Monday, September 28, 2015

What is the most dangerous malware? – PC World

The possibility of infection malware’em should be taken into account
 by any computer user. Underestimation of risk and
 assume that the computer average Joe has no value
 for cybercriminals – the largest of the two errors. The second mistake
 is the assumption that you never surfing the web on sites
 dangerous. G DATA studies have shown that the site dedicated to the
 IT-themed constitute the largest proportion (almost 20 percent) sources
 threats. Similarly dangerous are those related to business and
 trade and health. Widely considered dangerous
 pornographic and gambling sites are much smaller

On the other hand, the lack of information should acknowledge the fact that only
  15 percent of Europeans are aware of what
 is the Internet Items
. And that’s another thing
 cyber criminals to be interested.


What threats are now a key

The increasing awareness of threats and weight that users
 attach to the system software update, made
 that attacks using so-called exploits (holes in the system) does not
 They are now so big threat. Cybercriminals switched
 for activities that rely on the distribution of harmful
 software, placing it on the victims’ computers.
One of the most popular channels spread
 malware pests are very popular now devices
, in particular, portable memory, and shared
 network resources to which access has more than one
 the computer.


The actions taken by the malware focus
 on spying devices victims and stealing sensitive data,
 which then are used to steal such money.
 Cybercriminals often try to carry out attacks in the
 as to expose attacked losses, but such that the
 not notice right away.

The Trojans and applications getters pests and adware that
 opens loopholes in the system, the most common types of malware.
 Very popular category of threats are banker Trojans. In
 particularly sensitive to exposure devices are mobile in
 which control the installed software is not so
 easy. Pests are more perfect and even the introduction by
 financial institutions, multi-level authentication is not
 provides resistance to attacks.


There is a growing number of applications for those who actively spend their time and
 use of electronic devices that connect to their smart phones.
 They provide essential data for analysis of our health
 and activity, but also much-needed cybercriminals.
  Their analysis allows us to get to know our habits or
 the way in which we spend our free time
. Also, metadata
 (location, type of equipment) attached to pose for photos
 burglar valuable source of information. It can use them e.g.
 to blackmail.

6 dangerous and active today pests

To describe all the risks to which we should pay
 attention, do not have sufficed even a few special editions computer
 The world like it. We have selected some of the most interesting examples
 malware, importantly, these pests are still
 active. Not all pose a direct threat to
 average user. However, even the ones that are geared toward
 institutions, indirectly trying to use as the weak link
 just us.

»Read also: Learn how cybercriminals work.
 You will be surprised!

Duqu 2.0

The first version of the malware Duqu, which was simplified, but
 still very extended version of Stuxnet in 2010, focused
 on attacking large institutions, including critical
 nuclear safety (installations in Iran). Duqu 2.0, which
 appeared in 2014, it is also directed to the attack on the company
 safety committee.


2.0 Duqu hiding in memory, making it difficult to detect, and
 also does not save any data on the drive during operation.

  The creators of this worm have used stolen from Foxconn
 certificate (issued by VeriSign) to authenticate dangerous
 Software and hide generated by the movement. The worm on
 the victim’s computer, which may spread to the entire network, in
 which the computer works, it goes probably using attack
 socio-technical – messages purporting to be from a person known to us. Thanks
 supposedly real certificates being able to put the system
 a controller that supports the communication with the control server
 (C & amp; C).

  The most well known security institution, which has been
 attacked by Duqu 2.0, a Kaspersky Lab.


This is a perfect example of how specialized constant attacks
 on payment terminals. Just hack into the system
 the terminal managing swap files, so that it was possible
 browse the memory and lessons of the information
 loaded payment cards.

  So does Poseidon, which is able to interpret the data from the cards
 payment largest operators – VISA, Master Card, Discover
 and Amex.


Client store, which uses the terminal is unable nothing
 I do, when the terminal is infected Poseidon. Actions
 This preventive action that should perform the shop.
 These include traffic monitoring, at the location at which
 it is directed. Poseidon contacts the servers.


This pest belongs to the category ransomware, or
 Software forcing ransom. His function is to
 encrypting drives on your computer and you receive a message from
 telling you to pay a fee
. It can be
 Even denominated in bitcoinach.

  Cryptolocker activated from time to time, and the most popular
 its dissemination technique is spoofing (phishing).
 The victim is provoked into running malicious
 Software that is placed in a false correspondence
 e-mail address.

  There are more varieties of this software, and some
 pests of similar effect impersonate the Trojan on
 TeslaCrypt example.


ZeuS and ZitMo and similar Trojans

The ZeuS Trojan can be considered as the source of most current threats,
 which lie in wait for users online banks. To fight
 ZeuS-em banking institutions have begun to implement one-time password
 sent to the smartphone (mTAN), which in combination with a password to
 Services accounted for two-level security. The answer
 cyber criminals was to develop a mobile version of ZeuS-and, ZitMo
 (ZeuS in the Mobile). Both Trojans work together to
 at the same time capture a password on the computer and sent to
 one-time smartphone mTAN code.


An interesting technique for spreading the Trojan uses
 Faketoken who would get on smartphone use
 social engineering. Potential victim during an online session
 presented a fake page, which is a link to
 allegedly the necessary application
. It has to ensure safe
 two-stage authorization, and in fact is a spy who
 intercepts sent by the bank mTAN one-time codes.

  On the other hand, the Trojan Dridex, also derived from ZeuS-a,
 enter on the computer uses a specially-crafted
 an attachment to an e-mail with the extension DOC
. In fact, it is
 MHTML file with the script that gets a special code
 a reputable party. This starts the whole sequence of actions that end
 to install malware. To encourage user
 to open the attachment, and then enable the macros in the file, the content
 e-mail suggests that this is an important document.


Trojan without the files, but stored on your computer? In the case of
 Poweliksa possible. When the owner of the attacked
 Computer inadvertently downloads the Trojan file, it installs its code
 Windows registry
. Thanks to this pest is in
 able to survive a reset of the device. Takes control
 key tools, components of the system, which makes
 activating the pest is initiated by the user.


Action Poweliksa in most cases boils down to
 Download large number of advertising banners, which later
 They are automatically clicked. Because this happens on many
 computers in different places in the world, a cybercriminal can
 safely make money on advertisers.

  Theoretically, the owner of the infected computer will not bear losses
 but as it turns out, the activity may also include Poweliksa
 installing other malware.


This technique harm has caused an uproar on the occasion
 detection of adware software components installed on
 Lenovo computers. The name comes from the application Superfish Visual
 Discovery, but the functionality of adware does not end
pests using a technique such as Superfish
 They take control of the data stream that reaches
. It is necessary to enter a code
 page advertising blocks matched to the subject of inquiry. Superfish
 data reaching your computer acts as a browser, and for
 actual browser on your computer as a server, which
 sends a page.


To browser does not objected against such actions
 pest, places it in a system with very bogus certificate
 big powers. Such action is taken theoretically
 only for advertising purposes, and in practice the SSL module Digestor,
 which is the software component Superfish allows the
 eavesdropping secure HTTPS protocol.

  In the case of the Lenovo pest has already been placed on your computer in
 time of sale. However, other malware could exploit this
 technology to spy. Importantly, the said certificate,
 remove it manually. Uninstalling unwanted applications nothing
 It gives you.

This article is excerpted from e-edition special Safe on the Internet
 available on this website

 okladka.jpg » Read also
 The latest version of G Data Internet Security – Virus Protection for
 year for free

Fig. alphaspirit, Kris Christiaens, Lilyana
 Vynogradova Piotr Pawinski /


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