Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Check software 3.0 for the PlayStation 4 – Spider’s Web

Software numbered 3.0, codenamed “Kenshin” (greet fans of Mortal Kombat), appeared in the form of an update to the PlayStation Network servers. Editors Spider’s Web checked the new capabilities of the system for a month, participating in the closed beta. These showed that Sony is going in the right direction, but to the ideal, but a little lacking.

Our main screen of the system knocks przypuszać that “Kenshin” is much more than just pack fixes for stability . The update introduces a mass of additional features. Some of them work brilliantly, while others are only the seeds of great, practical ideas.

[ + ] “Wall of Facebook” finally took on the meaning of

Area “what’s new” in the main menu, the console has so far been a dead man. On the wall of information appeared in the activity of our friends – earned trophies, new game play or saved screenshots and videos of gameplay. Great stuff, if not for the fact that this content in any way we could relate to. Not counting the simple “I like it”, we had no chance of entering into any interaction with friends. Until now.

 PlayStation 4 Update 3.0

Along with the update 3.0 finally we can write comments! In the end, I ask questions, as a colleague managed to win platinum in Uncharted or defeat the boss in Destiny. Finally I got the opportunity to show off acquired equipment, one of the turn, my comrade in arms can find out where you can find so absolutely wonderful weapons and armor. Players gathered around the PlayStation 4 have a chance to engage in debate and discussion. Finally. Without this, no decent society does not have the right to grow.

[~] community is a new form of grouping players according to their interests

The “Community” is a completely new form of association holders PS4 on based on their own interests, favorite games or views. Community can set up each choosing its thematic scope, a form of attachment, description, photo and so on. It’s like a group on Facebook, open to people from the outside and accessible only to their closest friends.

Your community can unite fans of Grand Theft Auto, people looking for a team to Destiny, the residents of Katowice, fans of the singer and so on . Without any problem you will also find a community Spider’s Web. In contrast, when they begin to form part of a larger group, you get the ability to create comments and upload photos and videos.

 PlayStation 4 Update 3.0

Unfortunately, the performance of “community “it is far from a model. Playstation 4 allows for basic functionality. Pasting links or reply to specific comments of individual users is a huge handicap that idea. Can be connected to a group comprising fans of Diablo III no longer seems so attractive when we do not have the ability to send yourself links to interesting news or movie tutorials dedicated to your favorite game.

[ - ] Calendar and events are wasted potential

After the update 3.0 in the main menu there is a new icon of the calendar. After its development, we can see a list of important events that can be organized by Sony Computer Entertainment as well as individual publishers. During the beta test, for example, it was a weekend of double experience in networking and shooting tournament in a racing game Driveclub.

Great stuff. Thanks to the new calendar and the combined events of the system can keep up to date with everything that is happening around us held by production. Nothing escapes our attention. Unfortunately, the same calendar does not allow you to create your own events and marking their relevant only for my dates.

 PlayStation 4 Update 3.0

 PlayStation 4 Update 3.0

Imagine that – together with friends you have an appointment for a raid in Destiny. Designation of a specific date and time, you add the event to your calendar. A few minutes before the start of the battle, each participant receives written notification coming to the console and PlayStation mobile application. That would just be! Lovers of cooperation, team projects would be in heaven. Unfortunately, at the moment, see “Events” is more advertising tube for each video game publishers.

[ ] better, nicer, clearer chatting

rebuilding and improvement has chat screen. This is not only more readable, but has also been expanded with several additional features. For most prominent of them need to be considered sticker. These work exactly the same as on Facebook. Instead of entering text, you can choose from dozens of graphics, symbolizing the mood states, commands, commands, and so on. What great find them heroes PlayStation games.

After you install the update 3.0, you can also call individual chat as a group, for example, “colleagues from Katowice” or “team on Killzone”. To make things even better, the names we choose graphics, thanks to the group chat will stand out against other conversations via the PlayStation 4. Cosmetics, but well executed and useful.

 PlayStation 4 Update 3.0

[ ] Short videos on Twitter, streaming on YouTube, the new format of screenshots

My favorite new feature is the ability to share up to 10-second recording of your gameplay on Twitter. Chirping medium relies on speed and short form content, so this kind of videos, with the best goals or najefektowniejszymi headshots, perfectly fit into the philosophy of the site. I love to share thoughts about games on Twitter and I am glad that now I can support them movie content.

If you prefer a longer video, preferably in the form LIVE sure you’ll be pleased to integrate the PlayStation 4 from YouTube Gaming. This is the third after Twitchu and the Ustream platform supported by a PS4 through which you can stream in real time their own game. Of course, there is nothing to prevent a streaming expand on the scene with its own attic in one of the corners of the screen, if you have a new PlayStation.

Small but very interesting possibility is to also take screenshots in PNG format. So far, using the share przechwytywaliśmy only shot in the JPEG standard. People strongly familiar with digital graphics will appreciate this new option, even though he probably stick to the current format.

[~] The new, practical section for subscribers to PlayStation Plus

It is no secret, that Sony depends on the fact that the largest possible group of holders of the PS4 has paid a monthly subscription. For this reason, the creators of renovation 3.0 decided that the persons making monthly protection money required for online play, they should get an entirely new, separate section.

From this level we can finally preview all free games we have gained in exchange for regular payment of subscriptions. It is from this place we have access to all promotions prepared for holders of PS Plus, and also we can vote for one of the games that you want to appear in the subscriber with the advent of next month.

Unfortunately, the beta version still I could not manage your own subscription. Although there was suggestive of the function button, selecting it led to an error occurs. I hope that in the final version coped with this problem. Simple, fast and intuitive access to information, when my subscription ends, will definitely come in handy.


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