuwalnym using computer tools. The company creates and implements innovative IT projects – one of which is the IC Pen. The company was founded as a start-up within the investment fund seed capital Poznań Science and Technology Park and SpeedUp Venture Capital Group.

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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

supply of hardware and software for the … – Puls Biznesu

placing an advertisement: required.

The notice involves:

V public contracts
a framework agreement
a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)


I. 1) NAME AND ADDRESS: Warmia and Mazury Regional Office, Al. Marshal Jozef Pilsudski 7/9, 10-575 Olsztyn province. Warmia-Mazury, tel. 89 5232779, fax 89 5232779.

  • The website address of the contracting authority:

I. 2) ordering the Kind: local government administration.



II.1.1) Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: delivery of hardware and software for the Warmia and Mazury Regional Office in Olsztyn.

II.1.2) Type of contract: delivery.

II.1.4) determining the object and the size or scope of the order: 1. Object of the contract includes the supply of hardware and software under the following lots:
 1) PART I – delivery of hardware and software – task No. 1, comprising:
 a) desktop computer with monitor (office) – 66 pcs.,
 b) a portable computer – 11 pcs.,
 c) office software for desktop and laptop computers listed in subparagraph a) and b) – 77 pcs.,
 d) scanner A3 – 1 pc.,
 e) scanner A4 – 1 pc.,
 f) laser printers, monochrome, network with built-in duplex A4 – 6 pcs.,
 g) Multifunction Laser A4 mono – 2 pcs.,
 h) battery for laptop Asus Eee PC 1015PE – 1 pc.,
 i) the battery for laptop Asus F5M – 1 pc.,
 j) speakers – 2 pcs.,
 k) keyboard – 17 pcs.,
 l) computer mouse – 22 pcs.,
 m) monitor 21.5 inches – 15 pcs.,
 n) 16GB flash drive encrypted 256 bit hardware AES – 29 pcs.,
 o) system software with a perpetual license – 1 pc.,
 p) licenses User CALs system WinSvrStd 2012R2 OLP NL Gov 2Proc – 166 p.,
 q) Kofax Express Desktop – 1 pc.,
 r) A3 multifunction device type I – 1 pc.,
 s) label printer – 1 pc.,
 2) PART II – delivery of hardware – a task No. 2, comprising:
 a) A4 scanner with ADF – 1 pc.,
 b) A3 multifunction device type II – 2 pcs.,
 3) PART III – delivery of a disk array, including a system backup and SAN.
 2. A detailed description of the hardware and software covered by Part I of the contract is given in Annex 6 to the terms of reference.
 3. A detailed description of the hardware covered by Part II of the contract is given in Annex No. 7 to the terms of reference.
 4. A detailed description of the hardware covered by Part III of the order is given in Annex 8 to terms of reference.
 5. The descriptions contained in Annexes 6, 7 and 8 to terms of reference include minimum requirements for the products covered by the contract, which means that the contractor may offer object of the contract is characterized by better technical parameters and / or performance.
 6. In the case where the best offer for the execution of the contract PARTS AND the total price per desktop computer with monitor and software, office or laptop with office software will be equal to or greater than the amount of PLN 3,500.00 gross, ordering a possibility of cancellation proceeding pursuant to Article . 93 paragraph. 1 pt 4 Public Procurement Law.
 7. The Contractor shall deliver the products covered by the contract to the headquarters of the customer – Olsztyn, Al. Marshal Jozef Pilsudski 7/9, the premises indicated by the customer.
 8. Delivery of products covered by the contract will transport contractor and the contractor’s expense, in non-returnable packaging factory.
 9. The supplied hardware and software must be brand new and free from technical defects, approved for marketing and use in accordance with the requirements specified in the terms of the contract.


is expected to provide supplementary contracts
  • Identification of the subject and the size or scope of supplementary contracts

II.1.6) Common procurement vocabulary (CPV): 6,,,,

II.1.7) whether submitting a partial offer: yes, number of lots: 3.

II.1.8) whether submitting a variant offer: .



