Friday, September 25, 2015

Half of companies have software without a valid license. There will be a penalty … – On 24

The shortcomings license is a big problem of Polish companies. Studies indicate that half the company uses software without a valid license. Its total value in Poland is approx. 2 billion zł per year – estimated at IDC. Additionally, companies must reckon with the threat of financial penalties for failure to license. The problem is that even 1/3 of the software installed on company PCs unnecessary. With the change of management in this regard each of them could cut costs by 30 percent.

– When to large corporate clients audit detects deficiencies arise, they must, first, take out the missing licenses, and the Second, often they have to pay a penalty. This means the need to incur one-time high, previously unplanned spending – explains in an interview with the news agency Newseria Sándor Zsoldos, CEO and founder of IPR-Insights International, a company advising in the management of software and licenses.

IPR-Insights data show that 25 percent. programs in companies comes from an unknown source. As calculated by IDC, in 2013 51 per cent. installed software did not have a valid license. Two years earlier, the figure was 53 percent. IDC estimated the value of this software is more than 1.7 billion zł. The company had already paid 1.5 million zł penalties for deficiencies license.

– It often happens also that companies are buying software licenses, which are de facto they need and does not meet their requirements – emphasizes Zsoldos. – A company with an average of a thousand computers spends millions of euros on licenses for the software. By optimizing the software and license management we can help companies save up to 30 percent. spending for this purpose. We estimate that in Poland this market is worth several million euros and it has a huge potential for growth.

Companies also lose a lack of optimization of purchases – up to 90 percent. of them buy the software after the unfavorable prices.

From the observation of IPR-Insights shows that 30-40 per cent. Software may be subject to the company’s operations.

– It is now quite a large market and if this will have a few percent, it’s of million turnover. The weak point of the market is primarily a lack of awareness. We are at the stage of awareness. Companies are learning that software licenses are a fairly substantial part of the assets of the company – says Pawel Marciniak, Managing Director of IPR-Insights Poland.

Changes in this area the company should start with an inventory of what he has, that is, computers and software installed on them. As pointed out Zsoldos, this is not an easy task, because there are no tools that could assist in verification. Then you need to compare it with the licenses and rights to the software that are redeemed by the company. This is particularly true of companies with hundreds or thousands of PCs. It’s not the size of the company is here but crucial.

– we provide a tool that automates the creation of processes that meet the various needs of the company in the management of licenses. It is directed primarily at companies that have a high degree of computerization, which count information in the form of files and computer data processed by many different software, which is quite a considerable portion of goodwill – says Pawel Marciniak.

Director Polish branch of IPR-Insights emphasizes that Polish companies are becoming more aware about the software and licenses. They realize that not only is it important for data security, but also may be associated with control and heavy fines. Still, only usually they order inventory, which means that they expect to audit or are considering further investments. However, this is only a small portion of the entire process of Software Asset Management.

– This is just like IT security. Even 15-20 years ago everyone just said that it is important, in practice, no one was occupied. The same is now with the management of software licenses. This market will grow very rapidly. I am convinced that the experts working on this in Poland will be able to reduce costs to our customers – says Sándor Zsoldos.

IPR-Insights recently launched Audit Protection Shield program to protect businesses from the consequences of audits. The company opened its representative office in Warsaw. This is the first Hungarian company office in Poland. The current collection consists of a team of experts who will be responsible for advising clients on the Polish market.

– To explain exactly what we do, we often use metaphors: we are a tax consultant in the IT area, and our customers are the taxpayers who exposed are the checks from the IRS and paying penalties. We are there to help them – selects Sándor Zsoldos.

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Attr (‘disabled’, ‘disabled’); $ (‘# Comments-toolbar2 -‘ + id_element + ‘-‘ + id_parent + ‘.form-button-vote’). AddClass (‘form-button-vote-voted’); $ (‘# Comments-toolbar2 -‘ + id_element + ‘-‘ + id_parent + ‘.form-button-vote-yes “). Val (oJsonObject.votes_yes); $ (‘# Comments-toolbar2 -‘ + id_element + ‘-‘ + id_parent + ‘.form-button-vote-no’). Val (oJsonObject.votes_no); }}}}, Error: function () {$ (‘body’). Css (‘cursor’, ‘default’); $ (‘# Comments-toolbar2 -‘ + id_element + ‘-‘ + id_parent + ‘.form-button-vote’). 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Css (‘cursor’, ‘wait’); $ .ajax ({Type: “POST”, url: ‘/F/ajax/comments.php’, date: {‘login-user’: 1, ‘l’: txt1, ‘p’: txt2, ‘url’ : comments_geturl (), ‘curl’: comments_geturl ()}, dataType: ‘json’, success: function (oJsonObject) {$ (‘body’). css (‘cursor’, ‘default’); if (oJsonObject) { if (oJsonObject.error) {$ (‘# newComment-user-err -‘ + id_element + ‘-‘ + id_parent) .html (oJsonObject.error);} else if (oJsonObject.id_user & gt; 0) {$ (‘. newComment-user-box – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .remove (); $ (‘ # newComment-user-id – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .val (oJsonObject.id_user); $ (‘ # newComment-infobar – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .html (‘ ‘); $ (‘ .comment-newComment-form – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent +’ .comment-newComment-thumb img ‘). attr (‘alt’, oJsonObject.username); $ (‘.comment-newComment-form -‘ + id_element + ‘-‘ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img “). attr (‘ title ‘, oJsonObject.username) ; $ (‘# newComment-type-2 -‘ + id_element + ‘-‘ + id_parent) .attr (‘checked’, ‘checked’); if (oJsonObject.userurl) {$ (‘.comment-newComment-form-‘ + id_element + ‘-‘ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). addClass (‘pointer’); $ (‘.comment-NewComment-form -‘ + id_element + ‘-‘ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). Click (function () {location = oJsonObject.userurl;}); } If (oJsonObject.userthumb) {$ (‘.comment-newComment-form -‘ + id_element + ‘-‘ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img “). Attr (‘ src ‘, oJsonObject.userthumb); } Comment_canSendComment (id_element, id_parent); } Else {$ (‘# newComment-user-err -‘ + id_element + ‘-‘ + id_parent) .html (‘An error’); }} Else $ (‘# newComment-user-err -‘ + id_element + ‘-‘ + id_parent) .html (‘An error’); }, Error: function () {$ (‘# newComment-user-err -‘ + id_element + ‘-‘ + id_parent) .html (‘An error’); $ (‘Body’). Css (‘cursor’, ‘default’); }}); } Function comment_textareaAutoHeight (textarea) {/ * if ($ .browser.mozilla) {var tah = $ (textarea) .height (); if (tah – & gt;

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