Thursday, August 6, 2015

Spies on Wall Street. As intelligence software supports … –

-Wall Street and intelligence have similar goals: to look for a sit the uncertainties resulting from data – thinks quoted by the Wall Street Journal, Roger Hockenberry, former director of information technology at the CIA, now a partner at cognitio Corp. – It’s just that banks and investment funds are looking for good customers and crooks, not terrorists.

Since the attacks of 11 September 2001, the CIA financed by private equity firm In-Q-Tel started to invest in companies whose products would help agencies sift through huge amounts of data obtained at an angle threats. In an increasingly complex business environment such skills are becoming increasingly attractive for investors from Wall Street.

Technology Incubator CIA

Of the 101 companies in which it has invested In-Q-Tel 33 is becoming more popular on Wall Street. These include Palantir Technologies, which offers advanced data analysis tools, Recorded Future, which monitors the Internet for information about upcoming threats and Domino Data Labs, which offers tools for reporting and automated modeling based on big data.

Palantir is currently valued at $ 20 billion. Since 2009, grossed more than $ 215 million thanks to contracts with the FBI, the Department of Defense and the Department of Safety. Today, however, 60 percent. the company’s revenue comes not from government procurement, but on business, especially on Wall Street.

Just turn out the fate of Digital Reasoning specializing in providing self-learning system that can detect patterns and links with large amounts of data and text. The company, founded in 2000, signed its first major contract with the US Army in 2004. The company’s products have been used, inter alia, military systems in Afghanistan. Then the services of Digital Reasoning benefited among other things, the CIA. Currently, the company cooperates, among others, the Swiss bank UBS Group AG.

Wanted: Dead or Alive

The investment fund Point72 uses the services of both Digital Reasoning and Palantir that monitor millions of corporate e-mails and information sent via instant messaging in search of alarming signals, for example regarding insider trading.

After a brief “appropriate vocational” SYNTHESYS system provided by Digital Reasoning was able to recognize in e-mails language and phrases that arise in the fraud. The system is able to break the language codes used by groups that want to avoid detection.

Yeah really broker in red suspenders, a new image of the past – says Alexander Porowska, External Relations Leader with IBM, whose systems monitor the stock market in search of suspicious transactions on behalf of the NYSE – At the moment, the majority of transactions on the stock market perform machines and algorithms. Due to our given decide on buying or selling transaction amounts going into millions of dollars. There is therefore no wonder that it happens that hackers and scammers are trying to cash in on the operation of these algorithms.


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