III.1) bid bond

Information on security: ordering is not demanding contributing the bid bond

III.2) down payments


  • III. 3.1) Entitlements to perform specific activities or actions, if the law imposes an obligation to have

    Description of how to assess compliance with this condition

  • III.3.2) Knowledge and experience

    Description of how to assess compliance with this condition

    • Performance in the last 3 years prior to the deadline for submission of bids, and if activity period is shorter – in this period:
       a) in the case of components and order – at least two contracts with a value of not less than the gross PLN 250,000.00 each, the object of which was the supply of hardware and / or software.
       b) In the case of the second order – at least two contracts with a value of not less than the gross PLN 25,000.00 each, the object of which was the supply of hardware and / or software.
       c) In the case of the third order – at least two contracts with a value of not less than the gross PLN 80,000.00 each, the object of which was the supply of hardware and / or software.

  • III.3.3) technical Potential

    Description of how to assess compliance with this condition

  • III.3.4) persons capable of performing the contract

    Description of how to assess compliance with this condition

  • III.3.5) Economic and financial

    Description of how to assess meeting the conditions


III.4.1) in demonstrating compliance with the conditions referred to in Art. 22 paragraph. 1, apart from declaring about fulfilling conditions for participation must be submitted:

  • list made, but in case of periodic or constant benefits also made, major supplies or services in the last three years before the deadline for receipt of tenders or requests to participate, and if the period of activity is shorter – in this period, with giving their value, object, dates of execution and entities to whom the supplies or services were performed, and attaching evidence, whether they were made or are being made properly;

III.4.2) in confirming the non-liability pursuant to Art. 24 paragraph. 1 act, one should submit:

  • a statement that no grounds for exclusion;
  • current copy of the register or from the central records and information about the business, if separate provisions require registration or records in order to demonstrate the absence of grounds for exclusion under Art. 24 paragraph. 1 point 2 of the Act, issued not earlier than 6 months before the deadline for submitting requests to participate in the proceedings or the award of tenders;

III.4.3) Documents foreign entities

If the contractor has his habitual residence outside Polish territory, submits:

III.4.3.1) in the country in which he has his habitual residence attesting that:

  • no liquidation or bankruptcy – issued not earlier than 6 months before the deadline for submitting requests to participate in the tender procedure contract or tender;

III.4.4) Documents relating belonging to the same group

  • list of entities belonging to the same group company within the meaning of the Act of 16 February 2007. on competition and consumer protection or information that does not belong to the group;


Other documents specified in point III.4) or in point III.5)

a) the completed tender form the extent of the parts of the contract for which the contractor submits a bid – Appendix 4 to the terms of the contract, b) in the case of contractors together applying for the order – the power of attorney to represent them in the contract award procedure or representing in proceedings and the conclusion of a public contract, signed by all contractors applying together for the award of the contract, including established contractor – Agent; the power of attorney must be accompanied by evidence that the person signing the power of attorney shall be authorized to make declarations of will on behalf of the contractor, c) the bid form and attachments to the offer must be signed by the person / persons authorized to make declarations of will on behalf of the contractor, the authorization must be attached to the offer unless it is clear from the documents attached; power of attorney (authorization) must be presented in the form of original or notarized copies



IV.1.1) Award Mode: Open.


IV.2.1) Award criteria: price and other criteria linked to the subject:

  • 1 – Price – 90
  • 2 – Time of delivery – 10


auction will be conducted electronic page address, which will be conducted:

IV.3) amendment to the agreement

provides substantial changes of provisions of the agreement in relation to the content of the offer, under which the selection of the contractor:

Acceptable changes of clauses of a contract and determining conditions for changes

1. Ordering a possibility to change provisions of the agreement in relation to the content of the offer the Contractor in the following cases:
 1) the existence of circumstances which could not be foreseen at the time of conclusion of the contract, unlawful force majeure – entitling Party to amend the agreement to the extent required for its proper implementation,
 2) the emergence of new, beneficial to the Employer technological solutions possible to implement an alternative to those provided in this Agreement; in such circumstances Contractor salary can not be increased,
 3) withdraw from the production or distribution of goods listed in the Contractor’s offer – Employer allows the delivery of a different product range, with parameters not worse than the minimum requirements laid down in Annex 1 to the Agreement, after documenting the Contractor impossibility of delivery (written information from the manufacturer or distributor ); in such circumstances the Contractor’s remuneration will not be increased
 4) the existence of objective factors preventing the implementation of the Agreement in accordance with an original maturity – entitling Party to change the date of execution of the contract, 5) occurrence (disclosure) during the execution of the agreement circumstances justifying the making clarifications / additions / changes to the contractual provisions favorable to the Employer, in the above situation the Contractor’s remuneration It will not be increased.
 2. The basis for amendments referred to in paragraph 1 is an application by one of the parties and its acceptance by the other Party.


