Tuesday, September 29, 2015

1.2 million cars Skoda software falsify the measurement – TVN24 Business World

The company Skoda, owned by Volkswagen Group, announced on Monday that 1.2 million cars of this brand in the world have installed software that enables falsifying test results to diesel exhaust.

– I can confirm that in the framework of the Skoda brand in terms of approx. 1.2 million cars worldwide – told AFP a spokesman for the Czech company Jozef Balaz.

The US authorities revealed on September 18 that Volkswagen is suspected by the US federal ZR & oacute; DLO EPA Polish authorities are investigating issues related to manipulation by Volkswagen measurement of exhaust emissions from motor & oacute; in diesel

The Polish authorities already are investigating handling issues by Volkswagen … see more »

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for manipulating the measurement of exhaust from diesel engines, which could mean the producer huge penalty.

The company said Sept. 22 that challenged the EPA software was installed in his car outside the US . It has to be in approx. 11 million vehicles worldwide, including in Poland.

The prosecutor’s office in Braunschweig announced on Monday to initiate an investigation against the former president of Volkswagen Martin Winterkornowi, which “is accused of fraud in connection with Car sales of falsified data on emissions. “


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