Thursday, September 10, 2015

Delivery of IT infrastructure: software licenses – Puls Biznesu

placing an advertisement: required.

The notice involves:

V public contracts
a framework agreement
a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)


I. 1) NAME AND ADDRESS: University of Silesia in Katowice Department of the competitive tendering, ul. Bankowa 12, 40-007 Katowice province. Silesian region, tel. 32 3592048, fax 32 3592048.

  • The website address of the contracting authority:

I. 2) ordering the Kind: public university.



II.1.1) Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Delivery of IT infrastructure: software license.

II.1.2) Type of contract: delivery.

II.1.4) determining the object and the size or scope of the order: 1) The contract is for the supply of infrastructure for the project Paad:
 software license.
 2) offered the software should come from a legitimate source, and the right to transfer to the Purchaser permission to use the software, it may not infringe the rights of third parties.
 3) The contract scope includes: the supply of specialized software installation version, along with granting a license (1 pc.) And providing technical support and updates.
 The service technical support and updates should be provided for at least 12 months from the date of delivery and include at least the following:
 a) access to software updates (access to new editing software releases supporting amendments programming) with a license without additional license fees.
 b) access to the knowledge base guides the configuration and diagnostic tools.
 c) the technical care in terms of problems and the ability to report bugs, provided by telephone and e-mail.
 4) A detailed description of the order constitutes Appendix 2 hereto.


is expected to provide supplementary contracts
  • Identification of the subject and the size or scope of supplementary contracts

II.1.6) Common procurement vocabulary (CPV): 1.

II.1.7) whether submitting a partial offer: .

II.1.8) whether submitting a variant offer: .



III.1) bid bond

Information on security: 1. The offer shall be secured by a deposit in the amount of PLN 400.00 (say: four zlotys 00/100)
 2. The bid bond can be carried in one or several of the following forms:
 1) in cash, on account Employer:
 ING Bank Slaski SA / Katowice,
 account number: 29 1050 1214 1000 0022 0331 4816 or
 2) in bank guarantees or guarantees of the cooperative savings and credit, guaranteeing the savings – the credit is always a monetary guarantee or
 3) in bank guarantees or
 4) insurance guarantees or
 5) in guarantees granted by the entities referred to in Art. Paragraph 6b. 5 pt 2) of the Act
 of 9 November 2000. establishing the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (Dz. U. of 2007. No. 42, pos. 275, as amended. d.).
 3. The date of transfer bid bond shall be the date when the bank account Employer -Wadium should result in the bank account of the Purchaser to the deadline for the submission of tenders.
 4. Requirements for securities to be lodged in the form of guarantees and sureties:
 1) beyond reasonable doubt, the liability guarantor to pay the beneficiary / creditor (the Employer) receivables, if:
 a) the principal / debtor (Contractor) in response to the call, referred to in Art. 26 paragraph. 3 of the Act – Public Procurement Law, for reasons attributable to his side, did not submit documents or statements, referred to in Art. 25 paragraph. 1 of the Act – Public Procurement Law, powers of attorney, a list of entities belonging to the same group, referred to in Art. 24 paragraph. 2 point 5, or information that does not belong to the group, or did not consent to correct errors, referred to in Art. 87. 2 item 3, resulting in the inability to select the bid submitted by the contractor as the most advantageous;
 b) offer the customer / debtor (Contractor) has been selected, and the principal / debtor (Contractor) refused to sign the agreement on public procurement on conditions specified in the offer;
 c) the debtor (the Contractor) did not carry the required performance bond;
 d) entering into a public procurement contract became impossible for reasons attributable to the principal / debtor (the Contractor).
 2) the obligation of the guarantor / surety shall be irrevocable, unconditional and payable on first demand of the beneficiary / creditor (the Employer)
 3) the guarantee / surety shall meet the requirements set out in the relevant legislation. These conditions must result from guarantees or warranties.
 5. The tender deposit, no matter how its submission, it must cover the entire period of the tender referred to in Chapter V, paragraph. 1 Terms of Reference.
 6. In the cases referred to in Chapter V, paragraph. 3 Specification, the Contractor shall be obliged to extend the period of validity of the deposit or, if this is not possible, to bring new deposit for the extended period of the offer. The Contractor shall extend the period of validity of the deposit itself or at the request of the Purchaser in accordance with art. 85 paragraph. 2 of the Act – Public Procurement Law, or to call the Employer, in accordance with art. 184 of the Act – Public Procurement Law (during the proceedings on appeal).
 7. In the case of tender bond in cash to the account of the Employer, it is recommended that the Contractor has joined to offer a copy of the proof of payment.
 8. In the case of contributing the bid bond in the form of non-cash original bid bond contributed in a form other than money must be submitted with the offer in place of tender in a separate envelope while a copy of this document, certified as a true copy by the Contractor, should be attached to the offer.
 9. The envelope with the bid bond contributed in kind should be described as follows: Name and address of the Contractor tender – DZP.381.121.2015.DW Delivery of IT infrastructure: software licenses, bid bond in kind.
 10. The Purchaser shall refund the deposit Contractors in accordance with the provisions of Art. 46 paragraph. 1 – 4 of the Act – Public Procurement Law.
 11. The Employer seizing the bid bond with interest, if Contractor:
 1) in response to the call, referred to in Art. 26 paragraph. 3, for reasons attributable to his side, did not submit documents or statements, referred to in Art. 25 paragraph. 1, powers of attorney, a list of entities belonging to the same group, referred to in Art. 24 paragraph. 2 point 5, or information that does not belong to the group, or did not consent to correct errors, referred to in Art. 87. 2 item 3, resulting in the inability to select the bid submitted by the contractor as the most advantageous.
 2) whose offer was chosen:
 a) refused to sign the agreement on public procurement under the conditions laid
 on offer;
 b) has not brought the required performance bond;
 c) entering into a public procurement contract became impossible for reasons attributable to the Contractor.