IV.4.1) Address of a website, on which accessible terms of reference are: bip / tenders /
terms of reference can be obtained at: 10-575 Olsztyn, Al. Marshal Jozef Pilsudski 7/9, room 316.

IV.4.4) Time-limit for receipt of requests to participate or tenders: 09.02.2015 10:00, place : 10-575 Olsztyn, Al. Marshal Jozef Pilsudski 7/9, room 354.

IV.4.5) Date of offer: period on days: 30 (the deadline for submission of tenders).

IV.4.17) Will there be any cancellation of the contract award procedure, in case no funds from the budget of the European Union and non-returnable centers from the aid provided through Member States of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) which were supposed to be intended to financing all or part of the order:

ANNEX I – Information Concerning Partial Offers

Part No: 1 Name: delivery of hardware and software – job No. 1.

  • 1) Brief description indicating the size or scope of the order: 1) PART I – delivery of hardware and software – task No. 1, comprising:
     a) desktop computer with monitor (office) – 66 pcs.,
     b) a portable computer – 11 pcs.,
     c) office software for desktop and laptop computers listed in subparagraph a) and b) – 77 pcs.,
     d) scanner A3 – 1 pc.,
     e) scanner A4 – 1 pc.,
     f) laser printers, monochrome, network with built-in duplex A4 – 6 pcs.,
     g) Multifunction Laser A4 mono – 2 pcs.,
     h) battery for laptop Asus Eee PC 1015PE – 1 pc.,
     i) the battery for laptop Asus F5M – 1 pc.,
     j) speakers – 2 pcs.,
     k) keyboard – 17 pcs.,
     l) computer mouse – 22 pcs.,
     m) monitor 21.5 inches – 15 pcs.,
     n) 16GB flash drive encrypted 256 bit hardware AES – 29 pcs.,
     o) system software with a perpetual license – 1 pc.,
     p) licenses User CALs system WinSvrStd 2012R2 OLP NL Gov 2Proc – 166 p.,
     q) Kofax Express Desktop – 1 pc.,
     r) A3 multifunction device type I – 1 pc.,
     s) label printer – 1 pc.,
     2) a detailed description of the hardware and software covered by Part I of the contract is given in Annex 6 to the terms of reference.

  • 2) Common Dictionary (CPV):,,,

  • 3) Time duration or time limit for completion: Duration in months: 30.
  • 4) Award criteria: price and other criteria related to the object of the contract:

    • 1. Price – 90
    • 2. Time of delivery – 10

Part No: 2 Name: delivery of hardware – a task No. 2 .

  • 1) Brief description indicating the size or scope of the order: 1) PART II – the supply of computer equipment – task No. 2, comprising:
     a) A4 scanner with ADF – 1 pc.,
     b) A3 multifunction device type II – 2 pcs.,
     2) a detailed description of the hardware covered by Part II of the contract is given in Annex No. 7 to the terms of reference.

  • 2) Common procurement vocabulary (CPV):

  • 3) The duration or time limit for completion: Duration in months: 30.
  • 4) Award criteria: price and other criteria linked to the subject:

    • 1 . Price – 90
    • 2. Time of delivery – 10

Part No: 3 Name: delivery of a disk array.

  • 1) Brief description indicating the size or scope of the order: 1) PART III – delivery matrix disk containing the backup system and SAN
     2) a detailed description of the hardware covered by Part III of the order is given in Annex 8 to terms of reference.

  • 2) Common procurement vocabulary ( CPV):,

  • 3) The duration or time limit for completion: Duration in months: 30 .
  • 4) Award criteria: price and other criteria linked to the subject:

    • 1. Price – 90
    • 2. Time of delivery – 10

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Upgrading to Windows 10 – watch out for malicious software … –

Before mails offering bogus update to the Windows operating system warns BitDefender antivirus lab. Visible as the sender address can lull many people, candidates do not realize that the record in this place can be freely swapped. For this theme: “Free upgrade Windows 10″ and blue background in the content can convince people to open the attachment.

Unfortunately, this is just another of criminals whose aim is to infect computers with malware CTB Locker. The victim sees on his computer screen a message like this:

“Your private data has been encrypted by CTB-Locker . Your documents, images, databases and other important files have been encrypted powerful and unique encryption key generated by the computer. Individual decryption key is stored on a private server on the internet and nobody decrypt your data before you do not pay and you can download the key.

