Saturday, September 19, 2015

Malware spotted in applications from the App Store – PC World

In the App Store on iUrządzenia noticed several dozen
 applications that contain malicious code. How did this happen?
 It turns out that applications compiled with the modified
 version of Xcode.

Xcode is a software application development for iOS.
 Unfortunately, this by the Chinese application developers often
 is taken from the local servers. So it happened in the case
 version of XcodeGhost, where sutured malicious code
 and the while compiling the application was automatically
 included with the software that went App

Experts from Palo Alto Networks found that App Store
 went up 39 different applications from malware , which
 We managed to circumvent the verification process. Among them are such
 applications such as WeChat and Didi Chuxing. Complete list
 infected application (along with the version number) located in
 the source of this information.

wechat.jpg WeChat
 – One of the applications, which appeared in the App Store with

It is very interesting, because the verification process applications in the App
 Store is rather restrictive, yet the malicious code was not
 initially detected, and only time. This results probably also from
 the fact that the employees of the Apple application updates checker
 software already attach less attention than to the new position
 submitted to the App Store.

“See also:
  OS X the most buggy operating system in 2014

Source: paloaltonetworks


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