Monday, September 28, 2015

Volkswagen scandal: software also left in the Audi, continues … – Polish Radio

                             Head of Volkswagen, Martin Winterkorn resigned Wednesday from his post in connection with the scandal concerning the falsification of the corporation measurements of harmful substances in exhaust gases. Meanwhile, the Spanish daily “El Pais” reported on Thursday that the scandal also applies to cars SEAT and the German “Auto Bild” reports that fraud occurred also in the BMW. The manufacturer, however, denies the reports in.

Winterkorn was Wednesday, the day being questioned by five executive committee of the company, and according to the media the same day met on the supervisory board.

The head of Volkswagen resigned from the post:

Source: RUPTLY / x-news

Expert: in Poland goes 100 thousand. German cars with “lewymi” exhaust measurements

In Poland, runs about 100 thousand. VW cars with engine type EA 189. It is in this engine found in the USA software that allowed falsify emissions tests. Certainly the scandal will affect also the Polish – said the expert Samar Dariusz Balcerzyk.

– our data shows that in Poland goes 100 thousand. VW cars with engine type EA 189. Some 47 percent. logo Volkswagen 27 percent. Skoda, and 23 per cent. Audi. Other cars are SEAT – said the expert. Automotive automotive market research institute Samar.

The scandal concerns the new cars bought in showrooms

He added, most of them are new cars bought in showrooms in Poland. – The scandal is mentioned about 11 million vehicles worldwide, of which 500 thousand. It refers to the United States. Thus, in the case of the remaining 10.5 million should be talking about cars around the world. Certainly scandal also applies to Polish – he stressed.

Stanislaw Sewastianowicz – editor-in-chief of “Auto World” about the scandal around the VW with:

Source: TVN24 Business and World / x news

“Lipno” software in a 2-liter diesel engines At Volkswagen

published on Wednesday, Samar analysis shows that in terms of very popular in Polish 2-liter diesel engine. Most likely, this software has been used in all these engines meet the EURO 5 standard, which is produced in the years 2009-2014.

Experts Samar also indicate that you should suspect that corrective action will be carried out for all vehicles from the EA 189 engine.

Germany: Volkswagen manipulated as vehicles in Europe

The German Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt confirmed on Thursday that the scandal of manipulation by Volkswagen measuring emissions of cars with Diesel engines also applies to vehicles of the company in Europe.

This information was given by the committee of inquiry, which was set up in connection with the scandal. He emphasized that Volkswagen acknowledged that the handling was also used in cars sold in the European markets.

Dobrindt said he did not know yet how many of the 11 million vehicles that use software to enable manipulation is registered in Europe. He stressed that the explanation for this issue works closely with Volkswagen. He added that in terms of cars with Diesel engines with 1,600 and 2,000 cc.

The Minister said that by sample testing will be included as cars from other manufacturers.

By Dobrindta “in the coming months” agreed to be the new European test exhaust conducted road conditions, not the laboratory.

“Auto Bild”: one of BMW exceeds the standards for exhaust

German car magazine “Auto Bild” claims that not only cars of Volkswagen, but also one of BMW exceeds emission standards. The manufacturer denies.

Information on this subject, with reference to the International Council. Clean Transportation (ICCT), appeared Thursday on the journal’s website. The wider the material is included in the latest printed edition, which will be available from Friday.

According to information obtained by “Auto Bild” car of the diesel BMW X3 xDrive 20d than the European standard nitrogen oxide emissions more than eleven times.

The BMW is immediately denied the report. It was stressed that the BMW “no difference” in the treatment of exhaust gases at the test bench and on the road, and that the company is in each country complies with legal standards. Attention, in this connection, that the material “Auto Bild” not given any specific information on the test. Announced contact on this issue with the ICCT.

Another German car manufacturer – Daimler – assured on Sunday that did not allow manipulation of measuring emissions. A spokesman for the company stressed that it does not apply to the software, which was used for this purpose Volkswagen.

“Scandal VW also applies to over 500 thousand. Cars Seat”

The Spanish automaker Seat, owned by Volkswagen, has equipped more than 500 thousand. Vehicle engine software that allowed falsify test emissions – wrote on Thursday, the Madrid daily “El Pais”.