You have 96 hours to deposit. If you do not put money in the allotted time, all your files will be encrypted on a permanent basis, and no one will be able to get them back.

Click” View “to see a list of files that have been encrypted.

Click” Next “to go to the next page.

WARNING: Do not try to get rid of the program on their own. Any action may remove the private decryption key. Then you lose your files forever. The only way to recover your data is to make the above statement. “

On infected computers, you will be prompted fees ($ 600) for a key that will decrypt the encrypted data – without the decryption is impossible. When the “ransom” is paid, decryption should start automatically.

CTB Locker is a successor of the popular Cryptolockera. Despite a partial combat this ransomware, he was able to return to later. Unfortunately, this type of malware is constantly evolving and becoming more and more dangerous, while achieving new levels of complexity.

“This version malicious messages creates the ideal context for cybercriminals who fully in this exercise,” says Bogdan Botezatu, a senior e-threats analyst at Bitdefender.

According to BitDefender Labs, malware emails were sent within three days of spam servers located in Russia, the USA, Thailand, Ukraine, India, Kazakhstan, Taiwan and France.


ERO ordering hardware and software – Business portal

5 488 listings in the database


Monday, August 24, 2015

Abandonware does not exist, and beerware forced to buy beer … – Gadzeto Mania

Even though we paid for an application, it may happen that we use it illegally. The boundary between honest user and the offender can be very thin. What to pay attention to not exceed?


This issue can be summed up very briefly: abandonware legally does not exist. This is only a figment of Web users, who called such software and – above all – the game considered abandoned by their owners, which have either not there, or are not interested in providing support and earning on old products.
In contrast, however, there are abandonware orphan works, ie those whose owners can not be determined, but not expired to them copyrights . As a result, the works of these can not be made public, but legal access to them will be possible, eg. In libraries, universities or archives.

OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)

This type of license (or rather the method of sale) is well known among purchasers of computers, which are often sold as a set together with a “free” operating system. It all boils down, in this case the fact that the objective copy of the software is assigned to a specific component , or the entire computer, and its price is included in the price of the hardware.

That is why – according to the provisions of the license – upgrade your computer may be associated with loss of the right to use the software or operating system. The user also can not sell the software itself, which is then integral part of the equipment .


Problems such does not make software sold in-a-Box (this is also a sales model and not the type of license!). It is a standalone and usually more expensive product , which you can install on any devices and unlimited transfer between them or install on a few – the number of posts set out in detail license.


On the surface, everything here is obvious: after all, get a free product, with which we can use. Less obvious are additional restrictions – yes, we can use without spending a dime, but the owner of the software is made available as freeware can (and often does) stipulate that it is possible to use only for noncommercial purposes .

For example – after installing the editor EditPad Lite can draw from his lecture with a note and a list of things to do. But if we want to write an offer for the customer, we should pay 19.95 dollars. for the commercial license.


This type of license is to allow the user familiarize yourself with the software before making a decision to buy. In practice, this means that the application can be used eg. For 30 days, or let it run a limited number of times. Some developers use restrictions, which then block the software or limit its functionality, eg. Excluding some function or by adding watermarks to documents.

Others did not bring such locks, counting on the good will of users. An example of such an approach include Total Commander or WinRAR, which users after a 30-day trial period should either remove the software or pay for further use.


This software is available usually for free or for a nominal fee. Its creators make money from ads, shown to users . This solution is experiencing a second youth through mobile platforms; before it was used, among others by GG, a long time ago – Version 8.50 – by the creators of the Opera. The browser was made available for free, but display a small banner ad.

GNU GPL (General Public License)

One of the key license that defines free software. For software can be called free, has to simultaneously meet four conditions , numbered from 0 to 3: user can run them in any order (0) analyze the action and customize to your needs (1), and distribute the unmodified copy (2) and distribute version with its own improvements (3).

The GPL is also known as viral license : all the work, using the works distributed under this license, it automatically must be based on GPL .


This developed at the University of Berkeley license is also compatible with free software. Compared with the GNU GPL key difference is the ability to protect the rights of authors: the works of the BSD license can be incorporated into other, also commercial products , including the proprietary software. The condition in this case the behavior of information about the author used the code and content BSD license, which was made available. Similar to the BSD is also the X11 license.

