Friday, August 28, 2015

A company with Polish deliver software for the OSCE – Gazeta Wyborcza

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Polish firm IC Solutions has signed a contract with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to provide software to 300 electronic pens. The facilities will be used by OSCE observers during the elections.



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Developed by Pen IC technology allows for the automatic digitization of documents created on paper. The solution will be used for the first time in the OSCE in October during elections in Kyrgyzstan, Belarus and Ukraine.

The Polish company won the written out in April this year a tender for IT system supporting the missions of the OSCE. Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights reported demand for IT system which would support the collection of data by observers of the OSCE and transmit them in real time to the headquarters in Vienna.

As told PAP on Thursday the president of the company’s IC Solutions Rafał Witkowski, “primarily developed innovative software to use digital pens.”

“Our technology not only automatically create digital versions of documents, but also registers the way their formation – we eg., as the form was printed. If the observer something puzzled or skipped a question and answered it late, it Our system will record this fact. Later, you can find out for example. Why answer the question for him was not obvious or pose any difficulty, “- explained Witkowski.

President of IC Solutions added that the company does not manufacture digital pens, but created its own innovative algorithm. Pen used in IC devices come from the Swedish supplier.

Thanks to the technology any observers from the OSCE will be able during his mission to automatically save and transmit observations in digital form to the headquarters in Vienna. According to IC Solutions “will significantly reduce development time reports and conclusions of the OSCE mission.” “Without this facility would not be able to create reports from the mission before the publication of the election results,” – he added Witkowski.

The company founded by lecturers of the University. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. IC Solutions is one of the technology companies that operates in Poznan Science and Technology Park. The contract with the OSCE is the first major success of the company.

Poznanians are already working on further applications of the software. IC Pen can be used to perform psychological portraits of the people who write them or detect diseases such as Parkinson’s.

The company emphasizes that the use of IC Pena is no different from an ordinary pen. However benefit from specially prepared sheets with marked miniature dots – they can be prepared for any home printer.

Solution IC Solutions is used in two Warsaw hospitals in completing the medical records, the District Court in Poznań and at the University. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.

The Digital Pen is a miniature computer that using the built-in pen camera, analyzes everything it writes and writes data to the flash memory card. After writing or filling any document we have ready its two versions – paper and electronic, which can be in any way manipulate and process.

IC Solutions specializes in so-called. invisible computing, which nieodczuwalnym using computer tools. The company creates and implements innovative IT projects – one of which is the IC Pen. The company was founded as a start-up within the investment fund seed capital Poznań Science and Technology Park and SpeedUp Venture Capital Group.

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