Saturday, September 19, 2015

Opencandy – annoying sweets – PC World

If in contact with free software has not been shown to
 due vigilance, we can inadvertently install annoying straps
 tools. Often they are standing behind them opencandy – but fortunately you can
 already remedied.

If the browser than this, than from that suddenly she begins
 spicy open site, it loads a new home page or on
 PC suddenly there is a lot of unknown tools, it stands for
 This so-called adware – currently dominated by opencandy.
  This is annoying plug-in procedures
 installation of many popular programs and time freeware’owych
 installed on your computer without asking anyone’s opinion, it gets
 Additional tools
. Its manufacturer, the company SweetLabs,
 boasts that opencandy with more than two billion downloads is
 the absolute number one advertising programs.

Rain of money for developers

No wonder: for many developers it opencandy
 a great way to make money
because producers
 kukułczych software such eggs are paying them a small amount for
 each installation. Naturally, your piece of the pie gets too
 Opencandy: These revenues allows you to create a wide range of
 free programs
– in such a twisted way SweetLabs
 justifies what he does.

The users of PCs, this phenomenon does not cause anything but
 annoyance, because The respective installation or a freeware’u, or
 Update requires them enormous vigilance. SweetLabs
 Although promises that with additional software options always
 You can remove the selection, but it is only half the truth
. In
 Finally, in the company of programmers and in cash only beeps when a
 most users install the tool. Windows with the possibility of
 deselect the installation are usually well hidden on
 example in Custom Setup . Who only
 thoughtlessly clicks on the next , falls into the trap.

Russian Roulette 2.0

The nesting on the PC unnecessary or annoying programs
 hinder the use of the software, interfere
 displayed banners and windows and very slow job
 computer. The repertoire ranges from burdensome toolbars
 browser by tuning the software useless redundant
 security tools
. What exactly do opencandy,
 it depends on the scan system, which fixes installed
 already software and location of the PC.

Some reports indicate that the plug also distributes
 pests, such as spyware, keyloggers and browser hijackers
 (browser hijackers), but Computer World found no evidence for that.
 However, some antivirus programs not accidentally block access
 programs stretching for opencandy.

  For this reason, Computer World, where possible, trying not
 programs opencandy post on the board and KŚ + ao
 Advertising warned of possible additions to the program description.
 Editors can not exclude the possibility that the adware does not penetrate to
 Computer subsequent updates of the application.

How to Eliminate Adware?

What should I do if already installed unwanted opencandy
 software? His removal is generally easy ordinary means
 system: open Panel
and sort the list of installed programs
 by date. We are looking for the unknown new position and click
 remove them from the PC.

Another recommendable alternative, especially for persistent adware,
 Bonus software is AdwCleaner . His
 use is very easy: after starting confirm conditions
 licensing and the main window start the search.
 Soon after AdwCleaner neat displays a list of all
 toolbars, browser hijackers and other unwanted visitors.
 Then we can remove all the intruders.

  Incidentally, the same opencandy we can not detect, because this
 Adware after the installation of the main program deletes itself

“Download AdwCleaner

What to do if … G DATA block opencandy?

G Data Internet Security and opencandy this is not good
 connection. If the freeware includes adware installer package
 security imperative raise the alarm and prevent
 Access to the installation procedure.


If you absolutely need the program, the only
 solution is to temporarily disable G Data Internet Security. Yes
 we do: at the bottom right in the system tray
 right-click on the icon G Data. Then click
 on Turn Guardian
 and OK .
 In most cases, five minutes should be enough.


Now start the installation. During the installation of observance
 guidelines (see below), so that our computer does not
 Settling unwanted software.

opencandy on a diet

Of course it is better when annoying software at all
 not penetrate into our computer. Therefore, installing
 freeware or updates, well be careful and let’s remove selection with
 the corresponding fields.

1.jpg Typical opencandy: during installation freeware’u
 unwanted program can be deselected only when you
 Custom installation options open and manually remove the default

Sometimes installers, however, are built so evilly that even
 professionals have a problem with blocking unwanted
 software. Security will allow us to keep following
 tips. However, so as not to waste time, we should advance
 check whether opencandy at all appear in the installer. Including
 To run the installation. If the License Terms
 find information about opencandy, us break it and execute
 these tips:

  • Shut-off
     Internet Connection
    : If during installation
     we stop a gratis software Internet connectivity,
     Opencandy will not be able to download and install any additional
     programs. But this is not always successful, because sometimes the main
     the setup program on the Internet that download more files

  • Command
     Command line
    : open the folder Downloads , press and
     hold down the Shift , and then click
     Right-click on the installation file and select the menu
      Copy as Path .
     Press Start + R , and
     enter cmd . Press Enter in the dialog
     right-click on the free space and Paste . Press the spacebar
     enter / NOCANDY , and press
    Enter . Now Windows with all
     Certainly install only the main program.


Adware such as opencandy is annoying, but usually not
 It poses a serious threat. But in the long run by
 permanent pushing unwanted extras Bonus programs
 lose its charm.

“You can also read:
 The latest version of G Data Internet Security – Virus Protection for
 year for free

Photo .: Alexmillos /,


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