Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Windows 10 is able to block pirated games and software – Virtual Poland

  By accepting the terms of the license of Windows 10, users agree to blocking pirated software system. Added to this it is also possible to block “unauthorized hardware” – a pity that Microsoft did not explain what he meant.

 The rules of use of Windows 10 contains a provision, according to which Microsoft could using the appropriate system update to block user to use certain software – if the system detects that it comes from illegal sources.

 Of course, piracy is illegal, so it’s hard to criticize Microsoft’s new policy. They agree with including both game developers and software and using these products users who have not paid for, so there is no problem. Truth?

 Not completely. Windows 10 debuted recently, however, soon began to be criticized for the fact that quite strongly interferes with the privacy of users. Collected by the Microsoft system information gives enormous power – you can from them to create an accurate profile data can be made available to advertising companies.

 The ability to block pirated software probably will not be infallible, so you can safely assume that within a year we will have at least one “scandal” because “ten” inadvertently block some niche freeware program.

 Even more disturbing matter is the case with “unauthorized hardware”. It is already can mean a lot, even “unofficial” game controllers other than Microsoft’s Xbox pad. Blocking of such devices for the users can be much harder to accept.

  See also: The whole truth about piracy


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