Sunday, September 20, 2015

The new offer JetBrains: big fuss, apology and subscriptions … – dobreprogramy

Another software maker after Microsoft, Adobe and introduces a subscription model for its software. A few weeks ago, one of the known and popular in the environment of programmers companies decided to introduce from November. subskypcyjny model. SaaS sign of this decade?

The Czech company JetBrains can be associated with multiple products – PHP web developers they associate this company with a brilliant PHPStorma, working in .NET, probably know ReSharper and Java developers will have ever faced with IntelliJ IDEA. This relatively small company over the years has created a range of good and featured software. It also had a group of loyal customers, systematically Pickup their direct rivals (Eclipse, NetBeans, Zend Studio) users.

JetBrains is a company touted among other things, for its relatively low price, quality and flexibility of software created in cooperation with customers. Open test programs leading products, has otwary bugtracker, and at the same time can be seen everywhere desire contact with the community. To illustrate this approach would be willing to compare, JetBrains to CD Projekt RED.

These companies are gems, but with time in each such “bead” come to the fore accountant for which will be more important than a cell in Excel capital of trust that has developed for a few years the company.

JetBrains Creative Cloud 365?

As beautiful and comfortable supposed to be – a customer would have one account, with which he could manage their licenses (but a pact: if “szaraczków” would be Rather Management license ). Just when you first start the program enter your login and password for your account, so that the world of software JetBrains stood open. Everything under the name JetBrains Toolbox .

So we have the name, the main role of our accountant – updating price lists. The current licensing model JetBrains products does not imply immediate need to renew your license. On the contrary – effective classical model: the client is purchasing, with 12-miesęcznym support package. After its expiry, the client is licensed on a product and can use it, there will have been for this update. Quite a fair offer. Each product has after its expiry date. A customer can come back at any reasonable time and purchase license to get updates, but without haste.

Well, we go to the problem of what is called. Software as a Service . This model assumes a fundamental change in the approach to the customer, who eventually becomes the only Lender software. Compared with the previous model, where the license was separated from the support package, here is the deal tied. Żadnen of the popular software vendors did not establish a variant in which the client withdrawing from the clouds and remains the last version of the product to which he was entitled.

Of course there are pluses of this solution – usually high initial prices are broken down into mniejszcze (often monthly) fees. This means that your product is better accessible to customers. In this case, the company provides a steady inflow of cash, regardless of how good or a terrible product release in the future.

Here I can cite the example of Adobe Creative Cloud, in which products around May get more updates, often such that cause problems in the beginning. Completely However, there is no such ground-breaking versions, which were Creative Suite 2 and 5. While the last version of Adobe begins to feel his breath on the back of competition from small, often garage companies like Affinity, is a way to crush the monopoly it is still long.

In the case of Adobe crucial factor for the company is to maintain control over image formats. Few program can correctly open and save a PSD file, which can then open Adobe Photoshop. Why? Because actually the PSD file can contain data of all kinds, from imported vectors from Illustrator on another PSD files.

The same can be said of the format used by Microsoft Office. You say what you want, but there are still problems with the correct implementation of the OpenXML standard so that each program can use it. LibreOffice Office’s never catch up in the race.

With the source code of the application is different. The situation, when the software maker also creates a language, it is rather unusual. Yes, there are exceptions like C # and Visual Studio or Swift and Xcode, but even in their case is an alternative software available. You might recognize that the JetBrains throws with goose chase trying to drag customers to the SaaS model. To be fair these are situations in which their proposal would be more attractive than what the company currently offers. The beneficiary of all this confusion would be customers IntelliJ IDEA, which is multi-functional development environment, which will create both applications on iOS as, Android, and Java, PHP, or NodeJS, and by the way we will be able to design a structure virtually any popular database.

JetBrains went the same way. Presented at the beginning of September, licensing model assumed virtually eradicating the environment WebStorm on sales – its price would be identical to the one that the client would have to pay for other development environments. The exception would be existing customers for whom price updates would remain unchanged. Price of other individual environments was also very attractive because for 4 euros a month more customer receives IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, which offers possibilities for all other products.

Certainly from the point of view of JetBrains offer it was tempting … But first: no variant did not put the reduce prices. And keep in mind, that would be enough one-month break that privilege so attractive offer to lose. Of course, company officials asserted that contact with support would be enough to explain such a matter. However, this is still only the good will of employees to such a request be considered.