Licenses gift and beerware

One of the most interesting types of licenses are licenses Gift. With the software released in this way can be used without restriction when the condition , posed by the creator. It is usually send him a postcard, email or SMS (respectively postcard-, mail- or SMSware), or eg. Pay any user-selected amount to some useful purpose.
Worth mentioning is also licensed beerware: the user can free use of the software, but – when you meet his creator – is obliged to bring him beer .


Friday, August 21, 2015

The company has designed to pirate software worth 2 million zł – Interia

Yesterday, Aug. 21 (5:24)

The officers involved in the fight against economic crime seized in one of the Katowice company illegal software, among others, for architectural and engineering drawings media delivery systems, road, rail, communications networks, as well as in the mining industry.

A design company made use of illegal software. There has been proceeding in this case

/ © 123RF / Picsel

Nearly 200 police allegations put dwójce residents Namysłów for trafficking illegal software on one of the popular auction site. The value of illegal software was initially estimated at up to 7.5 million. Detainees were charged with obtaining other people’s programs … read more

The company had illegally used software in the business of design is likely to achieve financial gain. Suspicions were confirmed when investigators searched the office of the Katowice command of the company. In the course of operations they secured 4 computers and 21 hard drives with illegal copies of software. Its value is initially estimated at nearly 2 million zł. According to the art. 278 § 2 of the Criminal Code to obtain someone else’s computer program without the consent of the rightholder (manufacturer) in order to gain material benefits is punishable by up to five years’ imprisonment.

– If the preliminary findings of the investigation police preliminary indications are confirmed, it will be able to tell you about another example of the use of illegal software on a very large scale in the context of – how do you suppose – profitable business – said Bartlomiej Witucki, the representative of the BSA.

A few weeks ago, the BSA has informed the Company entered into a settlement with the eastern Polish. It has benefited from illegal highly specialized software. Under the settlement, the company was obliged to pay compensation in the amount of $ 1 million.

– The agreement reached on the amount of one million dollars, as well as today commented on the matter, should be an eloquent warning to companies that commit the comparable the practice of – Witucki added.

Article from category: Programs

> INTERIA.PL/informacje Releases


Thursday, August 20, 2015

McAfee Free Antivirus – light and free software … –

Thursday, 20 August 2015 10:41 Written by Wojtek Onyśków  mcafee free antivirus

In the face of an increasing number of threats to every computer user should ensure adequate antivirus software. For free pool of useful tools just joined McAfee Free Antivirus – An application which is advertised as a simple and lightweight solution that offers basic protection of our device.



Some antivirus programs offer a huge number of configuration options that allow you to customize the program to suit your preferences. However, not everybody needs to go into the complicated settings. Just for such persons was created McAfee Free Antivirus.

The latest application is completely free and offers basic protection of your computer in real time. What is most important – the software is light and does not hog too much system resources. This is possible through the delegation scan to servers in the cloud, which perform all the necessary calculations.

McAfee Free Antivirus has a simple and clear interface that focuses on the most important functions of the program. It is worth noting that the application is now available in beta and not all elements must work properly. For example, the function of manual scan of your computer is currently unavailable.

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Download McAfee Free Antivirus

Source: Intel Security


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Software created for Stephen Hawking now open and … – dobreprogramy

Stephen Hawking is a person that needs no introduction. Eminent cosmologist and theoretical physicist from whom even in the 60s was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, for years to communicate with the outside world uses the Intel system created by ACAT. The company has just made a decision that can change the lives of others suffering from this and other diseases – the software is open and available for free.

ACAT, which Assistive Context-Aware Toolkit is a system that by using, in the case of Hawking, the sensor placed in his cheek and a switch mounted infrared glasses scientist, predicts what he intends to say greatly reducing the time required for the synthesis of the words.

Analyzing the cheek muscle work is of course only one of the many methods which can be resorted system while recognizing and predicting the next word. It is possible, for example, an implementation that uses eye tracking, facial muscles or individual muscle contractions. The main reason for the decision on the release of Intel’s code of ACAT is to continue to develop further ways already by the community. Such an impulse gives you the chance that a particular person would be able to use the system implementation developed specifically for her, thus giving a chance for a better life to thousands of other people who were taken to the same body or face similar disabilities. The Communication Intel on this, read the following:

 Our hope is that by opening the code of the configurable platform, developers will continue to expand the system with new user interfaces, sensors, word prediction methods and other functions The. ACAT was created for machines with Windows and is compatible with a variety of sensors, such as infrared switches, camera, buttons and more.

