Saturday, August 8, 2015

Tesla fights against hackers. Software complements the iconic … – TVN24 Business and World

Hackers can threaten not only our computers, but also – as it turns out advanced auto. Tesla has just released a software update for its iconic model – Tesla S. Everything after the two scientists have found a way to undermine the on-board electric car.

Tesla once again this month she had to take action for solving the issue of safety in their vehicles.

During the last trial, the researchers were able to bypass the security system, turn off the car and get it to stop.

Problem solved?

ZR & oacute; DLO: Wikimedia (CC BY -SA 3.0) This is the smaoch & oacute; d Tesla – Model S

Tesla Motors is the first decade of the new automobile manufacturer that can … see more »

In an interview with the BBC Tesla ensures that solved all six security vulnerabilities. As we read in solving the problem cooperated closely with the specialists of security.

Marc Rogers, security researcher at Cloudflare and Kevin Mahaffey of Lookout published preliminary information on the problems that plagued Tesla S. Details are to be disclosed soon.

It is they who informed Tesla about gaps in securing the iconic model. The manufacturer responded to their findings.

not the first time

After the end of July, Fiat Chrysler withdrew more than 1.4 million vehicles after the hackers Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek showed how to exploit errors in on-board software in the Jeep Cherokee and turn it off remotely.

Through the use of the connection between in-car entertainment system and controller board, the researchers were able to issue commands and take control of the car.

Hackers took control of the Jeep Cherokee:


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