Those who dare to doubt these assurances turned out quite a bit. JetBrains was undoubtedly surprised by how warm greeting their new business plan. This heat undoubtedly flow from prepared under the seat of the stack, and not in love hearts developers.

The event had wide repercussions both on the company blog JetBrains, as well as forums and newsgroups. And the response was very simple: one should give up JetBrains products, vacuum Eclipse or NetBeans and go back to those lumbering donkeys. Of course, there were also voices of customers who paid attention to the attractiveness of these top variants. However, these were individuals, disappearing in a flood of unhappy customers.


In Announced a new subscription licensing model and JetBrains Toolbox yesterday. We want you to rest assured That we are listening. Your comments, questions and Concerns are not falling on deaf ears.


We will act on this feedback.


It took a day to the company withdrew its plan to force clients transition to JetBrains Toolbox. In a very short statement the company has provided all interested parties to listen to their comments. At the same time the company stressed that these prices are not prices end .

Something new

On Friday, JetBrains has released a complete response. She apologized primarily of its regular customers for the situation. In addition, it lasted she plan to transition to the SaaS model, but in order to get out of this change alive, she decided to offer existing customers a better environment.

And so the client whose subscription exceeds 12 months, will get a permanent license version of purchase . Will be able to use it at the end subscribed to. JetBrains software will not require an Internet connection. Existing customers, who will benefit from an annual subscription, get the second year absolutely free. This promotion also applies to those whose licenses expired during the year. Existing customers also get a discount of 40% of the normal price.

Existing Customers

Prices JetBrains Toolbox for customers with active or recently expired license for a product, other than IntelliJ IDEA and ReSharper concern first, third and subsequent years subscription. All below prices are net .

























Product Individual Commercial content
All products 249 € 649 €
IntelliJ IDEA 89 € 299 €
Single environment 53 € 119 €
Webstorm 77 € 77 €
Resharper Ultimate 89 € 239 €
Resharper 77 € 179 €
Resharper C ++ 53 € 119 €

New customers

Option subscribed to monthly:


























Product Individual Commercial content
All products € 24.90 € 64.90
IntelliJ IDEA € 14.90 € 49.90
Single environment 8.90 € € 19.90
Webstorm 5.90 € € 12.90
Resharper Ultimate € 14.90 € 39.90
Resharper € 12.90 € 29.90
Resharper C ++ 8.90 € € 19.90

Option subscribed to the year:

























Product Individual * Commercial content *
All products 249 € 649 €
IntelliJ IDEA 149 € 499 €
Single environment 89 € 199 €
Webstorm 59 € 129 €
Resharper Ultimate 149 € 399 €
Resharper 129 € 299 €
Resharper C ++ 89 € 199 €

* price for the first year, with subsequent renewals apply discounts: for the second year 20%, and for the third and another 40% of the price.

Who lose and who will gain?

When comparing prices with the prices of annual subscription upgrade version can be said that a group of customers who lose such a change. The increases, however, are small – up to 6 euros per year for individual clients and 30 euros per year for commercial customers, who in their work use WebStorma. 20 euros more to pay the company for the use of AppCode, Cliona, PyCharm and rubymine.

There are also reductions. For individual customers IntelliJ IDEA will be cheaper by 10 euros (for commercial customers price remains unchanged). For companies will be cheaper by 10 euros PHPStorm. Cheaper to individuals will ReSharper – 20 euros less ReSharper Ultimate customers will pay 10 euros less for the basic version, officially ReSharper. For more information about the full price list can be found on pages JetBrains.

Decorated been widely discount programs: small businesses can gain a discount of 50% on all products, users of competitive products 25%. Additionally, these smaller companies that have benefited from the promotional offer, will be able to combine the acquired discount with discount of 40% for the products they are using at the moment. Teachers, students and faculty can apply for complete exemption from licensing costs. The same applies to people making Open Source projects and conducting forums and communities associated with the company’s products.

It is difficult to say whether the offer JetBrains will be attractive to both new and old customers. A multitude of options available makes the customer may in the end pay more, the same or less. However, it still looks better than when migrations performed by Adobe or Microsoft.


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