Of course retrieval of information by means of sensors and actuators are only part of the way the ACAT. For the full functionality required engine is able to identify individual letters, combine them into morphemes, and then predict specific words and combine them into notice. An example of such software is Presage, also available for free.

Intel decided to make available tools that – to quote Stephen Hawking – life-changing . In addition to the publication of the program itself, along with its code in the repository GitHub, Intel udostęnił well as documentation that will allow for easier implementation of the system and tailor it to the specific needs of people with disabilities.

                         © dobreprogramy


Illegal software – Radio Katowice

Illegal computer programs secured in one of the project offices in Katowice police in cooperation with a company dedicated to the protection of property rights.

The value of “pirated” software was initially estimated at 2 million zlotys . During the operations, officers seized 4 computers and 21 hard drives with illegal copies of special programs, including support projects for architectural and engineering media delivery systems, road, rail, communications networks, in mining and other sectors of the economy. For illegal use of software and achieved in this respect perpetrators of financial benefits threatens imprisonment for five years.

Author: Monika Krasińska

See also


Monday, August 17, 2015

Lenovo computers did not allow to get rid of the extra … – Softonet

Additional software on computers sold with pre-installed Windows is the bane of many users. It would seem that the remedy for this blemish on the performance of Clean operating system installation, as it turns out, at Lenovo additional software automatically installing, even after such surgery.

crapware is unnecessary software bundled with computers sold with pre-installed Windows. Some of these applications not only takes up unnecessary disk space, but sometimes works in the background using computer resources. In one of our guides we wrote about how to get rid of such unwanted software (crapware), but some users still decides to perform a clean installation of Windows with media other than those provided by the hardware manufacturer, hoping to erase the hard drives or solid state media prevent installation of unwanted software. And so it is in theory, but not in the case of some computers sold by Lenovo. The Chinese giant has used cleverly designed tool for equipment manufacturers Windows Platform Binary Table (WPBT) by Microsoft designed for the possibility of adding the software UEFI eg. The application automatically installing operating systems software theft, even after a complete cleaning content HDD or SSD. This solution is designed to prevent the use of a computer, which has been blocked as a result of theft or loss. However, Lenovo has demonstrated creative and used this opportunity in a slightly different way.

One of the forum members Ars Technica website recently described their findings after performing clean Windows installation on one of the laptops from Lenovo. Despite the use of OEM of that DVD (containing only the operating system from Redmond), after the first time you connect your computer to the Internet appeared on the additional application normally served by a Chinese manufacturer – OneKey Optimizer. Quick investigation allowed us to identify the causes of such behavior laptop. Lenovo used as described earlier WPBT tool for substitution system file Autochk.exe is located in the C: Windows system32, which was made possible by zaszytemu in UEFI software. During the first run the new operating system, Microsoft’s not coming from the Autochk.exe file created two new services included in the Lenovo Service Engine (LSE) – LenovoUpdate.exe and LenovoCheck.exe that extracted the Internet and automatically and even install software without the user’s consent transmit to the server manufacturer’s containing data associated with a particular person Lenovo information to help you understand how visitors interact with their products .

This software behavior served by the Chinese producer is not only undesirable but also dangerous for the safety of users. Earlier this year detected a serious vulnerability in the mechanism and service WPBT LSE, allowing you to infect your computer with malware through swapping servers from which additional applications are downloaded. As a result of this discovery Microsoft developed for manufacturers of computer hardware new guidelines on the use of WPBT, and Lenovo in June resigned from the service LSE. All sold since then, the Chinese computer manufacturer no longer contain the UEFI additional software. In addition, on July 31 on the website of the Lenovo technical support were published two newsletters containing information about the UEFI firmware upgrade to use the LSE desktops and laptops.

And it would appear that everything is fine, if not for the fact that these newsletters were published quietly, and vulnerable to attacks Outside users were not informed about the need to update UEFI in order to remove the critical gaps in their computers. This is the second serious setback as Lenovo in recent months. The first was connected with that comes with computers preinstalled with the Windows operating system application Superfish. The list of sensitive use gaps in WPBT and LSE computers can be found below, and if your device on it lighter, we encourage you to as soon as possible off the LSE, software updates, BIOS / UEFI and take advantage of a utility for stripping additional files from the operating system.


