Saturday, August 29, 2015

He created spyware on Android. He faces 10 years … –

Friday, 28 August 2015 8:55 Written by Wojtek Onyśków



Today, data security – especially in large corporations, is a priority. Precisely for this reason, companies are increasingly turning to advanced anti-virus solutions, with the help of specialists. But do you always have good intentions? Example Morgan Culbertson shows that not necessarily.



20-year-old Morgan Culbertson until recently worked as an intern at FireEye, which is a company dealing with cybersecurity. As it turned out, the intentions of the young specialists were completely different. He decided to create dendroid, or virus on Android, which allowed spying on others using the built-in webcams, eavesdropping with built-in microphones, and even capturing shots.

This application is sold for $ 300 on an underground forum Darkode. In March 2014 years dendroid source code was found in one of the applications available directly from Google Play. It is not known whether any other software also uses this solution.

Culbertson Morgan confessed to create an application before the court. He faces up to 10 years in prison and 250 thousand. dollar fine. The final judgment will be announced on 2 December.

Source: Neowin


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