III.2) down payments


  • III. 3.1) Entitlements to perform specific activities or actions, if the law imposes an obligation to have

    Description of how to assess compliance with this condition

    • Employer does not concretized the above condition by providing a description of the assessment of its fulfillment. The Contracting Authority will evaluate whether the Contractor is fulfilling the above condition based on the statement of the conditions for participation in proceedings, referred to in section IV, paragraph. 1 item 1 of the Terms of Reference

  • III.3.2) Knowledge and experience

    Description of how to assess compliance with this condition

    • Employer does not concretized the above condition through create a description of the assessment of its fulfillment. The Contracting Authority will evaluate whether the Contractor is fulfilling the above condition based on the statement of the conditions for participation in proceedings, referred to in section IV, paragraph. 1 item 1 of the Terms of Reference

  • III.3.3) technical Potential

    Description of how to assess compliance with this condition

    • Employer does not concretized the above condition by creating description of the assessment of its fulfillment. The Contracting Authority will evaluate whether the Contractor is fulfilling the above condition based on the statement of the conditions for participation in proceedings, referred to in section IV, paragraph. 1 point 1 of the tender documents.

  • III.3.4) persons capable of performing the contract

    Description of how to assess compliance with this condition

    • Employer does not concrete the above condition by creating a description of the assessment of its fulfillment. The Contracting Authority will evaluate whether the Contractor is fulfilling the above condition based on the statement of the conditions for participation in proceedings, referred to in section IV, paragraph. 1 point 1 of the tender documents.

  • III.3.5) Economic and financial

    Description of how to assess compliance with this condition

    • The Purchaser is not concrete above condition by creating a description of the assessment of its fulfillment. The Contracting Authority will evaluate whether the Contractor is fulfilling the above condition based on the statement of the conditions for participation in proceedings, referred to in section IV, paragraph. 1 point 1 of the tender documents.


III.4.1) in demonstrating compliance with the conditions referred to in Art. 22 paragraph. 1, apart from declaring about fulfilling conditions for participation must be submitted:

III.4.2) in confirming the non-liability pursuant to Art. 24 paragraph. 1 act, one should submit:

  • a statement that no grounds for exclusion;
  • current copy of the register or from the central records and information about the business, if separate provisions require registration or records in order to demonstrate the absence of grounds for exclusion under Art. 24 paragraph. 1 point 2 of the Act, issued not earlier than 6 months before the deadline for submitting requests to participate in the proceedings or the award of tenders;
  • contractor quoting at showing fulfilling conditions for participation in the proceedings on the resources of other entities , which will participate in the implementation of the contract, it shall also documents concerning this subject in the scope required for the contractor referred to in Section III.4.2.