  • Flex 2 Pro 15 (Broadwell), Flex 2 Pro 15 (Haswell), Flex 3 1120 Flex 3 1470/1570, G40-80 / G50-80 / G50-80 Touch S41-70 / U41-70, S435 / M40-35, V3000, Y40-80, Yoga 3 11, Yoga 3 14 Z41-70 / Z51-70, Z70-80 / G70-80


  • A540 / A740, B4030, B5030, B5035. B750, H3000, H3050, H5000, H5050, H5055, Horizon 2 27 Horizon 2e (Yoga Home 500), Horizon 2S, C260, C2005, C2030, C4005, C4030, C5030, X310 (A78) , X315 (B85)

Friday, August 14, 2015

Lenovo computers did not allow to get rid of the extra … – Softonet

Additional software on computers sold with pre-installed Windows is the bane of many users. It would seem that the remedy for this blemish on the performance of Clean operating system installation, as it turns out, at Lenovo additional software automatically installing, even after such surgery.

crapware is unnecessary software bundled with computers sold with pre-installed Windows. Some of these applications not only takes up unnecessary disk space, but sometimes works in the background using computer resources. In one of our guides we wrote about how to get rid of such unwanted software (crapware), but some users still decides to perform a clean installation of Windows with media other than those provided by the hardware manufacturer, hoping to erase the hard drives or solid state media prevent installation of unwanted software. And so it is in theory, but not in the case of some computers sold by Lenovo. The Chinese giant has used cleverly designed tool for equipment manufacturers Windows Platform Binary Table (WPBT) by Microsoft designed for the possibility of adding the software UEFI eg. The application automatically installing operating systems software theft, even after a complete cleaning content HDD or SSD. This solution is designed to prevent the use of a computer, which has been blocked as a result of theft or loss. However, Lenovo has demonstrated creative and used this opportunity in a slightly different way.

One of the forum members Ars Technica website recently described their findings after performing clean Windows installation on one of the laptops from Lenovo. Despite the use of OEM of that DVD (containing only the operating system from Redmond), after the first time you connect your computer to the Internet appeared on the additional application normally served by a Chinese manufacturer – OneKey Optimizer. Quick investigation allowed us to identify the causes of such behavior laptop. Lenovo used as described earlier WPBT tool for substitution system file Autochk.exe is located in the C: Windows system32, which was made possible by zaszytemu in UEFI software. During the first run the new operating system, Microsoft’s not coming from the Autochk.exe file created two new services included in the Lenovo Service Engine (LSE) – LenovoUpdate.exe and LenovoCheck.exe that extracted the Internet and automatically and even install software without the user’s consent transmit to the server manufacturer’s containing data associated with a particular person Lenovo information to help you understand how visitors interact with their products .

This software behavior served by the Chinese producer is not only undesirable but also dangerous for the safety of users. Earlier this year detected a serious vulnerability in the mechanism and service WPBT LSE, allowing you to infect your computer with malware through swapping servers from which additional applications are downloaded. As a result of this discovery Microsoft developed for manufacturers of computer hardware new guidelines on the use of WPBT, and Lenovo in June resigned from the service LSE. All sold since then, the Chinese computer manufacturer no longer contain the UEFI additional software. In addition, on July 31 on the website of the Lenovo technical support were published two newsletters containing information about the UEFI firmware upgrade to use the LSE desktops and laptops.

And it would appear that everything is fine, if not for the fact that these newsletters were published quietly, and vulnerable to attacks Outside users were not informed about the need to update UEFI in order to remove the critical gaps in their computers. This is the second serious setback as Lenovo in recent months. The first was connected with that comes with computers preinstalled with the Windows operating system application Superfish. The list of sensitive use gaps in WPBT and LSE computers can be found below, and if your device on it lighter, we encourage you to as soon as possible off the LSE, software updates, BIOS / UEFI and take advantage of a utility for stripping additional files from the operating system.


  • Flex 2 Pro 15 (Broadwell), Flex 2 Pro 15 (Haswell), Flex 3 1120 Flex 3 1470/1570, G40-80 / G50-80 / G50-80 Touch S41-70 / U41-70, S435 / M40-35, V3000, Y40-80, Yoga 3 11, Yoga 3 14 Z41-70 / Z51-70, Z70-80 / G70-80


  • A540 / A740, B4030, B5030, B5035. B750, H3000, H3050, H5000, H5050, H5055, Horizon 2 27 Horizon 2e (Yoga Home 500), Horizon 2S, C260, C2005, C2030, C4005, C4030, C5030, X310 (A78) , X315 (B85)