Citing sources in the company, the newspaper reported that “the Spanish subsidiary of the German consortium since 2009 installed a more than half a million of these engines in their cars. “

When asked by a spokesman for SEAT confirmed the AFP that the cars of the company are equipped with these engines, but not confirmed, by which the number of terms.

“El Pais” writes that Seat has sold more than 378.5 thousand. cars last year and nearly 2 million in the past six years.

Also in Spain the initiative of the Ministry of Industry was established Committee. Volkswagen. Its task will be to estimate the losses caused in this country by the scandal petrol engine. Resort wants to know how many vehicles with counterfeit software Volkswagen on atmospheric emissions of harmful substances, sold in the Spanish car showrooms. Also check whether the software and engines were mounted Seats went straight in.

For an explanation of these suppositions Industry Minister Jose Manuel Soria turned to the authorities concern. Ministry sent an official letter, Soria also spoke by phone with Vice President of Volkswagen, Francisco Garcia Sanz.

The Minister has requested an extraordinary meeting of the heads of the Ministry of Industry EU member states with Elizabeth Bieńkowska – European Commissioner. Internal Market and Services. He says that the scandal combustion affects all European Union countries.

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The scandal around the Volkswagen poured out on the world. Change the automotive market?

European Commission is asking EU countries about the investigation ws. Manipulations measurements emissions

The European Commission calls on EU countries to carry out in its investigations aimed to determine the scale of manipulating measurements of emissions of cars. This is a consequence of the scandal around the practices of Volkswagen, who admitted to such manipulations.

– We encourage all EU member states to conduct investigations at national level. We must have a full picture of whether and how many vehicles in the EU were equipped with improper equipment which are prohibited by EU – said a spokeswoman for the European Commission’s. Internal Market and industry Lucia Caudete.

In the coming days the European Commission wants to discuss the matter the national institutions responsible for the certification. – It is important that those institutions have provided us with information about the results of these investigations, we can get to the heart of the matter – she added.

Polish ministry will not control cars

Meanwhile, the Polish Ministry on Tuesday announced that as long as they do not deal with the matter. Representatives of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development refer to the Interior Ministry. The Interior Ministry officials explained that deal with security all over the country. Therefore, the subordinate services, such as police, will not deal with searching cars, which the Polish roads should not ride.

On the question of who then should address this issue, a spokeswoman for the ministry Malgorzata Wozniak replied that this same manufacturer should call the owners of cars and see what the software. The company has already declared that it will pay for the necessary repairs, which will eliminate fraud in measuring emissions.

PiS affair Volkswagen: Polish authorities are doing nothing ws. Cars przekroczonymi standards

Ministry of the Environment and the OCCP not carry out statutory tasks on counterfeiting measuring the gases in cars produced by Volkswagen – said on Thursday PiS Paul Szałamacha, appealing to the company and Polish authorities with a full explanation of the matter. Ministry of the Environment is responsible – it is not our business, but the Ministry of Infrastructure .

“We urge both the authorities of Volkswagen, and the Polish authorities UOKiK, the Ministry of Environment to explain fully this case. (…) The company Volkswagen AG to provide full information about what happened, how was the process of decision-making and who decided to install this software, presentation of the compensation package for holders of these vehicles, consisting of at least the removal of defects, and perhaps replacing the car and the substitution of a car without flaws, “- he stressed Szałamacha at a press conference on Thursday.

He said the case might involve 11 million cars, of which approx. 100 thous. were sold in Poland.

“It’s about real Polish interests,” – stressed the MP. He explained that it was a driver and cities, which are located in the Volkswagen factory in Poland (Poznan and built in September), employees, contractors and residents.

According to the deputy PiS is incomprehensible multi-day silence on the part of Polish authorities – Ministry of Environment and UOKiK, which in his opinion do not perform their statutory activities. “We call on these institutions to perform their statutory tasks,” – said the politician.

In his opinion, Polish interests may be threatened, violated Polish law concerning. Cleaner emissions, “therefore the Minister of the Environment should take action explaining “. “The interests of Polish consumers also could suffer some prejudice” – says Szałamacha.

The Law and Justice deputy stressed that the head of UOKiK should start an investigation and summon a Polish company to provide full information, what goods actually sold to Polish consumers and find their way remedy the situation.

Ministry of the Environment is responsible – it is not our business, but the Ministry of Infrastructure

Ministry of the Environment asked by PAP allegations Szałamacha wrote in response that “the above issues (re. the technical parameters of vehicles) is in the competence of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development and Road Transport Inspection”.