III.4.3) Documents foreign entities

If the contractor has his habitual residence outside Polish territory, submits:

III.4.3.1) in the country in which he has his habitual residence attesting that:

  • no liquidation or bankruptcy – issued not earlier than 6 months before the deadline for submitting requests to participate in the tender procedure contract or tender;

III.4.4) Documents relating belonging to the same group

  • list of entities belonging to the same group company within the meaning of the Act of 16 February 2007. on competition and consumer protection or information that does not belong to the group;

 III.5) Information about Documents confirming that offered supplies, services or construction works meet determined Requirements

In confirming that offered works, supplies or services meet specific requirements one should submit:

  • other documents

    Technical description of the software offered meets the requirements of the Employer, as defined in the specification
     – It shall be sufficient to submit a correctly completed technical description of the software offered in accordance with Annex describing the object of the contract (Annex 2 to the ToR)
     The Contracting Authority, described the object of the contract in an objective manner with respect for the principles laid down by law including the rules obstruct fair competition. Pointing out in Annex 2 to the TOR software functionality required parameters, defined minimum requirements / solutions relating to software. However, in order to permit the Purchaser to clearly assess what software is offered, the Contractor shall provide the parameters in the tender offer functionality, features and software solutions offered clearly defined. Form document: original or a copy certified as a true copy by the Contractor.


Other documents specified in point III.4) or in point III.5)

The power of attorney – required if an offer is made in the proceedings on behalf of the Contractor’s representative. If the person submitting on behalf of the Contractor’s offer, not a person authorized to represent the Contractor and bid in the proceedings on the basis of the current extract from the relevant register (eg. Kept by the court in the commercial register, register of cooperatives or register of state enterprises or extract from the central register and information about business), together with the tender should be submitted to an appropriate authorization for that person / crib issued by the person / s authorized / to represent the Contractor.
 Contractors jointly applying for the order must attach to the offer a power of attorney to represent them in the contract award procedure or representing in proceedings and conclude the contract. Form document: original or a copy certified by a notary.



IV.1.1) Award Mode: Open.


IV.2.1) Award criteria: price and other criteria linked to the subject:

  • 1 – Price – 99.5
  • 2 – Payment term – 0.5


auction will be conducted electronic page address, which will be conducted:

IV.3) amendment to the agreement

provides substantial changes of provisions of the agreement in relation to the content of the offer, under which the selection of the contractor:

Acceptable changes of clauses of a contract and determining conditions for changes

1. Changing the content of the agreement can be made only within the limits of normalization of art.144 section 1 of the Act of 29 January 2004. Public Procurement Law to be valid must be made in a written addendum effective upon signing by both Parties.
 2. The Purchaser may agree to make any significant changes to the provisions of the agreement in relation to the content of the offer, based on which the selection of the Contractor only if:
 1) change the date of the contract, in a situation justified when there is no possibility of Confidentiality original deadline due to reasons not attributable to the Contractor, for example. Force majeure; The Contractor shall submit in writing the circumstances that prevent adherence to the deadline resulting from the offer.
 2) the need to postpone the date of the contract, when no possibility Confidentiality original deadline due to circumstances attributable to the Employer, eg. In the case of prolonged repair work – construction of individual buildings Employer,
 3) any change in the order of self-realization by the Contractor for the execution involving subcontractors or change the scope of the contract entrusted to subcontractors,
 4) changes in prices in case the change will be beneficial for the Purchaser, ie. The price lower, at the written request of either Party,
 5) statutory changes in tax rates (VAT) during the contract period. Employer does not allow the possibility of increasing the amount referred to in § 4. 1 of the model contract,
 6) changes in generally applicable law or agreement for financing in terms of affecting the implementation of the agreement.


IV .4.1) Address of a website, on which accessible terms of reference are:
Specification the tender can be obtained at: Procurement Department, University of Silesia,
 Katowice, 40-007 Katowice, ul. Banking 12 def. 69, III p ..

IV.4.4) Time-limit for receipt of requests to participate or tenders: 09.18.2015 10:30, place: Procurement Coordination Unit of the University Silesian
 Katowice, 40-007 Katowice, ul. Banking 12 def. 69, III p ..

IV.4.5) Date of offer: period on days: 30 (the deadline for submission of tenders).

IV.4.16) Additional information, including the financing of the project / program from European Union funds: 1. Employer provides the Contractor exclusion in the circumstances referred to in Art. 24 paragraph. 1 point 2a of the PPA (the premise exclusion of the Contractor is described in detail in Annex 1C to the ToR).
 2. Subject of the contract is co-financed by the Project: Platform for Analysis and Data Archiving (Paad), implemented under the Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007- 2013 Priority 2. R & D, Measure 2.3 Investments related to infrastructure development of science, Poddziałanie2.3.1. Projects in the development of science information resources in digital form, Sub-measure 2.3.3 Projects in the development of advanced ICT applications and services. No POIG.02.03.00-24-109 / 13 ..

IV.4.17) Will there be any cancellation of the contract award procedure, in case no funds from the budget of the European Union and non-returnable of aid granted by Member States of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) which were supposed to be intended to financing all or part of the order:


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