“In contrast, in this case the Ministry of Environment, together with the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection are in constant contact with the Ministry of Economy that occurred to Volkswagen for clarification of this issue” – in response to the ministry.
Special software measurement manipulated

The scandal erupted when the US The country’s Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) accused Volkswagen that used special software to manipulate measuring the content of harmful substances in exhaust gases.

questioned by the EPA allowed the activation of the software system to limit emissions only during the official test measurements. This would mean that in normal vehicles Volkswagen engines Diesel have better performance, but pollute the air far more than allow the provisions in the US.

Martin Winterkorn, CEO of Volkswagen

Source: ENEX / x-news

Volkswagen notify the public prosecutor about a possible crime

The Presidium of the Supervisory Board of Volkswagen announced on Wednesday it will notify the prosecutor’s office in Braunschweig about the possibility of committing a crime in connection with the disclosed manipulation of measuring emissions of cars that group.

According to the bureau, “came irregularities” to which they would apply the provisions of criminal law. It was emphasized that Volkswagen will all available means to support investigations carried out by the prosecution.

German prosecutors examine whether to initiate an investigation

Earlier, the prosecutor’s office in Braunschweig said on Wednesday. that checks whether to initiate investigation over. manipulations on the flue gas measurement, which allowed a Volkswagen in cars with diesel engines in the United States.

In a statement the prosecutor’s office stated that the procedure is at the stage of collecting evidence and analysis of some complaints brought against the manufacturer. It was added that investigators want to identify those responsible for these practices.

Meanwhile, a spokeswoman for the German government stressed on Wednesday that despite the confusion around VW’s automotive industry will remain “an important pillar” of the national economy.

– It’s very innovative and successful branch of industry for Germany, which generates a lot of jobs. (…) This is an important pillar of the German economy and we see no reason to doubt the automotive industry, which will run unchanged and maintain its competitiveness – stressed the spokeswoman.

Also on Wednesday, the Czech Republic announced that due with reports of German company practices can be introduced in the country for a certain VW. Along with the company, the Czech authorities have created a list of cars that will be invited for research.

“Scandal at Volkswagen are questions about business ethics”

This blow the company’s image, but also questions about business ethics. Yes scandal at Volkswagen says Bochniarz. The head of the Confederation of Leviathan – with experience in restructuring businesses – believes that the reputation of Volkswagen is seriously compromised. But – in her opinion – it will not cause the collapse of a group that will be looking for ways to make the scandal did not squander the entire acquis, even though there are known examples of companies with decades-long tradition, which fell in similar circumstances.

Henry Bochniarz sees an analogy between the crisis after the scam VW and a big crisis in the financial sector, where some banks unfairly advantage of the fact that financial instruments are incomprehensible to most customers. In its assessment that raises specific questions about honesty and ethics in business.

As the expert, shocked by the fact that a large corporation uses similar methods. In addition, it is a German corporation, which is associated with reliability, compliance with the law.

– may open a conversation about this, where is the boundary between the desire by all means to make money and responsibility. I think that in today’s world, we have a problem of responsibility in many dimensions – said the head of the Confederation of Leviathan.

According to Henryka Bochniarz – beyond an admission of guilt and pardon clients for fraud in the software zaniżającym results of emissions in diesels – Volkswagen may take action to prevent further damages. First of all, it should be a thorough explanation case, to take personnel decisions and compensation for damage.

“The affair quickly is over”

According to sociologist Radoslaw Markowski company Volkswagen will lose a lot as a result of the scandal. According to Professor Markowski now it is difficult to assess the extent of the damage of image – but they are distinct. He noted – should expect long-lasting problems that will include the manufacturer’s cars and sister companies. According to sociologist – already severely damaged the prestige of the company and is expected resignation of the CIO in the company – ie the management of the department of intelligent technology.

According to Professor Markowski scandal affects not only Volkswagen, but also the image of Germany as a country famous for its robustness . – There also will begin to appear thread, where she was the European Union and where was the German Government – and this too will suffer the prestige of Germany – he said.

The sociologist believes that will suffer as the European Union – because the United States that discovered the affair will be able to remind the Europeans failure to comply with environmental standards. And before that the US met with criticism because of this, for example by shale gas extraction – says sociologist.

IAR / PAP, bless, jk


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